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System Shock 2 mod

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I've seen a lot of people mentioning SS2 here as a reference for a good and immersing game with a nice scare factor and cool athmosphere.
So maybe some of you will find this interesting: http://ss2rebooted.tk/

I am really looking forward to this. Its one of the best mods for DooM3 I can think of.
I hope the project will make some progress during rthe next month. It seems they are still looking for any help they can get, so maybe some of you will be helping them out in the future to speed things up :P

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Cool. I really hope this one gets finished.

It looks like they're going to add a version of the character/skills system too (and hiding in shadows ala Thief). If they're able to do that then this is gonna be one hell of a good mod. Even without the skill system it'd be fun to play SS2 redone in the Doom3 engine. That's still one of my favorite games ever.

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They can add even an inventory system as doom 3 will be 100% scriptable.
But just wait till you will get your hands on the game itself ;)

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Well...EA just sent word along the mod team that they must cease using the name System Shock for this mod.

Go here and read for yourselves:


Instead of re-typing how I feel about it here, I'm just gonna c&p my response to the newsbit on RPGDot where I first heard this...

Actually even if, hell especially if, they(EA) are working on/plan on making System Shock 3 a fan-made retelling of SS2 could only HELP them. I mean surely even the f*cktards in management at EA don't think "Oh my GOD, it's a MOD of SS2! Now nobody will buy SS3!" Even if EA were doing a Doom 3 kind of deal and just retelling System Shock 2 with pretty new technology...people would STILL buy it in addition to getting this mod.

Another fine example of completely f'ing moronic publishers.

I hope the mod-team gets pissed off enough by this to keep making the mod. Fine, rename the damn thing if you have to. But make it better than any piece of crap EA may be publishing using the SS name. Of course EA probably has ZERO plans to actually continue the SS franchise. They just don't want anybody ELSE doing it...much better to sit on a pile of gravestones of great games than let modders do something with it...morons.

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Didnt the project leader already confirm that he got permission from EA to do this?!?!?!? I specifically remmeebr reading that


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The System Shock 3 argument holds no water for EA's call, as SS3 cannot really be made.. System Shock is split among Looking Glass people, Irrational and EA.

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Majnun said:

Well...EA just sent word along the mod team that they must cease using the name System Shock for this mod.
Go here and read for yourselves:

Just read it. That REALLY sucks.
At least the development team decided to make an independend mod. I guess they will take a good direction with SS2 as a shining example.

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the guys aren't very wise if they didn't see this coming. i was considering chipping in some programming for this mod, it seems like a great idea, but they don't seem very experienced.

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I did see this coming... i just say ultima and mods and homebrewn redones ;)
EA are assholes when it comes to the games they copyright.
I have never seen that from another company. Even when a modder ripps grafics off of duke and put it into doom.
3D-Realms dont complain.
But put a grafic from an ELECTRONIC ARSES game into your mod for doom and you get your ass sued. Their right, but i dont think that this is a good company behaviour.
BTW: Look at my sig, i could get sued for that. But they have to sue me in germany and there every judge will laugh in their face ^.^

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mewse said:

the guys aren't very wise if they didn't see this coming. i was considering chipping in some programming for this mod, it seems like a great idea, but they don't seem very experienced.

Hmm. As far as I understand the stuff on their page, they asked if a SS2 based doom3 mod would be ok. Its not that they haven't thought about copyright stuff.
Thats what they send to EA: http://rebooted.purkaia.net/dead_letter/ss2r_letter.html

Bastet Furry said:

"Look at you, Hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"

Uh, Doom3 ? :)
Reading that I'll just go and start SS2 again :)

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Revenant! said:

Uh, Doom3 ? :)
Reading that I'll just go and start SS2 again :)

Do that, it has a flaw, linearity, but its a great game after all ;)

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Hmm yes, but because its possible to finish the game using totally different approaches in terms of charakter development (right word in this context ?) its something different everytime.
Well, if you want it to be.
Thats a thing I really liked on SS2. At the end of the game, even if you play damn good, you can only manage to have 1/4 of all the available skills, items and upgrades... at most.

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Ok, but i would have liked to kick shodan in the ass and join the many, for example.
Maybee i am just too much a pen and paper roleplayer ;)

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SS3 cannot really be made.. System Shock is split among Looking Glass people, Irrational and EA.

You don't think it's possible that EA could come to a financial arrangement with Irrational & LGS (whoever that might be since they don't exist anymore) in order to have the rights to publish System Shock 3? Um, it's EA, they're not short of cash. They could easily have already secured the rights to do the game and be in development but holding off till the right time to announce it. You do realize that Bethesda had the rights to do Fallout 3(+) long before it was announced don't you? This may be the same sort of thing. Nothing is impossible. All they'd need to do is throw enough money in the right direction and suddenly EA has the rights fully.

If they DON'T have the rights fully then they I DON'T think have the right to tell this mod group to stop using the System Shock name. Although I'm probably wrong about that, it's crap if they DO have the right to tell people not to use the name when they were not even the developer.

I still think they must be working on SS3 or planning to start soon. But then again it might just be EA being d*cks as usual.

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Revenant! said:

Hmm. As far as I understand the stuff on their page, they asked if a SS2 based doom3 mod would be ok. Its not that they haven't thought about copyright stuff.
Thats what they send to EA: http://rebooted.purkaia.net/dead_letter/ss2r_letter.html

i hadn't seen that letter, its a little more professional.

however, the idea to "distribute it freely to legally licensed owners of the original System Shock 2" isn't great.

they can do a remake without infringing copyright. they just have to change the names and not copy anything directly. their response to EA's non-cooperation was snotty.

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Majnun said:

If they DON'T have the rights fully then they I DON'T think have the right to tell this mod group to stop using the System Shock name.

I imagine they don't own all of the content, but I think they own the name and storyline, which includes the use of enemies and characters, etc.

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This just in, the project got shut down.

Heh, like EA is going to do anything with System Shock anyway.

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You know why ea did it dont you? Because id is taking all their Business and then a mod with an EA games name is getting put in their emineys game, they figured it crossed the line, cant blame em, all they have thats good is sports games and BF1942.

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Thanks for the links. I'm glad they're sticking with it.

After playing Doom 3 it's obvious someone at id played the System Shock games (which is a good thing). It just begs for a mod with the same feel & story delivery. Doom 3 did great...but I miss the inventory & skills. Hope they pull it off.

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I've not played D3 yet, but I've seen a lot of people say that and its making me look forward to it alot more than I was... which was quite alot anyway.

I just hope they make a less clunky inventory system for this mod. Not quite as lobotomized as Invisible War, of course, but I hope they design something that works nice and doesnt make you want to spend hours arranging things...

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