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New movie. Cacodemon inside!

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The Cacodemon was indeed better than the first one (which was always my least favorite monster). But those cherubs . . . yeah, they're gonna scare the shit out of me.

If you've seen the first G4 video, this one is safe to watch as far as spoilers go, it's basically just an expanded version of that one. A lot of footage already seen and definately some new information on how the Doom 3 story is introducted in the beginning of the game.

Worth a watch.


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DD_133 said:

Ok I downloaded it, and now I got like 38 rar's, what do I do?

Extract the 1st .rar and it should extract from all the .rar

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awesome watch :)
Well, there wasn't much new stuff to see but i liked the "flow" of the video starting at wolfenstein3d moving up do doom3.

EDIT: Oh...and the caco looks sooo cool. Can't wait to blow this big ball out of the air :P

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Awesome, with appearances by Dan Morris and Rob Smith of PCGAMER. Fuckin' eh.

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Looks really awesome. The new cacodemon is also not even the least bit disappointing. I cannot wait to play doom3.

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Wow, very nice movie, the caco looks pretty freaky and move's so smoothly. Was it me or does the caco only open its eye when it fires a fireball?

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How big is the file? I'm concerned, due to my 56k connection.

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Its just short of 70 meg, its a long... movie, feels like an ID software documentary, which i think is pretty enjoyable.

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I have seen the 150 meg version. WOW. So much cool stuff. I don't know where to start. more ACTION that i thought it would have.

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Lectrix said:

Was it me or does the caco only open its eye when it fires a fireball?

To me it looked like it stared at the ground all the time unless it was ready to attack. Maybe for protection? Probably not considering it's brain is exposed on the top of it's head.

I dunno, looks pretty cool to me.


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Zoost said:

I have seen the 150 meg version. WOW. So much cool stuff. I don't know where to start. more ACTION that i thought it would have.

Scuba steve may have something to say about that.

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So the Caco does have one big eye? I hope so. Even though the caco was never really my fav demon, it was THE icon for Doom imo. I really hope they didn't fuck it up to bad. Let me know peeps.

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ROCK. All you people can stop whining about the Cyberdemon as well - it's appearance in Doom 3 is confirmed in this video.

The "they stole my baby" part... god damn. I need Dolby Surround. Badly.

All in all this new video doesn't reveal too many new things about the game, though all the cutscenes and cool behind-the-scenes stuff is a real treat to watch. Now let's just see the goddamn game on the shelves already.

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Arioch said:

fileshack has the 142 meg version

Cool. Does anyone know what new footage is shown in the 142 megabyte version?

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