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UA-Corp website (not updated, but an idea)

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I mentioned this a while back in a thread and I'm not sure how much attention it received, but I was looking at the ua-corp.com website out of boredom (exactly, there's nothing there) and the idea came to me again.

The website does nothing and has nothing to offer, it's just an image of what appears to be a screen on a UAC computer, nothing more. Or is it? Or rather, corrected, will it be? In watching the hi-res trailer I downloaded, I couldn't help but notice that the screen that appears before it zooms out into the labs and the narrative voice kicks in resembles that of the image you see on ua-corp.com.

Considering that we have doom3.com and that apparently that is the official website, obviously ua-corp isn't. But what could it be used for? I may have an idea. I believe that the website is not going to be for your regular visiting purposes. I believe that the website will somehow be integrated into the game itself. Further more, I'm betting that with the PDA that you get in Doom 3, that you can access the website, and more than likely there will be some kind of special downloadable content or something you can get only through the PDA, or something on the order of that. Perhaps when connected to the internet you can load it when you're looking at the PDA and it'll give you more hints about about what to do or where to go, or secrets. Perhaps hidden files? You could think of it as "connecting via satellite" from mars in the base.

That's what I think its going to be used for. Does anyone else have any constructive thoughts on the ua-corp site since it doesn't appear to really be anything.

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no, I don't think so. I just think its another website used to promote doom 3. A few movies these days diguise themselves as commercials to promote the movie. For ex. for the movie I, Robot, there is the main movie page, and a whole different webpage: irobotnow.com that pretends like its actually going to release robots for sale.

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I don't think thats the purpose of that site either, but its indeed a cool idea.
Maybe somthing like that could be used checking for/downloading official updates and mods or just readings news about the game. Being acessed from within the games main menu.

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I think it's there so people create threads like this one.

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Seems like a good place to have a flash movie of a distress signal. Just more flare for the game. Good entertainment. In fact I would hope that the ua-corp site "opens up" before the release date with a panicked message for help.


The Bruce

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IRobotNow.com was out before the "I, Robot" movie was even heard of.

...but then I look up "I, Robot" on imdb and they list NS-5 robots as some of the characters, so uh... wow, they really got down to that promotional thing pretty fast. Can anyone find out what time imdb announced "I, Robot" and the time that IRobotNow.com was registered? I'm curious now.

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its a countdown 19 days, 3 hours ...
to the official release of doom3 (see first thread)

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Could be idsoftware's official site which I believe it is. Just like doom3.com is activisions.

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Ultraviolet said:

IRobotNow.com was out before the "I, Robot" movie was even heard of.

...but then I look up "I, Robot" on imdb and they list NS-5 robots as some of the characters, so uh... wow, they really got down to that promotional thing pretty fast. Can anyone find out what time imdb announced "I, Robot" and the time that IRobotNow.com was registered? I'm curious now.

Unless someone's REALLY on the inside, it won't matter since it could've been conception/being made before being announced and the site registered around that time. Personally, I'm sure it was just getting ready for early promotion, seen this done for movies a lot these days.

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Alientank said:

Could be idsoftware's official site which I believe it is. Just like doom3.com is activisions.

That is right. They used the ua-corp.com for slipping some encrypted non-sense words to us. I understood that we had one word to decrypt (Pat!) before Gold release. Maybe (just maybe) they were testing the thing that was mentioned in the spoiler topic. About (damn how annoying to split everything up)....

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Well it's a countdown right now so its not what I thought it might be, but there's still after the countdown...

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