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What was Doom 3's biggest flaw?

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Things I didn't like..

I thought the shotgun should have spread a little less and therefor been able to kill imps that were a little further away.

The neverending imp-teleporting-behind-you gag. Gotcha! For the 1,700th time! It became routine.. the further I got the more correctly I guessed when they would spawn. Actually, hell, you don't even _need_ to guess. Every battle I got in, I would turn around and backtrack a bit, thinking "Man, they aren't going to do that again, are they?" Sure enough they did.. every time.

Other than that I was very impressed with the game. [And I had high expectations ;)] Sure, it was a little dark, but hey, that's doom3's niche.

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Things I disliked

Magically appearing monsters, I do not mean monsters that teleported or came from behind panels, I mean monsters that would simply just come out of thin air when you hit the trigger for them, I probably noticed this alot because I like to clear rooms with nades before entering them. But of course the nades were wasted because there was nothing there till I got to a certain point.

Monsters behind panels, OK I dont mind that part exactly. What I dont like is that I should have been able to blast it and whatever was behind it without having to walk up and trigger it. There were a few times where I guessed correctly where it was going to happen and launching a couple of rockets at it did nothing :(

Hell, the land of eternal flame is too dark too see? WTF

Backtracking, there should have been some radom monsters for people like me who will backtrack half a level to get a med-kit, not enough to make it callenging just enough to keep me on my toes.

Cartwheeling monsters, there where some dumb-ass ragdolling effects happening on some kills, didnt happen often, but when it did it sure looked lame. (this might be more of a bug)

Some objects had physics some didnt, if your not going to make it movable then dont put it there in the first place.

No quad sound support !?! :\

The flying heads, ok there was nothing wrong with them I just hated those SOB's :)

All in all I hafta say I was very pleased with the overall game, it rocks great fun, scared the shit out of me quite a few times :P
I found the difficulty to be perfectly fine, it was a challenge on veteran, most will find it hard. The price you pay for being a l337 gamer is single player games are easy, nightmare is for you, do it without using F5 and tell me its easy.

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I would say the biggest flaw was the direction of the game series as opposed to the style that was recently introduced. What I'm trying to say is that they probably should have gone with adrenaline-pumping combat faithful to the original where tens of monsters swarm you with different attacks;
instead we get a survival-horror game that looks awesome (in light) that tries to scare you but just isn't as fun as it could be.
Toss in some more clever puzzles and tons of non-linear gameplay and it would beat HL2 and its hype.
Still worth the time though.

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Um. Who the hell was it that said the game implied we were martians? You ********** whelp. Firstly, when you first pick up the soul cube, it states quite clearly "We are one, we are many. We are the PREMENTOR. You know us as the Soul Cube". Secondly, haven't you seen the FACE on the damn cube? You can't see it very well once you have it in your hands, because it is facing down, but the main orb in the middle of it has a freakishly alien mug on it. Thirdly, the casket at on the last level. The decorative face is far from human, but even if you could stretch your imagination a bit on it, the actual casket is FRIGGIN HUGE. End of rant.

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PiTiFUL said:
Hell, the land of eternal flame is too dark too see? WTF

Wtf? Hell is supposed to be dark and it's actually well-lit enough to let you fight the demons effectively. The base has darker areas than Hell.

Some objects had physics some didnt, if your not going to make it movable then dont put it there in the first place.

Performance is the issue here.
If they had to apply physics to every freaking object, the game would be a lot more hardware demanding than it is. Besides, if you don't need to move it or the chance of you wacking/shooting it is really small, there's absolutely zero reason to apply physics to it.

That depends what id really wants. With an unclear conclusion left in the end makes people wonder if id will ever make another Doom, which is most unlikely that id has stated that they are too busy working on another project anyways. However, what I'm realy disappointed about the ending is that it's rather underdetailed from what I've read.

Well, they have stated in the past that there will probably be add-ons for Doom 3. I recently heard rumours about an Expansion being in the works.
Just because Id won't make it, doesn't necessarily mean that it won't be a good continuation of the story.

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I actually don't mind the constant spawning, because its easy to fight the imps, as they take ages to attack you, plus i love the spawn effect. I mean if people cant handle a few imps spawning i can't imagine how they like the original dooms...

The only thing i didnt like about doom was the lack of the tougher variety of enemies like the hell knights, macubus and archvile.
Plus the last boss was very disappointing for me, i think the cyberdemon was the only enemy i wanted to fight. Plus he looked great, better than i expected.

All the minor issues peeps have about it being too dark and enemies spawning and not having flashlight+gun 24/7 would just ruin the game for me, make the game far easier and even more boring for them.

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AndrewB said:

WTH is with all the Doom 3 bashing?

Oh, that's rich. You're kidding right?

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Nope, I come back here and see people complaining about just about every facet of the game.

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I nominate AndrewB for funniest post of all time ever

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Magically appearing monsters, I do not mean monsters that teleported or came from behind panels, I mean monsters that would simply just come out of thin air when you hit the trigger for them, I probably noticed this alot because I like to clear rooms with nades before entering them. But of course the nades were wasted because there was nothing there till I got to a certain point.

That was pretty disappointing, even in one of the labs (I think) I could see a Zombie Marine but no matter how many times I threw the grenades he wouldn’t die, unless I hit the trigger.

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dsm said:

Well, they have stated in the past that there will probably be add-ons for Doom 3. I recently heard rumours about an Expansion being in the works.
Just because Id won't make it, doesn't necessarily mean that it won't be a good continuation of the story.

Well, either way, I emphasize the words "a good continuation" that I hope that it won't the same beginning as Doom 2 because imo that would be the most pathetic way of starting to tell a story. Also, due to this reason, I've always thought that id should've combined D1 & D2 elements to retell the whole story in D3.

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AndrewB said:

WTH is with all the Doom 3 bashing?

This isn't a thread for bashing. Simply a thread for people to state what they thought was Doom 3's biggest flaw. This isn't a "D00M 3 sUx0rz b cuz 0f d4t stUpiD IMP!!!"

You can post what you didn't like about a game in a respectful manner (as most people did here) without it being a Doom 3 "bashing."

Azreal_X said:

Um. Who the hell was it that said the game implied we were martians? You ********** whelp. Firstly, when you first pick up the soul cube, it states quite clearly "We are one, we are many. We are the PREMENTOR. You know us as the Soul Cube". Secondly, haven't you seen the FACE on the damn cube? You can't see it very well once you have it in your hands, because it is facing down, but the main orb in the middle of it has a freakishly alien mug on it. Thirdly, the casket at on the last level. The decorative face is far from human, but even if you could stretch your imagination a bit on it, the actual casket is FRIGGIN HUGE. End of rant.

I said that this wasn't a flaming post and then I asked that you wouldn't make it one. I am simply asking for opinions...not flames, which is what you've just done.

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Quote: Wtf? Hell is supposed to be dark and it's actually well-lit enough to let you fight the demons effectively. The base has darker areas than Hell.

Not my point, The base is indoors with no windows and the lights are out, pitch black, I have no problems with that at all. In hell you are surrounded by fire but its extremly dark (fire = light) I found hell to be the least scariest place in the game so lighting it up to see those beasts would have been better in my opinion.

Quote: Performance is the issue here.
If they had to apply physics to every freaking object, the game would be a lot more hardware demanding than it is. Besides, if you don't need to move it or the chance of you wacking/shooting it is really small, there's absolutely zero reason to apply physics to it.

Fine don't put them in the game then, half and half just ruins the continuity of the play. I must say also I'm not talking about the big boxes and crates, they could be real heavy. I'll buy that.
Though I was a little dissapointed I could'nt waste the pop machines :p

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PiTiFUL said:

Not my point, The base is indoors with no windows and the lights are out, pitch black, I have no problems with that at all. In hell you are surrounded by fire but its extremly dark (fire = light)

Actually, the fires of Hell don't give light. Evil = darkness. Source of evil = source of darkness. etc... etc.. etc..

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S1lent said:

Actually, the fires of Hell don't give light. Evil = darkness. Source of evil = source of darkness. etc... etc.. etc..

That is probably the dumbest shit I've ever read on this board, and that's saying a lot.

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I think I agree that Bertruger was the biggest flaw. He was about as scary as a Scooby-do villain.

I don't know why some of you are whining about virtually everything in the game.

If the brief of the game was to re-capture the feeling of the original Doom then yes they have about 90% failed. That's not bad considering that most 'fps' games don't get even 1% close now. fps gameplay has changed so much now. It's less melée and more objective-based. I'm kind of in two minds how I feel about that but if that's the type of game id wanted then they've done pretty well IMO. There were one or two moments, just a couple, where I felt excited because that buzz I got playing Doom for the first time was apparent.

Realism is demanded so much now. That leaves us with a Doomguy who can't run for more than a few seconds (jesus I can do better than that), can't reload his guns without being prompted, and gets ridiculously hurt jumping more than a few feet.

But that's the way games are now. No more running at 60mph and jumping off cliffs. It's neither bad or good, it's just a change that has been coming ever since Quake and that's the way it is.

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Hektik said:

I would say the biggest flaw was the direction of the game series as opposed to the style that was recently introduced. What I'm trying to say is that they probably should have gone with adrenaline-pumping combat faithful to the original where tens of monsters swarm you with different attacks;
instead we get a survival-horror game that looks awesome (in light) that tries to scare you but just isn't as fun as it could be.

I think I agree. SOME massive battles in between would've been really good. Over all I'm happy with the lonely dark atmosphere, but a little variety would've been nice.

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999cop said:

Also, due to this reason, I've always thought that id should've combined D1 & D2 elements to retell the whole story in D3.

/Has a heart attack

You're kidding right? Tell me you're kidding and I'll refrain from letting this 3 ton rock fall on you (note: that was a dumb joke - don't take it serious).

Did you honestly expect Id to put ALL the contents of Doom 1 and Doom 2 into *one* game?
That would've sucked bigtime and you know why? Because it'd make the story rushed, kill any continuity ("whoops! I was in Hell/Mars a sec ago! Now I'm on Earth!") and would kill any possibility of making a detailed storyline such as the one Doom 3 actually got.

Having Doom 1 and 2 in one game would just be "too much" all at once. It's not the way to go.

That leaves us with a Doomguy who can't run for more than a few seconds (jesus I can do better than that), can't reload his guns without being prompted, and gets ridiculously hurt jumping more than a few feet.

He can run for an eternity without getting tired - but he can't sprint for more than a few seconds and I doubt you can either. Look into a mirror, move around without using the "sprint" key - notice how he's still kinda moving fast (compared to walking NPCs) and doing a "run" animation and notice that his stamina doesn't drain.

But I get your point all the same, just nitpicking on people's comments :-P

Not my point, The base is indoors with no windows and the lights are out, pitch black, I have no problems with that at all. In hell you are surrounded by fire but its extremly dark (fire = light) I found hell to be the least scariest place in the game so lighting it up to see those beasts would have been better in my opinion.

Fire doesn't really light up that much in real life and you exaggerate how much fire there is in Hell. In our world, the night is never completely dark. There are lightsources other than, in the case of this example, a bonfire. Those could be city lights, star-/moonlight or other light sources coming from miles away. Fire on its own does not light up an awful lot if you're deep underground with no lightsource other than a flame torch and no light-reflecting surfaces.

Hell is a place where the only source of light is fire. Hell is actually a lot better lit than the darker places in the Mars base - I could see the enemies pretty much everytime there were any and at times, the red glow of the fires below would cast its light on enemies above (the place with the "hammer" where mancubuses teleport in).
Cover your windows with thick blankets or something if you have trouble seeing stuff.

You're right that Hell is the least scariest place in the game, but it is tense in other ways. The first time through is really disturbing in a "wtf!?" sort of way and I do believe that was Id's goal with the place.
If I have grounds to be disappointed in Hell it's the fact that the place seems too "brimstone heavy" and that there isn't enough flesh walls and such, but considering how shitty the Hell levels were in the classics and considering that there was only one Hell level in Doom 3 (so we only saw a small portion of Hell), I don't really think about this little issue enough to me disappointed in the least about it.

And please, learn to use the quote tags or read the FAQ under the appropriate section. There's that little 'button' where it says "quote" underneath every Member's post. Click on it under the post you want to quote. Then, when you start writing your response, you can see the quote tags and you can make new quote tags of your own.
People on this board won't take you serious if you cannot perform a sinmple operation such as quoting correctly.

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I think the biggest flaw was the cyberdemon boss battle. It was just way too easy. It would have been a lot better if you had to kill him with normal weapons.

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DaJuice said:

That is probably the dumbest shit I've ever read on this board, and that's saying a lot.

Nice flame...actually, if you look into it. I'm right.

Actually a lot of the Hell related stuff, not all, in the old dooms, along with a lot of the stuff in Doom 3, have biblical refrences (which I won't get into and we won't turn this into a religious flame thread PLEASE! If you don't believe me, please keep it to yourself or look into it yourself). The only reason they didn't do it for D3 Hell was because Hell was suppose to be the "spectacular" level that was suppose to really show off the graphics, noises, etc.. Otherwise, they would have accurately been pitch black

Pritch said:

I don't know why some of you are whining about virtually everything in the game.

We're not complaining, we're just giving our opinions. This is not and was not intended to be a flame thread of any kind. Simply a way for people to say what they did not like about Doom 3 or wish had been changed. There's only a few select, immature, people here who have made some kindof a flame post. Otherwise, I'm proud to say that most everyone here has shown their maturity in their posts. Thank you.

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