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Angus Thermopyle

stx-Vile vs Henning - The Battle of the Century continues (30nm3054)

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I've added together the best single map times of Vile's 30nm3054 and Henning's 30nm3112 and the result is:

29:49 from stx-Henna. :)

(For the case you wanna check this - in both txt-files is a mistake: in Vile's the correct time for Map02 is 1:02, in Henning's it's 1:11 for Map25.)

Who thinks now that a time under 30 minutes is no longer possible?

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It certainly looks that way... granted this would probably take something close to the fabled "mistakeless" run on the current route, but I'll keep trying for now just because of that map30 mistake. I think I became aware that I hadn't made any huge mistakes up until map30 so a real screwup was inevitable, but that damn revenant was rather resilient...

Oh well, this one didn't take too long, so trying off and on for a while might produce something better. :)

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Brilliant. Someone's going to get this under thirty minutes one day. There's a couple of route tightenings still possible - skipping the blue armor on map13, and skipping the supercharge on map22 (Vile had tons of health at this point). That's twenty seconds less. Take off another twenty for map30, some miscellaneous improvements here and there, and voila.

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Ryback said:

There's a couple of route tightenings still possible - skipping the blue armor on map13, and skipping the supercharge on map22 (Vile had tons of health at this point). That's twenty seconds less. Take off another twenty for map30, some miscellaneous improvements here and there, and voila.

There's also skipping the supercharges on map17 and map26... small gains, but every little bit helps.

I need to find myself win98 again... I got used to not having any sound but I've also been suffering fps loss recently, and in strange places (places like map07 when a lot of fireballs are being flung around, but also at the red key area on map22, facing the bars when they are raised... I don't know what changed, and I don't get it).

EDIT: oh yeah, and perhaps giving Blood another run... very tempting. :)

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