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I'm a NEWB to textures and stuff. So, this is probably a stupid question so don't yell at me but how do you get Textures from photoshop CS into DoomEdit?

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Doom3 doesnt simply import things like other games. It's a much more involved process. The absolute simplest way is to make your image, save it as a TGA and then make a material file that identifies that image as a diffuse texture.

diffusemap    textures/my_texture_d.tga
The above would be a normal textfile saved as my_texture.mtr (for example). This wont have any normal/bump mapping or specular mapping applied to it of course.

Here's a more complete tutorial: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=482

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All your .mtr files should go in doom 3/base/materials. All textures should go in doom 3/base/textures.

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Its very unlikey the textures will work with just the diffuse map alone. Without the bumpmap at least, your texture will always appear black in the game.

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I've seen people use textures w/o any bumpmap. Of course, maybe they used a single color image for the bumpmap, but why would they do that?

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They work fine with only a diffuse color on models. I've done it myself. Can't imagine why it wouldnt work on a brush. It wont look very good of course. Also the editor will complain if you dont have a downsized version for display in the editor. Like kristus said, you could specify the same image as specular and normal if you're unsure about anything.

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