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So what hasn't been included that you wish was?

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We don't know EVERYTHING that's in the game (I believe we were told 10% we know so far), but what are your concerns about things not making it to the final version due to lack of screen shots (besides maybe 1 or so) and lack of discussion about it from the id team. Mine would be birdman, he looks like a great concept.

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The Spectre and Baron of hell. I want the baron to be huge, bigger then the hell knight with long and sharp horns and to look like a red cyberdemon without the metallic parts. I worry that if they do include him he'll look just like a hellknight only with horns.

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I haven't seen too much in the way of goat people, scorpion related things or Birdman which are a few of the enemies I'd have liked to see.

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The chainsaw will be there.

The only thing I want that hasn't materialised is an earlier release date. ;)

Seriously I'm happy with everything I've seen.

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The only thing i would have liked to see, would be the pain elemental making a come back, rather than having it merged with the caco. Apart from that, i'm pretty damn impressed with what ID has done.

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Well, I would've wanted to see the marine have some PHOBOS/DEIMOS missions, manely for the sake of the Visual Settings. The idea of running through corriodors with large windows or skylamps seeing space with a gigantic MARS rotating overhead(*like in UT)still appeals to me........

PS. Hey ALIENTANK, why do you keep calling that promo demon, BIRDMAN? I'm assuming it's because of it's beak-like snout. Right? But that thing is hardly something I'd compare with a bird. More like a gargoyle to me.


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Yeah ive always wondered why people refer to that monster as birdman... very odd. I always assumed it was a concept monster to simply show off the engine, or was a first attempt at the imp or possibly the baron... but we will know soon enough if he's in the game at all.

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Relica Religia said:

"Birdman" was the title given to him by the developers. As far as I know, he was just a promo model to showcase the team's monster development.

I thought someone in this Forum called it that way when it was first shown to the public and thus everyone continued to use that name.
I still think its a pretty cool looking demon and it would be a shame if they just scrapped it.
For those who don't remember: http://quake3.dk/associated/story/7601/ss29.jpg

Relica Religia said:

The automap.
Or did they make a call on that one already?

It has been mentioned somewhere that there is an automap integrated in your...umm....the thing to check objectives and stuff (sorry, what was it called) ?

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Hm, they are undoubtedly present, but i dont recall seeing anything relating to those doom staples, the exploding barrels

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I'll answer that question when I know what's in and what isn't.

Talking about what you "wished had been in the game" when you don't even know whether or not it's in is really retarded.

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DoomUK said:

Double Barreled Pinkie-busting Boomstick!

I third that.

And also a none trumpet shotgun.

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An elegant female Archvile :) But the new-old Archvile rocks nontheless.

Concerning the double-barrelled shotgun, I still have hope that id included one as a bonus and just don´t want to spoil it by revealing everything beforehand.

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dsm said:

Talking about what you "wished had been in the game" when you don't even know whether or not it's in is really retarded.

Don't worry DSM, it's just making good conversation, humor it and peeps wishes may be granted when they play and complete the thing.

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So far I'm happy with everything. We don't know if the spectre is in or not but I hope so.


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A hot female marine in a tight uniform (like Crash)who bends over alot and you have to rescue her.

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You're right. Sorry. I would like to see the old "haunted gothic library" textures (ala Monster Condo) redone. Perhaps in hell?

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I really like the old gothic style with the marble walls and the demonic images and monuments.... that sort of thing really belongs in doom imo.

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deathbringer said:

Hm, they are undoubtedly present, but i dont recall seeing anything relating to those doom staples, the exploding barrels

I believe I read in an interview yesterday how in MP, you can push barrels around and explode them. So I'd assume they're in the single player game as well. After all, it wouldn't be an FPS without exploding barrels and loads of crates.

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Lord FlatHead said:

I believe I read in an interview yesterday how in MP, you can push barrels around and explode them. So I'd assume they're in the single player game as well. After all, it wouldn't be an FPS without exploding barrels and loads of crates.

If you look carefully in that latest video you can see a Cacodemon blow up a barrel with one of his fireballs. So yes, I'm sure it's possible.

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I don't like the caco's overall look. It needs to be bigger and have horns along WITH tentacles...

I like the hell knight's look finally, looking at it many times has convinced me it was a good turn.

and if there is a baron, I want the baron to look like the original DAMMIT. Maybe Birdman IS baron? :D

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