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Darkman 4

Pictures of the Cyberdemon and Hell. (EXTREME SPOILERS)

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the cyberdemon looks insane. i love the new design. they still kept it very true to the original. this one looks like it has a big jet pack on its back and a helmet on the top of its head though. it looks great.

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Argh, ultra-mega-super-spoilers everywhere ! o_0
Its REALLY hard to resist all that stuff.
[slapping at my head)I will not look. I will not look. I will not look.
I should cut my inet connection....
And I have to wait until August 12th...I am dying.

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He doesn't look 'beefy' enough. Maybe he just takes bad pictures. He'll look better in action.


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Trilinear said:

:( A disappointingly mediocre rendition of the original. I'm unimpressed.

Same here - although the whole landscape of hell looks GODDAMNED AWESOME.

I CANT WAIT!!!!!! =)

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GS-1719 said:

Don't like the look of the new Cyberdemon.

I've seen it now, and it is the new Cyberdemon. I read that it was confirmed in a magazine. I'm quite disappointed. Doesn't look like the terrorizing mechanic horrorbeast it used to be. Now it just looks like gladiator meets demon.

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Disorder said:

I've seen it now, and it is the new Cyberdemon. I read that it was confirmed in a magazine. I'm quite disappointed. Doesn't look like the terrorizing mechanic horrorbeast it used to be. Now it just looks like gladiator meets demon.

Yea, I am in EXTREME dissapointment right now. I just cant believe Id would take such a legend of the DOOM series as the cyberdemon and remake him to be nowhere near as legendary-looking as the original.

Oh well, lets hope he does something cool anyways...

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Not soo sure what to think of it myself. It looks a bit too (over-sized) humanoid to me from those pictures. Not overly impressed, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what it's like in action.

In ways, I don't think it looks all that different from the original. Or perhaps rather, it looks more like the original than most of the other monsters we've seen.

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It's a shame the SM didn't make it into Doom 3. One family member of Hell has left the nest. Btw, do we get to see any demons fighting zombies if any of the mentioned accidentially strucks one another?

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toxicfluff said:

The hell landscape looks really good. The cyberdemon sucks compared to the original.

So let me get this straight...You think the generic looking red rock landscape is "really good," but you think the new cyberdemon sucks? Ya know, I'm starting to think you people aren't capable of being pleased. I challenge ANY member of these boards to drag their useless ass to a drawing board and come up with another BETTER version. Oh yeah, and just to clarify something, I've compared the old Cybie to the new one and OH MY GOD! GUESS WHAT? All the major fucking traits of the original that made it so badass have been integrated into the new one! Whoa! Oh yeah, and guess what else? Half of what made the original monsters so scary was the sounds they made, their movements, and the environment they were encountered in. So why not just hold off on the "New Cyberdemon sux" crap and wait till you actually EXPERIENCE the fucker?

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Prime said:

So let me get this straight...You think the generic looking red rock landscape is "really good," but you think the new cyberdemon sucks? Ya know, I'm starting to think you people aren't capable of being pleased. I challenge ANY member of these boards to drag their useless ass to a drawing board and come up with another BETTER version. Oh yeah, and just to clarify something, I've compared the old Cybie to the new one and OH MY GOD! GUESS WHAT? All the major fucking traits of the original that made it so badass have been integrated into the new one! Whoa! Oh yeah, and guess what else? Half of what made the original monsters so scary was the sounds they made, their movements, and the environment they were encountered in. So why not just hold off on the "New Cyberdemon sux" crap and wait till you actually EXPERIENCE the fucker?

Well said. I think the new Cybie looks amazing.

I really didn't want to look at the pics but I gave in- the temptation was too much. Man, this game is going to be the dog's bollocks. I can't wait.

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You people are on crack. I can't see any real difference. Either its hard to please fanboys, or its just impossible.

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doomedout said:

You people are on crack. I can't see any real difference. Either its hard to please fanboys, or its just impossible.

Exactly, they've kept all the original features that made the original Cybie memorable.

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I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: what is the deal with the fucking Cyberdemon ? Yeah it's a cool design and all, but it never was very original to begin with and I really never thought of it as an important part of Doom.

The Doom 3 version does look kinda meh in these screenshots, but as always - probably looks tons better in motion.

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*EDIT* URL deleted to prevent bandwidth rape

apparently a PC COOP MOD is already under development, video shows hell and the cybie and two players.

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