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double barrel shotgun!

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As soon as hes unlosered he said he'll release the mod, him and some other dude, the other dude is finshing up a couple maps to test out the weapons on.

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At the moment its all just modifying current weapons. I don't know of a tutorial which tells you how to add new weapons.

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That animation is sort of fakeish. It should be "unevened" up a little bit, with more fluid movement and not the step-step-step mechanical animation.

Keep up the good work though.

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Hmm, something isn't right. How does the gun actually discharge? Shouldn't there be some sort of hammer on the stock-end of each barrel?

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On the doom game. Where is the hammer on the super shotgun on that. Lets portray this shot gun as a futuristic prototype of a old double barrel shotgun. :D It has special things that make shells fire without a hammer. :D God that sounded stupid. :P

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stupidity or not, the fact is (inmo) DooM shotgun (blast, anim, and sound) is the best weapon ever in a game. Seconded with Super Shotgun. Ancient or not, please, make as close as possible with original ones in doom. :P

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Yea, about like hoses and computer chips. Altho the SSG has never actually had an external hammer, because simply ITS A GAME.

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Heh, I knew you would all use the "It's just a game" line. =P

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You know your hooked on DooM when...

Last night i had a dream that i was using this MOD and it jammed on me while reloading, causing severe disfigurement from a ravaging pissed off IMP with 2 holes in his chest.

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Holy crap. Now I know I'm not a DooM fan. :P Anyways, I am working on a experiment to get hords of monsters on one screen without slowing down the computer as much as it would in doom 3. I will be posting progress on a page I have, so when I get the page finish I will post here and post some news on sites. :D

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here we go again. All weapons in a world fits. It just has to be textured. WHy do people these days still use Winchester rifles? It doesn't matter how old, its how accurate.

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DaJuice said:

Umm, how would you load that gun?^^

ever heard of gunpowder and a ramrod? lol j/k maybe it loads in that little hump under the gun...

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One thing that's lacking in that animation is a proper punch in the recoil. Look at how the D3 sb shotgun recoils - consider double the punch.
The db shotgun should deliver awful recoil - in fact, I'd say that the delay between absorbing the recoil and reloading it should be longer than the classic D2 db shotty, otherwise it'd be way too unbalanced (and unbalanced weapons suck).
Hell, if it were to be proper balanced, the db shotgun's damage rating would have to be 'reduced' to exactly twice the power of the D3 sb shotgun (instead of 2 2/5 or similar like it was in D2 - the D2 db shotgun was already too unbalanced).

But regardless, the db shotgun needs are more considerable recoil. The gun really needs to kick back, throwing off your aim (PoV jerks upwards for full effect), before you slap the two shells into the barrels.

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I never got how the double barrel worked in Quake 2 though. How can you load both barrels when it only has one magazine tube? It'd need two magazine tubes to properly load both barrels. And it'd be pretty damn heavy and have a huge slide on it. Other than that, it's a cool idea.

Back on topic, the double barrel this thread is about is pretty awesome. Has a nice smooth animation, it'd look pretty slick in some doom 1 style levels, rather out of place in the doom 3 environment though. Better than a pump action though...just looks more 'right'.

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Jello said:

I never got how the double barrel worked in Quake 2 though. How can you load both barrels when it only has one magazine tube?

The case beneath the barrels probably encloses two magagzine tubes.

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DoomDan said:

I think the Quake 2 SuperShotgun would fit well with the Doom 3 universe

Hmm, seeing as it's set on Earth and the situtation is beyond FUBAR, I could easily see a db shotgun with break-barrel reloading, provided that it has a plausible explanation behind it *wink*.

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