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YAADT: Action Doom secrets / easter eggs / inside jokes

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There aren't enough Action Doom threads! We need more!


Help: Press F1 in the menus to bring up the help screen, which is a copy of the old anti-drug ads that used to be in arcade games.

Console: The console graphic says "Cyb's: Action Doom" because Cyb did so much crap on the WAD and stuck that in.


Clipboard: "Attack Aggressively" is a reference to Contra 3?

Massmouth billboard: a reference to Cyb's Massmouth WADs, dur

Marquee on movie theater: names Arioch and Hyena, two idiots who do something or other around here

Impse movie poster: this is a reference to a stupid story someone wrote and posted on these forums, and the resulting fallout that consumed everything good and pure.

Metroid movie poster: metroid is a video game series of course

Half Baked 2 movie poster: BBG is a big stoner, half baked is a stoner movie, QED

less than stellar lizard war: lizard war was some dumb weapons mod by a guy of the same name

Scuba Steve billboard: A reference to an infamous Daikatana ad that said "John Romero is going to make you his bitch"

Mario: Behind a fence on the right wall after the fork is a switch, shoot it to be able to open a door in a smashed-up building next to it and jump down a tube into Super Mario Brothers 1-1. At the end, grab the flag for extra points.

Danarchy: There's a Danarchy symbol spraypainted onto the side of one of the buildings. Danarchy is some scottish idiot.

Action Beer: a billboard showing zarkyb, who is some idiot that apparently is always drunk. If you shoot the billboard it lowers and shows an ad for Julian's CD, Julian being a DW guy and the guy who wrote a lot of the Action Doom music.

Informant: pic is based off of Faint, who is some idiot.


Grave by the bridge: Lut "died" a few years back when someone claiming to be a relative posted a thread claiming he was killed in a car crash. His "grave" is by the suspension bridge along with a hidden weapon on the cliffs.

Bloodshedder: his name is spelled on the floor near the boxslug. He occasionally posts news on DW and jerks off to proper English

Impse: In the science labs, one room you can look into has a marine humping an imp, yet more impse

Mancubus: The mancubus in the first science area is "Mancubus #2" after Mancubus ][, the original name of the guy who hosts the Action Doom website

Pritch: pritch is some idiot whose name is spelled on the inside of one of the glass containers in the same science area

Fred: Fredrik's name is written on a child's drawing on a cork board in the Science labs. Fredrik is some sveedish idiot who doomaddict has a crush on.

Tobester: tobester's name is written on one of the lockers (just after boxslug). he's, again, some idiot.

Torn: Torn listed as one of the imp subjects in the lab. Some idiot.

blu3 key: intentional leetspeak for whatever reason

Bumper sticker: A bumper sticker on one of the cars on the Highway says "honk if you <3 ZooM". ZooM is a car-based Doom mod which hasn't been finished for some reason.

Shift logs: Fraggle, Mewse, BBG, Carn, and Job listed on various "shift logs". Various idiots.


Linguica on the menu: It's me!!! Also note the sausages strung along the food counter.

Mt. Meep machine: Some stoner named nxn calls pot "meep" which is dumb, thats why it says "nxn" in the corner as well

Assmaster: Assmaster's name is scrawled on a table, he's some idiot.

Doom Kart: Doom Kart is a project which has never gone anywhere, which is why it's out of order.

Pac-Man, Contra: Arcade games, dur

Snake: Use the Snake machine to teleport into the world, and get a "golden idol" which I guess is a likeness of Scuba Steve for some reason. edit: It's from Venture, an old arcade game and Colecovision Game... you went through crappy mazes killing crappy monsters and grabing treaure

Doom Racer: Made by Linguica after he complained that Doom Kart didn't work. Beat it to get extra points (use forward/back and strafe keys)

BFG: Scuba Steve always wanted to make a weapon that didn't do anything except kill you, so here it is.

Locker near BFG by the laser: Press it to destroy the wall and release some imps.

Locker: _5hfifty's name is on a locker in 03 you can open, he's some idiot.

Laser: The Sign by the laser Says something to the extent of "Experimental Laser for use on Stroggos Mining operation". Stroggos is the alien planet from Quake 2, and there's some big lasers in that game.

Firing range: AndrewB's name is on one of the targets in the firing range. AndrewB is some Canadian dvoraking virgin idiot.

Yellow key switch: there is no yellow key, shoot the switch instead.

List of subjects: Flynn Taggart is the name of the doomguy in the shitty novelizations.

computer screen: show C:\Zarkyb, he's the same drunk from before

Portal: the giant screen in the labs says that the portal was reviewed by deathz0r. deathz0r is known for writing reviews of WADs and hating everything and generally being vitriolic

Hologram: The half transparent "hologram" in the teleportation labs is the teleporter from the Military Installation E1M9

Mancunet: Mancunet Logo is on the giant screen somewhere, mancunet is the name of the site on which action doom is hosted.

Gates of hell: "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" is written on the gates in Latin.

Revenant pants: There's a secret Revenant pants room in a lava falls in Hell. This refers to an old dicussion / flamewar over whether or not the revenant sprite is wearing pants (it's not)

Ice cave: the Ice cave music starts off as a remix of the Ice World song from Super Mario Brothers 3.

Final Map

Cacodemon on the couch: It's Hissy, a stuffed caco doll infamous for being hogged!

Red box: It's Daikatana, John Romero's infamous crappy FPS!

The rabbit: Daisy, the doomguy's pet bunny as referenced in the text after beating Ultimate Doom episode 4

The radio: Use it to hear a little bit of "Doom Radio", a show by SgtCrispy, and some dumb tune.

Calendar: "Smarch" was a month on misprinted calendars on a Simpsons episode.

Poster behind the boxes: furry porn, god knows why. I guess Scuba wanted the doomguy to be a furry. edit: apparently it's ravage's fault.

Superpants poster: hell if I know

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- Lut's grave by the suspension bridge (lolz) along with a hidden weapon on the cliffs
- secret Revenant pants room in a lava falls in Hell
- secret impse locker in the science labs (after the boxslug)

- in the cafeteria area there are various DW refs including the cola machine, sausages, Assmaster is written on a table, the Doom Kart machine being out of order

Final Map
- The radio plays a Doom Radio clip

that's all I remember right now

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map03 - one of the lockers in the room by the faulty BFG can be opened...

map04 - the Smarch calendar might be an obscure simpsons reference. It was from one of the Halloween episodes.

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- Flynn Taggart's janitor closet. Also, his name is mentioned in the list of things sent through the teleporter.
- C:\Zarkyb on some of the consoles.

Maps 1 and 2:
The informants picture in the text box is a likeness of Danarchy (?)

-There's a Danarchy symbol spraypainted onto the side of one of the buildings.
- Likeness of BBG in the "Half-Baked 2" movie poster.
- I think the "President Ronnie" signature on the clipboard is a referrence to an old side-scrolling beat-em-up. Dont remember which though.

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There probably isn't one, since you don't need it. Shoot the switch requiring the key to break it and open the door.


Also, this one may have been too obvious to mention, but the Ice cave music starts off as a remix of the Ice World song from SMB3.

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Linguica said:

Poster behind the boxes: furry porn, god knows why. I guess Scuba wanted the doomguy to be a furry.

Uh, that's my fault.

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- Hyena and Arioch mentioned in the movie theatre marquee.

- Tobester written on one of the lockers (just after boxslug).
- Torn listed as one of the imp subjects in the lab.
- Fraggle, Mewse, BBG, Carn, and Job listed on various "shift logs".

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There's some dirty tentacle hentai pic thing in MAP01 on the wall right near the tank. Blame Haruko for pointing it out.

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- Cyb, Nanami, Sargebaldy, Hobo, and one other person mentioned as being on latrine duty.
- AndrewB's name written on one of the firing range targets.
- 5hfifty on a locker in the laser room.

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On the menu for Friday is "sloppy hobo".

In one of the lockers on Map 3, there's a piece of paper with "IRC Logs" written on it.

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Amaster said:

- I think the "President Ronnie" signature on the clipboard is a referrence to an old side-scrolling beat-em-up. Dont remember which though.

Bad Dudes!!

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Trasher][ said:
There's some dirty tentacle hentai pic thing in MAP01 on the wall right near the tank. Blame Haruko for pointing it out.

Uhhh, that's a person in a dress...

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Yeah, the clipboard map01 thing apparently is indeed a reference to Contra 3. The intro to Contra 3 has a silly moment in it when the guys just say "Let's attack aggressively" anf of course, it's just really unnatural and out of place.

hence -- it found its way into Action.wad.

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Map01/02: The informant tells you that they had just lost contact with the UAC base. Then, on Map02, he says you have to infiltrate the base to find out why they haven't been able to contact them for a week.

Map03: DooMBoy is behind the green glass on the alien ship.

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I thought the informant's face looked more like UltraViolet's...

Hehe...I always thought that Revenants wore pants...and now my dream has come true!

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johnnyrules182 said:

Map01/02: The informant tells you that they had just lost contact with the UAC base. Then, on Map02, he says you have to infiltrate the base to find out why they haven't been able to contact them for a week.

Wait -- how is this an easter egg or inside joke?

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That doesn't really say "easter egg" or "inside joke" to me. Heh.

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Unless I'm mistaken, there was a copy of Daikatana sitting on a table in the first map.

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I'm amazed that no one has mentioned this yet, but in Hell, if you check the dark cave where the huge wave of imps comes out, you'll see a darknation cameo.

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MAP04/MAP05 (both are the same level, the other with big changes): Behind the boxes there is a switch that I suppose that you must shoot it. There is a hallway that drives you into the lair of some secret boss: a Mutated Flynn Taggart. The rest is yours.

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Ichor said:

I'm amazed that no one has mentioned this yet, but in Hell, if you check the dark cave where the huge wave of imps comes out, you'll see a darknation cameo.

Strange, I went in that cave, but found nothing. : /

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