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jdoom console commands?

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I've been playing coop games with Zdaemon (plutonia, scythe, but specifically alien vendetta) for the past couple months and it's been really fun. The servers are set up with a lot of monsters, infinite ammo, and respawning weapons. I was wondering how I could play a 1-player game on jdoom by using these options as well? I figured I could just host a multiplayer game (while playing alone) and set the weapons to respawn and the difficulty to hard (though I'll probably play on medium), but I'm not sure how to enable infinite ammo. Is there a console command I could use, or another way of performing this task?
Thanks for your time.

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As far as I know, there is no in game option to do this. The only way infinite ammo can be done in Dday is to edit Values.ded (in "Defs/Jdoom" of the main Dday folder) and change the
" Per shot = "x"; " value for each weapon to zero.

Though this would mean everybody in the co-op game would have to have the modified ded.

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Ok, thanks for the reply. I'll give that a try.
Using jdoom isn't a necessity, but preferred. Though, since there aren't any in-game options, then is there a way for me to set up a game with the options I specified earlier without using jdoom? Such as setting up a multiplayer game like the ones that are found on Zdaemon?
Sorry for all the questions.

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In Dday multiplayer, I believe the weapons respawn when you die. Though if you want a variety of multiplayer options, Dday perhaps isn't the port to choose. Though I'm afraid I'm not particularly up on Doom multiplayer at tall, so I wouldn't have a clue as to which port to suggest as best.

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