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Loading, loading and crash

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When new game is loading doom 3 is shouting down to windows. Then i see consol with blue background and with that text:

loaded collision model models/mapobjects/mcity/bioscanner/bioscannereye.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/tables/gendesk/gendesk1.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/hangar/hangar2tower.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/monitors/hangingmonitor.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/signs/ceilingsign/ceilingsign.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/elevators/elevator_door.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/com/platguistand/platguistand.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/guiobjects/flatmonitor/flatmonitor.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/mcity/bioscanner/bioscanbeam.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/mcity/bioscanner/bioscanner.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/doors/mcitydoor_glass.lwo
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/lab/fridge1/fridge1_delta2b.lwo
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'guisounds.wav' using default
loaded collision model models/mapobjects/turrets/ceilingturret1a.lwo
...1969 entities spawned, 0 inhibited

==== Processing events ====
SpawnPlayer: 0
loaded collision model models/weapons/shell1/mshell_lo.lwo
loaded collision model models/weapons/shell1/sshell_bigger.lwo
----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----
1 purged from previous
1021 kept from previous
0 new loaded
all models loaded in 0.0 seconds
----- idImageManager::EndLevelLoad -----
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/tecpipe3grn_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/decals/pipecap2a_local, heightmap( textures/decals/pipecap2_bmp, 1))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/sterlightdecal_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/striplight3_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_light/striplight3_local, heightmap( textures/base_light/striplight3break_bmp, 4))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/gotcgate_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/conmonitorxl1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/conpanel5_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: heightmap( textures/decals/p_poster_b, 1)
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/stesilverswatch_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/gotsilvercol1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/stetile4_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/ghotile3_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcitya12_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/stesilvertrim_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/stemettrim_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/stecolumn1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityc15_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityc13_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/decals/wirejumble_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityc16_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityc9_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/sflframetrim1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/outside/track_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/blinkydec1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/lfwall9_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/object/tecpipe1blk_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/sflpanel6_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/washroom/rfthinbeam01_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/sfx/vp1
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/sflpanel7_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/object/sopbox2_local, heightmap( textures/object/sopbox2_bmp, 3))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/lfwall1a_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/sflgrate2_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_light/striplight2_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_light/striplight2_local, heightmap( textures/base_light/striplight6break_b, 2))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/superpipes_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_trim/sfltrim3_local, heightmap( textures/base_trim/sfltrim3_bmp, 5))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar4_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityb10_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityb11_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/enpro/enwall13_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_wall/ghowall1_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_wall/skpanelt2_local, heightmap( textures/base_wall/skpanelt2_b, 3))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/enpro/enwall20_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar10_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar5_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar3_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar12_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/morgue/floorvent01_local, heightmap( textures/morgue/floorvent01_h, 3))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_wall/sopanel23_local, heightmap( textures/base_wall/sopanel23_bmp, 4))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/base_door/jumbodoor_local, heightmap( textures/base_door/jumbodoor_bmp, 3))
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mcityb22_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: heightmap( textures/mcity/mcityplain6_bmp, 4)
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar8_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/mcity/mchangar7_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/ridbeam_local
WARNING: Couldn't load image: textures/base_floor/sflgrate5_local
3 22 640 480
Regenerated world, staticAllocCount = 0.
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutting down sound hardware
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
malloc failure for 1048584
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...shutting down QGL


Windows 98SE
AMD Athlon 1.1
GeForce 2 Ti

I was changing that things in Hex Editor but i couldn't find 'GlobalMemoryStatusEx' string. I only find 'GlobalMemoryStatus' string.

Please help meeeeeeeeeeeee...

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I got this before as well with my old Radeon. Try either getting a driver for your card, or buy a new one.

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