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Teaser Trailer For Some Movie

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Use3D said:

it's a bunch of overplayed, tired, rundown schlock just like any other action movie of the last 10 years.

Couldn't the same thing be said towards all the FPS games that've come out in the last 10 years including Doom 3?

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Xenphire said:

Couldn't the same thing be said towards all the FPS games that've come out in the last 10 years including Doom 3?


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Use3D said:

This movie is shit, it's a bunch of overplayed, tired, rundown schlock just like any other action movie of the last 10 years.

Ah, I see. So you're really just unable to recognise a non-shitty action movie. Because there have been plenty of worthwile action movies in the past ten years.

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Jonathan said:


And thus, Jonathan confirms that the Doom movie has no relation to the games.

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WildWeasel said:

What do I know though? I'm probably one of the eight people that liked the Final Fantasy and Super Mario movies.

Yeah, I still keep my Super Mario VHS close at hand.

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Arno said:

Ah, I see. So you're really just unable to recognise a non-shitty action movie. Because there have been plenty of worthwile action movies in the past ten years.

Worth your while maybe, but not mine. Anyway, if this doesn't look like a shitty action movie, what does?

Xenphire said:

Couldn't the same thing be said towards all the FPS games that've come out in the last 10 years including Doom 3?

Certainly, although I might draw exceptions for Blood and Deus Ex.

Mancubus II said:

Ever stop to think that you're just incredibly difficult to please?

I don't need corporate advertisers and marketing specialists to try to please me. I think I can do pretty well finding films I want to watch on my own.

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I'm really not worried about it sucking, just the whole "not demon but mutants" plot worries me the most.

I'll glady go see it.


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heh, "this movie will suck because they didn't phone ME personally and ask my opinion on the script. i am the most important doom fan in the world and if i think it sucks then everyone else who likes it is obviously a retard who isn't a TRUE doomer and should be banned from doomworld. i especially think hyping this movie is patently wrong, because saying it's good when actually it sucks is a serious crime against humanity and should be punishable by death. it's almost as bad as if the producers broke into my house and raped my family"

see also: matrix revolutions (which i liked)

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This looks pretty awesome to me.

I think the only way that the Doom movie could ever satisfy the players of the original games was if it was made as a scripted zdoom level ala imp encounter, and even then people would complain that they hadn't used a different port.

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This movie could be entertaining, or could suck (I bet in a way it will do both) but I really don't see why I'd bother getting into (heated?) arguements over it, or questioning what anyone else thinks about the movie (and we haven't seen it yet.)

Xenphire said:
Let's face the facts: If Doom were real, this is what it would be.

Ah, if DOOM were real it would be a Hollywood styled movie?

Please leave the idea of "if DOOM were real" to Harris, Klebold or other freaks.

Anything that the movie is to blame for, Doom is to blame for, when you get to the roots. It's based on Doom, the monsters are based on Doom, the place and guns are based on Doom. Everything you see in this film has a strong basis or origin in the Doom game. If you don't like what you see, then the only thing you really have to blame is Doom itself because the game lent to what we see in this movie and the interpretations of the things in it. If you don't like this movie because of it's content, then you should really begin to question whether you really like Doom itself.

So, if the movie were badly furnished, the story were stupid or off-track, the acting were bad, or the whole movie were put together ina lame way, all that would stem from DOOM?

Those are all highly relevant qualities of the content of the movie.

Not to mention that the designs in the movie, while in some way inspired by DOOM, (seemingly DOOM 3, not DOOM) are in no way equivalent (be that for better or worse) to DOOM's.

In a broad sense, since when is inspiration so utterly causal? Everyone who likes something automatically likes anything that's based on it?

"Hey man, I heard your favorite character is Batman, and you didn't like the last Batman movie. Let me tell you, you're messed up; you don't like Batman if you don't like the movie. Forget Batman!"

Plus the people saying they don't like the movie because of the "content" (irrespective of whether I agree or not) are for the most part saying precisely that they feel it deviates from what is DOOM, that it is something else.

You sound exactly like those who say Nietzche is to blame for Nazism, or DOOM for Columbine. You said it clearly: the faults in the movie would inevitably stem from the game. Anything wrong in the movie is an issue in the game!

Like, if any PWAD for DOOM sucks, then DOOM sucks, because all PWADS are derivatives of the game, right?

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Gentlemen (and ladies if you happen to be out there) I think one thing we should be able to agree on. This uproar would not be nearly so heavy if they hadn't appeared to take THE fundamental story concept of Doom (i.e. an demonic invasion from Hell) and changed it to something completely different (i.e. genetic experiment gone bad *cough* Resident Evil *cough*) At any rate until someone else sees it and shows that the genetic thing is a ruse and the creatures really are from Hell, I don't ever plan on seeing this movie. You don't EVER mess with fundamental story content when basing a movie on something. It's like making Schindler's List with the antagonists changed to the Taliban instead of being Nazis (don't make any comments on how this movie was based on history and Doom is based on a game, it's just an example.)

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Yeah, see i'm thinking that maybe it could possibly be a ruse of some sort. Either they THINK its a genetic experiment, and it's really hell, or the genetic experiment has something to DO with hell in some way. Even if no hell is involved, i'm not going to go getting all bent out of shape.

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God Damn.

Here's a thought:
Since Doom was originally inspired by Aliens, and since they've
changed the DEMONS into aliens, then aren't what we're seeing

Oh, wait...human genome...right...

Then they're MUTANTS, is that it?


Never underestimate Hollywood's talent for making SHIT.
(Hey, did you all know that "Snow Dogs" had been based on
a SERIOUS book about the Iditarod?!?)

I said GOD DAMN.

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Hey there is still an offshoot chance that the human genome thing was just an example of how advanced the research facility on mars really is.. doommovie.com does make references to teleportation, and likely, they wouldn't tell people in the trailor that all the monsters were from hell.. that would ruin the story for people who haven't played doom.

Don't fall into the trap of believing all the shit released by the media, hell if i were making this movie, i would tell you guys that it was some sort of crappy genome thing, only to surprise everyone and get a better reaction when the fans find out that the monsters are really from hell. From a business perspective, by creating doubt it everyone's minds, and then surprising them, they'll pull in more money. Just look at the controvery caused over this movie, it's insane.

Anyway, as many others have stated here; save yourself the effort, just wait for the movie, then at least you can say it sucked with validation.

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Fusion said:

doommovie.com does make references to teleportation

Wow, you're right.
The story mentions that the Mars "station has unwittingly opened a door". Also, the nightmarish creatures are "of unknown origin". The mission of the squad team is apparently to "seal off the portal to Earth". Interesting.

That leaves me with a bit of hope that they included some hellish dimension into the story.

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you have to remember too... the original doom didn't actually tell you that these guys were demons until the end of E1. maybe they're throwing this genome stuff in, as someone already mentioned, to keep people who haven't played the game yet on their toes. you think it's a resident evil rip off and then "BAM"... it's exactly what Doom is. If that's the case, then it's kind of nice.. It won't be the first time that the audience finds out what's really going on at the same time as the characters in the movie. Maybe they're saying that because no one really knows what's going on....

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