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Parental Evilness...The REAL enemy of Dewm 3

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Basically my parents are evil. They made me disable blood and gore in nearly every game I own. Now, with my doom3 purcahse looming up on me, I'm wondering if they will take the game away, because of all the nastiness and stuff in the game. They don't realize this is a horror movie in a game really. So, if you were a parent oblivious to all the blood and gore in doom3, and you actually saw it, would you take it away?

I'm worried, because I might not be able to play the game for this reason...

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Heh, I've seen a lot of people on these forums make arguments against censorship by saying that it's the parent's responsibility to decide what is not appropriate for their children. Irony.

Perhaps they feel it's not appropriate for you.

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deathbringer said:

Set them on fire!


I can see it now:

DoomWorld.com responsible for crimes again humanity. Bush and DoomWorld.com are planning to disrupt world events by . . .

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Heh, my parents let me play just about any game, including Doom3. In fact, they sort of encourage it. :P

EDIT: 12.

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Heh, my parents probably won't care. My dad might even play it. If my mom sees us blowing up things she may gasp but that's it.


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Just show them the back of the key manual..."Doom 3 is a terrifying sci-fi horror game experience. Blah blah blah"

Then they'll understand :P

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Well, since so many people like to know (and I asked because I was CURIOUS, not because I didn't want him to play it if he wasn't old enough) I'm 18. Mom have a problem with it? Yes. Dad. No.

My parents are Christian, my mom a strong one. My dad is too, but he's less strict. I basically buy/play my games without them knowing. Do I believe in God? Yes. Am I religious? Yes, but I know how to use my head. Games like Doom 3 to me are like any other games. It's not real life, and I don't take it seriously. When I'm done playing, I don't pretend to be doomguy, blasting my BB gun at my older sister. Eh, I'm going to college soon. I won't have any time to play games :( To busy doing hw and studying.

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LOL, skel, you'll find that thats what college is for m8, i spent some of my best quake 2 days at college... and got a degree to boot. Enjoy your studies from time to time, but not in class i might add. ;)

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Heh I'm only 14 and my parents could absolutely care a less. Guess they think I'm mature enough.

Well actually they probably do care. Bloody games don't effect me though at all anyway. Not like I'm gonna go pretend people are demons and shoot them. That's just retarded.

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DarkSoul said:

Heh I'm only 14 and my parents could absolutely care a less. Guess they think I'm mature enough.

That's "couldn't care less" by the way.

If someone "could care less" then they care more than the minimum amount of caring which means they do, in fact, care. "Couldn't care less" means they care so little, if at all, that they couldn't care any "less" even if they wanted to.

Sorry, just a pet-hate of mine... ;)

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Skeletor said:

My parents are Christian, my mom a strong one. My dad is too, but he's less strict. I basically buy/play my games without them knowing. Do I believe in God? Yes. Am I religious? Yes, but I know how to use my head. Games like Doom 3 to me are like any other games. It's not real life, and I don't take it seriously.

To anyone with Christian parents: tell them you're fighting against the demons for jesus.

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i started playing doom when i was 11

long time ago (20 now)

man, i loved those days... that game was SCARY back then.

uh, you could buy the game and just not tell them.

just dont put a shortcut on your desktop.

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DD_133 said:

I am 14. And pretty mature. I can't see why NOT, but i'm worried anyway.

then your parents has the right you should not even have the game at 14
you must be at least 18

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