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Photoshop CS Website

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Hey guys. I've been wanting to make a site for some time now. Iknow C++ so HTML should be no problem learning. But, my main question is how do you make a website layout on photoshop?

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With the slice tool. Or make each element individually. Depends on how you like to do graphics.

Moved to EE.

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Ahh. Forgot. I know how to slice and all but how do you actually lay it out?

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What do you mean by "lay it out" exactly? Do you mean how to create graphics and layouts in photoshop? Please be more specific.

ravage said:

Use Adobe Imageready if you want to build a website that way.

you can hop between photoshop and imageready using that little button at the bottom of the toolbox. This way you can adjust the image in both programs without have to close and open repeatedly.

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Yea. Add graphics, content(You mite do in coding phase) and make the actual site layout with buttons.

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Short answer:
Make your graphics, slice them up and save them as web-friendly images(file > save for web, or ctrl+alt+shift+s), and then start writing your website in whatever method you choose (html, xhtml, css, etc). Photoshop has an option for saving an html file along with your images as well. imageready can create mouseover graphics as well in a semi-automated fashion.

Long answer:
You're kind of asking a lot for a forum thread. You'd be much better off googling for a tutorial on how to use photoshop. There's no special trick involved really. You're just making graphics and then saving them. If you want help with something in particular, like "how can I make a button that looks like this <image of button>", or "how can I use this tool" then feel free to ask. but right now it sounds like you're asking someone to teach you to use photoshop. Try asking for help with something less broad instead.

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Do a google search on "imageready layout tutorial" and I'm sure you'll find something useful.

I have a ton of good .pdf tutorials from school but they're all in Dutch so I guess that's not going to help.

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