Zodiak Posted March 22, 2005 Hello All. I'm starting a new mod called Demons Revenge. It's basically Doom3- Backwords. You get to play the game as an Imp. The story is you start out in you're home city, Hell, then go to earth to get revenge on what the humans did before. I will release two of the weapons that our on the board. 1. the claw-this is your basic melle weapon. Dose 20 damage per hit. 2. imp ball-the fireball of the imp...in your control. We will need alot more coders, animaters, and modelers. Mappers to if anyone wants to join. Post back If your interested. Not sure how to get pics on here. Will try later. 0 Share this post Link to post
ducon Posted March 22, 2005 An imp? Hell it’s weak. Why not a Baron^WHell Knight or a Revenant? 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenophon Posted March 22, 2005 Oh, and you should look at Rampage Doom before you go anywhere on your mod. I know it's for Doom 2 and not 3, but it's a good example of how NOT to make a mod where you play as a demon. Don't make the mistakes the DRE guy did. Please. *begs* 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 22, 2005 No offense. That was then, AND THIS IS NOW(not yelling), and I think the doom3 engine could better handel what we in mind. We know there is a big risk of failiur, but we will try, try, try again. Practice makes perfect. That was practice, This will be perfect.(I Wish) 0 Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted March 22, 2005 Do you intend to implement wall crawling for the player? If so, does this mean that the maps will be predominantly indoors? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 22, 2005 No wall crawling. No offense, but that was pretty lame. We will have a mix of outdoor and indoor invioronment. During the game, you will aquire powers by accident. Like walking through a radiation filled room will give you x-ray vision for short periods of time because it got to you'r eyes...ECt. Anyone wanna join? 0 Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted March 23, 2005 To be honest... the getting powers thing does sound cool. Regardless, this project won't be started/finished. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 23, 2005 Haha...Although many say this now...I'd like to see what they will say when it is done? The only hard thing about this whole mod is the coding and aniamting. Everything else is pretty basic. Dose anyone wanna join? P.s. How can I post a screenie? Another power:(just been released to pub.) Well, if we get enough people(Coders and animaters) we wopuld like to make a power to go inside an enimys mind a control them, killing other enimies with that enimy and even killing the enimy via SUICIDE!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Jehar Posted March 23, 2005 um... why not call this "mod" Blood Omen 2 TC? 0 Share this post Link to post
Relica Religia Posted March 23, 2005 Zodiak said:Haha...Although many say this now...I'd like to see what they will say when it is done? The only hard thing about this whole mod is the coding and aniamting. Everything else is pretty basic. Dose anyone wanna join? Zodiak then said:P.s. How can I post a screenie? Somehow, I'm not convinced. By the way, does the "I HAVE A GREAT MOD IDEA" rule apply here? I know he says he's "making" the mod, but he hasn't shown anything yet. 0 Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted March 23, 2005 If you want people to join, you will have to show what you've accomplished so far. Do you have any screenshots, concept art, code snippets, etc? This lets people know that you are taking an active role in production and that you are serious about it. To post a screenshot, you must upload it to your webspace and link it here using the image tags. {img}http://my_web_site.com/my_image.jpg{/img} Something like that. Replace {} with []. Edit: By the way, what will your role on the team be? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 23, 2005 http://img232.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img232&image=nicerock1ca.jpg http://img232.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img232&image=impshot024dm.jpg First-Rough texture sketch Second-Rough layout of first level My role is team leader, coder, minor site influence, and 2nd lead mapper Edit: http://img200.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img200&image=demonimp0016wf.jpg Took the shot at the right moment. Rough map. I just love that pic!!! Edit: HAY GUYS HOW DO I USE THE WAREZ PHOTOSHOP I GOT OFF KAZAA?!?! I KNOW C++ BUT ALIGNING TEXT IS VERY HARD WHAT IS THIS BLINKING LINE THING?! HELP!!!- I laugh everytime I read that lol 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted March 23, 2005 Seems I have your map too and have taken the exact same shot! 0 Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted March 23, 2005 Zodiak said:http://img200.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img200&image=demonimp0016wf.jpg Took the shot at the right moment. Rough map. I just love that pic!!! Yeah, incredible! DW (and every other doom3 site) mysteriously has the same imp and map! You should start suing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 23, 2005 Hahaha. The other two are real. Just playing with you. I wonder how they took that shot...I'ts like Curved... Anyway, anyone wanna join? 0 Share this post Link to post
Jehar Posted March 23, 2005 I honestly (from the flood of people like zodiac here and on d3w.org) would doubt that the map pic is his work. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 23, 2005 Why not? I could send you the map file if you want. That is my work. I've become an alot better mapper than I was a few months ago. Anyone wanna join this mod? 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted March 23, 2005 Take another shot of the same area, but with the plasmagun shooting at the "fire" 0 Share this post Link to post
Zodiak Posted March 23, 2005 Why? I will, I'll edit with the pic in a few mins. EDIT: http://img181.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img181&image=shot000317ul.jpg http://img215.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img215&image=shot000330gb.jpg Two new pics for the ones who wouldnt believe... 0 Share this post Link to post