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Some error fixes for Doom Builder

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here are some error fixes that I made that could REALLY save your time

frmTextureBrowse Code (Couldn't remember what I changed, heh):


'    Doom Builder
'    Copyright (c) 2003 Pascal vd Heiden, codeimp.com
'    This program is released under GNU General Public License
'    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'    GNU General Public License for more details.

'Do not allow any undeclared variables
Option Explicit

'Case sensitive comparisions
Option Compare Binary

'Dictionary being browsed
Public collection As Dictionary

'Selected texture (0 = the dash!)
Public selectedindex As Long
Public SelectedName As String
Public ShowAll As Boolean

Private Const BORDERSPACING As Long = 3
Private itemnames() As String
Private useditemnames() As String
Private numitems As Long
Private numuseditems As Long
Private curitemnames() As String
Private curnumitems As Long

Private Rows As Long
Private cols As Long

Public OriginalMessageHandler As Long

Private Sub ArrangeBoxes()
     Dim i As Long
     Dim x As Long
     Dim y As Long
     Dim bx As Long
     Dim by As Long
     Dim bwidth As Long
     Dim bheight As Long
     'Calculate total width and height of blocks
     bwidth = picItem(0).Width
     bheight = picItem(0).Height
     'Determine number of boxes in width and height
     bx = (picList.ScaleWidth - scrScroll.Width) \ bwidth
     by = picList.ScaleHeight \ bheight
     Rows = by
     cols = bx
     'Go for all boxes
     i = 0
     For y = 0 To (by - 1)
          For x = 0 To (bx - 1)
               'Load controls
               On Local Error Resume Next
               Load picItem(i)
               Load imgTexture(i)
               Load lblTexture(i)
               On Local Error GoTo 0
               'Position controls
               picItem(i).Move bwidth * x, bheight * y
               Set imgTexture(i).Container = picItem(i)
               Set lblTexture(i).Container = picItem(i)
               lblTexture(i).Move 3, 67
               lblTexture(i).visible = True
               imgTexture(i).visible = True
               'Next control
               i = i + 1
          Next x
     Next y
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize(ByVal browseflats As Boolean)
     Dim useditems As New Dictionary
     Dim Keys As Variant
     Dim starti As Long
     Dim i As Long
     Dim ScrollMax As Long
     'None selected
     selectedindex = -1
     'Check if using flats or textures
     If (browseflats) Then
          'Set information for Flats
          Set collection = flats
          numitems = collection.Count
          Caption = "Select Flat"
          lblViewSort.Caption = "Viewing used flats only. Press TAB to view all flats."
          'Set information for Textures
          Set collection = textures
          numitems = collection.Count + 1    '1 extra for the -
          Caption = "Select Texture"
          lblViewSort.Caption = "Viewing used textures only. Press TAB to view all textures."
     End If
     'Check if we are allowed to do subclassing
     If (CommandSwitch("-nosubclass") = False) Then
          'Keep original messages handler
          OriginalMessageHandler = GetWindowLong(Me.hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC)
          'Set our own messages handler
          SetWindowLong Me.hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf TextureMessageHandler
     End If
     On Error Resume Next
     'Get the key names
     Keys = collection.Keys
     'Allocate memory for string names
     ReDim itemnames(0 To numitems - 1)
     'First texture is nothing
     If (browseflats = False) Then
          itemnames(0) = "-"
          starti = 1
          starti = 0
     End If
     'Make string array from names
     For i = starti To numitems - 1
          itemnames(i) = Keys(i - starti)
     Next i
     'Check if we should select used names from sidedefs (textures)
     If (browseflats = False) Or (Val(Config("mixresources")) = vbChecked) Then
          'Go for all sidedefs
          For i = 0 To numsidedefs - 1
               If (useditems.Exists(sidedefs(i).Upper) = False) Then If (collection.Exists(sidedefs(i).Upper)) Then useditems.Add sidedefs(i).Upper, 1
               If (useditems.Exists(sidedefs(i).Middle) = False) Then If (collection.Exists(sidedefs(i).Middle)) Then useditems.Add sidedefs(i).Middle, 1
               If (useditems.Exists(sidedefs(i).Lower) = False) Then If (collection.Exists(sidedefs(i).Lower)) Then useditems.Add sidedefs(i).Lower, 1
          Next i
     End If
     'Check if we should select used names from sectors (flats)
     If (browseflats = True) Or (Val(Config("mixresources")) = vbChecked) Then
          'Go for all sector
          For i = 0 To numsectors - 1
               If (useditems.Exists(sectors(i).tfloor) = False) Then If (collection.Exists(sectors(i).tfloor)) Then useditems.Add sectors(i).tfloor, 1
               If (useditems.Exists(sectors(i).tceiling) = False) Then If (collection.Exists(sectors(i).tceiling)) Then useditems.Add sectors(i).tceiling, 1
          Next i
     End If
     'Sort used items
     Set useditems = SortDictionary(useditems)
     'When using textures, add 1 for the -
     If (browseflats) Then numuseditems = useditems.Count Else numuseditems = useditems.Count + 1
     'Allocate memory for string names
     ReDim useditemnames(0 To numuseditems - 1)
     Keys = useditems.Keys
     'First texture is nothing
     If (browseflats = False) Then
          useditemnames(0) = "-"
          starti = 1
          starti = 0
     End If
     'Make string array from texture names
     For i = starti To numuseditems - 1
          'Add to array
          useditemnames(i) = Keys(i - starti)
     Next i
     'Set the current collection
     curitemnames() = useditemnames()
     curnumitems = numuseditems
     'Resize list
     picList.Width = ScaleWidth - picList.left * 2
     picList.Height = ScaleHeight - picBottom.Height - picList.top
     'Reposition scrollbar
     scrScroll.left = picList.ScaleWidth - scrScroll.Width
     scrScroll.Height = picList.ScaleHeight
     'Rearrange controls
     'Set the scrollbar max
     ScrollMax = (curnumitems \ cols) + 1 - Rows
     If (ScrollMax < 0) Then ScrollMax = 0
     scrScroll.Max = ScrollMax
     scrScroll.LargeChange = Rows
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
     tag = 0
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
     tag = 1
End Sub

Public Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
     Dim ScrollV As Long
     Dim ScrollMax As Long
     Dim OldSelected As Long
     Dim thisimage As clsImage
     Dim ci As Long
     Dim i As Long
     'Adjust shift mask
     CurrentShiftMask = Shift
     'Keep old selection
     OldSelected = selectedindex
     'Check what key is pressed
     Select Case KeyCode
          Case vbKeyTab
               'Check if hiding unused items
               If (ShowAll = False) Then
                    'Switch to all items
                    lblViewSort.visible = False
                    ShowAll = True
                    'Switch collections
                    curitemnames() = itemnames()
                    curnumitems = numitems
                    'Set the scrollbar max
                    ScrollMax = (curnumitems \ cols) + 1 - Rows
                    If (ScrollMax < 0) Then ScrollMax = 0
                    scrScroll.Max = ScrollMax
                    scrScroll.LargeChange = Rows
                    'Select same texture
                    SetSelection SelectedName
                    'Show items
               End If
          Case 107, 187    '+
               'Scroll up
               If (scrScroll.Value - 2 >= scrScroll.Min) Then
                    scrScroll.Value = scrScroll.Value - 2
                    scrScroll.Value = scrScroll.Min
               End If
               Exit Sub
          Case 109, 189  '-
               'Scroll down
               If (scrScroll.Value + 2 <= scrScroll.Max) Then
                    scrScroll.Value = scrScroll.Value + 2
                    scrScroll.Value = scrScroll.Max
               End If
               Exit Sub
          Case vbKeyPageUp
               selectedindex = selectedindex - cols * Rows
               If (selectedindex < 0) Then selectedindex = 0
          Case vbKeyPageDown
               selectedindex = selectedindex + cols * Rows
               If (selectedindex >= curnumitems) Then selectedindex = curnumitems - 1
          Case vbKeyHome
               selectedindex = 0
          Case vbKeyEnd
               selectedindex = curnumitems - 1
          Case vbKeyUp
               selectedindex = selectedindex - cols
               If (selectedindex < 0) Then selectedindex = 0
          Case vbKeyDown
               selectedindex = selectedindex + cols
               If (selectedindex >= curnumitems) Then selectedindex = curnumitems - 1
          Case vbKeyLeft
               selectedindex = selectedindex - 1
               If (selectedindex < 0) Then selectedindex = 0
          Case vbKeyRight
               selectedindex = selectedindex + 1
               If (selectedindex >= curnumitems) Then selectedindex = curnumitems - 1
          Case Else
               'Check if we can jump to a texture
               'Go for all texture names
               For i = 0 To (curnumitems - 1)
                    'Check if the name starts with this char
                    If (StrComp(left$(curitemnames(i), 1), Chr$(KeyCode), vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
                         'Select this texture
                         selectedindex = i
                         Exit For
                    End If
               Next i
     End Select
     'Select texture name
     If (selectedindex > -1) Then SelectedName = curitemnames(selectedindex)
     'Check if not the dash name
     If (SelectedName <> "-") Then
          If (collection.Exists(SelectedName) = False) Then
          GoTo TehErrorIsGone
          End If
          'On Error Resume Next
          'Get texture object
          Set thisimage = collection(SelectedName)
          'Show details
          lblTextureName = SelectedName
          lblTextureSize = thisimage.Width & " x " & thisimage.Height
          'Clean up
          Set thisimage = Nothing
          'No details
          lblTextureName = ""
          lblTextureSize = ""
     End If
     'Check if old selection is within view
     ci = OldSelected - scrScroll.Value * cols
     If ((ci >= picItem.LBound) And (ci <= picItem.UBound)) Then
          'Deseect old
          picItem(ci).BackColor = vbBlack    'vbWindowBackground
          lblTexture(ci).BackColor = vbBlack 'vbWindowBackground
          lblTexture(ci).ForeColor = vbWhite 'vbWindowText
     End If
     'Check if the selection is above view
     ci = selectedindex - scrScroll.Value * cols
     If (ci < picItem.LBound) Then
          'Scroll to selection
          ScrollV = (selectedindex \ cols)
          If (ScrollV > scrScroll.Max) Then ScrollV = scrScroll.Max
          If (ScrollV < scrScroll.Min) Then ScrollV = scrScroll.Min
          scrScroll.Value = ScrollV
     'Check if the selection is below view
     ElseIf (ci > picItem.UBound) Then
          'Scroll to selection
          ScrollV = (selectedindex \ cols) - (Rows - 1)
          If (ScrollV > scrScroll.Max) Then ScrollV = scrScroll.Max
          If (ScrollV < scrScroll.Min) Then ScrollV = scrScroll.Min
          scrScroll.Value = ScrollV
     'Otherwise the selection is inside view
          'Select new
          picItem(ci).BackColor = vbHighlight
          lblTexture(ci).BackColor = vbHighlight
          lblTexture(ci).ForeColor = vbHighlightText
     End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
     'Adjust shift mask
     CurrentShiftMask = Shift
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
     'Check if we are allowed to do subclassing
     If (CommandSwitch("-nosubclass") = False) Then
          'Restore original messages handler
          SetWindowLong Me.hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, OriginalMessageHandler
     End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
     'Fill the controls with textures
End Sub

Private Sub imgTexture_DblClick(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub imgTexture_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
     picItem_MouseDown Index, Button, Shift, x, y
End Sub

Private Sub lblTexture_DblClick(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub lblTexture_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
     picItem_MouseDown Index, Button, Shift, x, y
End Sub

Private Sub picItem_DblClick(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub picItem_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
     Dim ci As Long
     Dim thisimage As clsImage
     'Check if old selection is within view
     ci = selectedindex - scrScroll.Value * cols
     If ((ci >= picItem.LBound) And (ci <= picItem.UBound)) Then
          'Deseect old
          picItem(ci).BackColor = vbBlack    'vbWindowBackground
          lblTexture(ci).BackColor = vbBlack 'vbWindowBackground
          lblTexture(ci).ForeColor = vbWhite 'vbWindowText
     End If
     'Select this texture
     selectedindex = Index + scrScroll.Value * cols
     SelectedName = curitemnames(selectedindex)
     'Selection color
     picItem(Index).BackColor = vbHighlight
     lblTexture(Index).BackColor = vbHighlight
     lblTexture(Index).ForeColor = vbHighlightText
     'Check if not the dash name
     If (SelectedName <> "-") Then
          'Get texture object
          Set thisimage = collection(SelectedName)
          'Show details
          lblTextureName = SelectedName
          lblTextureSize = thisimage.Width & " x " & thisimage.Height
          'Clean up
          Set thisimage = Nothing
          'No details
          lblTextureName = ""
          lblTextureSize = ""
     End If
     'Focus away
     On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub scrScroll_Change()
     'Refill controls
End Sub

Private Sub scrScroll_Scroll()
     'Refill controls
End Sub

Public Sub SetSelection(ByVal itemname As String)
     Dim ScrollV As Long
     Dim thisimage As clsImage
     Dim i As Long
     'Just the name
     SelectedName = itemname
     'Go for all texture names
     For i = 0 To curnumitems - 1
          'Select if name matches
          If (StrComp(curitemnames(i), itemname, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
               'This item is now selected
               selectedindex = i
               SelectedName = curitemnames(i)
               'Check if not the dash name
               If (SelectedName <> "-") Then
                    'Get texture object
                    Set thisimage = collection(SelectedName)
                    'Show details
                    lblTextureName = SelectedName
                    lblTextureSize = thisimage.Width & " x " & thisimage.Height
                    'Clean up
                    Set thisimage = Nothing
                    'No details
                    lblTextureName = ""
                    lblTextureSize = ""
               End If
               'Determine scroll position to show selection
               ScrollV = (selectedindex \ cols) - 2
               If (ScrollV < 0) Then ScrollV = 0
               If (ScrollV > scrScroll.Max) Then ScrollV = scrScroll.Max
               scrScroll.Value = ScrollV
               'Leave the search
               Exit For
          End If
     Next i
End Sub

Private Sub ShowItems()
     Dim Shown As Long
     Dim offset As Long
     Dim thisimage As clsImage
     Dim w As Long, h As Long
     Dim x As Long, y As Long
     Dim i As Long
     Dim ci As Long
     'Hide list, this solves flickering problems
     'picList.Visible = False
     LockWindowUpdate Me.hWnd
     'Calculate number of textures we can show
     Shown = cols * Rows
     'Calculate index offset
     offset = scrScroll.Value * cols
     'Go for all textures to be shown
     For i = offset To (offset + Shown - 1)
          'Get control index
          ci = i - offset
          'Determine x an y
          y = ci \ cols
          x = ci - y * cols
          'Check if within bounds
          If (i < curnumitems) Then
               'Clear picture
               Set imgTexture(ci).Picture = Nothing
               'Set texture name
               lblTexture(ci).Caption = curitemnames(i)
               'Check if this texture is the dash
               If (curitemnames(i) = "-") Then
                    imgTexture(ci).Move BORDERSPACING, BORDERSPACING, 64, 64
                    'Do not crash here
                    On Error Resume Next
                    'Get texture object
                    Set thisimage = collection(curitemnames(i))
                    'Set picture
                    Set imgTexture(ci).Picture = thisimage.Picture
                    thisimage.GetScale 64, 64, w, h, False
                    imgTexture(ci).Move BORDERSPACING + (64 - w) \ 2, BORDERSPACING + (64 - h) \ 2, w, h
                    'Continue error handling
                    On Error GoTo 0
               End If
               'Check if selected
               If (selectedindex = i) Then
                    'Selection color
                    picItem(ci).BackColor = vbHighlight
                    lblTexture(ci).BackColor = vbHighlight
                    lblTexture(ci).ForeColor = vbHighlightText
                    'Normal color
                    picItem(ci).BackColor = vbBlack    'vbWindowBackground
                    lblTexture(ci).BackColor = vbBlack 'vbWindowBackground
                    lblTexture(ci).ForeColor = vbWhite 'vbWindowText
               End If
               'Show texture
               picItem(ci).visible = True
               'Clear texture
               Set imgTexture(ci).Picture = Nothing
               picItem(ci).visible = False
          End If
     Next i
     'Show list
     LockWindowUpdate 0
     'picList.Visible = True
End Sub

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