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Classic Win 3.1 Game(s)

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I've been searching for a game for about 3 years now, and it took that win95 post to make me realize i could probably ask here!
Back when I had win 3.1, there was an old program (not entirely sure if it could really be considered a game or not) called "Engine" (i think). It shows you a picture of an engine, you hit the ignition and it tells you what happens, ie, grinding sound, or the engine chugs for a second and quits, or nothing at all. You have a list of parts to repair/fix/replace/whatever, and you click on what you think is wrong.
if you're right, it starts up, if your wrong, probably not. Anywho, any help in finding this would be much appreciated :)

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I vaguely remember that engine game myself. surprisingly theres a lot of windows 3.1 era games converted over so they can run under nt/xp. i recently played "SkiFree" and an old dos flight sim called "corncob-3d" that i used to play on an old 286.

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Regen said:

I vaguely remember that engine game myself. surprisingly theres a lot of windows 3.1 era games converted over so they can run under nt/xp. i recently played "SkiFree" and an old dos flight sim called "corncob-3d" that i used to play on an old 286.

I loved the suspended runway level in that game. I'm suprised that it could run on a 286...

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AgentSpork said:

Here's a bunch of old Win3.1 games. This includes games like Jezzball, SkiFree (as linked above), Pipe Dream, etc.. Oh, and Jezzball is awesome.

You do realize, that's part of Micro$oft's sold Entertainment packs, which are probably still sold.

Corncob was never a windows game btw, and this is my favorite part of it

I still have a SHITLOAD of win 3.1 games still installed... yay for microman, comet busters, wintrek, amazeing, etc

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Regen said:

It can even run on an xp machine by downloading the file here: http://www.classicgames.org/game/Corncob3D.html
yep i ran it from a 5-1/4" floppy too. no hard drive on that monster whatsoever.. a hyundai super "T" 286. (though i did get it a 20meg mfm external drive w/ controller card later on)

Heh, I volunteered at a place that dealt with old hardware. They would get 286 harddrives on occasion .. fuckers were huge and heavy. It was all too much fun to smash them to pieces. :P

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Haha, I remember Corbcob. My friend had that, and I thought it was kind of funny how all the bosses were glowing spheres.

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I'm almost certain thats it. Thank you Jonathan. I'd let you have me if you were nearby.

Now to get the damn thing to work.

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If it's Windows based, there shouldn't be any problems as far as I know. Anyone here ever play Dare to Dream from Epic Megagames? That's 3.1-based, and on a whim I decided to try and reinstall it on my XP systems. Worked like a freakin' charm, I was so amazed.

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All I get is:

ENGINE caused Segment Load Failuer in module VBRUN100.DLL at 000d:03F6

Choose close. ENGINE will close.


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