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anyway to make lag go away?

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You can optimize your "rate" in your config. There are probably a ton of places out there on the internet that provide guides on such things.

Other than that, only play on servers that you ping <80 to.

Plus, the network code isn't the best (apparently) and hopefully will be improved in a point release in the future.

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one common mistake is that anyone can run a -listen server... which means probably 90% of the servers out there are NOT on a connection with the necessary bandwidth.
in sbort, try a lot of servers to find one that works a bit better... (or host a game yourself and have some fun with no lag! :)

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You can lower your graphics settings by a lot, that usually helps a bit.

Even though I play single player at high settings, I've turned them down for multiplayer.


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Endureth said:

You can lower your graphics settings by a lot, that usually helps a bit.

Even though I play single player at high settings, I've turned them down for multiplayer.


I do the same. And yes, the netcode isn't very hot for Doom 3. Mostly because they just took the single player maps, threw in a few extra weapons and spawn points, and made them multiplayer. I don't blame them for being lazy with MP, the SP more than makes up for it.

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The netcode isn't great because this game sends FAR more information over the wire than any other fps, ever. This is the first game of this sort, hence, the pioneering netcode for such a large workload isn't the best, especially considering that they didn't give it a huge amount of time (I'm sure). Not that id's track record with netcodes is anything to get excited about anyway.

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Mogul said:

The netcode isn't great because this game sends FAR more information over the wire than any other fps, ever. This is the first game of this sort, hence, the pioneering netcode for such a large workload isn't the best, especially considering that they didn't give it a huge amount of time (I'm sure). Not that id's track record with netcodes is anything to get excited about anyway.

It still seems odd to me. The dynamic lighting will be calculated on the client side, there isn't often too many physics objects.... it just seems that the netcode sucks.

I've played games where there is much more going on than in Doom3, and with much smoother play. Hopefully a patch will sort things out a bit. Netcode in id's games often really sucked until later patches (Q2 especially comes to mind).

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