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Naked Snake

Wellbutrin XL...

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"With a low risk of sexual side-effects!
Yes, that's right, you won't be depressed and you'll still be able to get it up!
Yeppers...no more depression, boner-ready you!
Hey, wanna stop being depressed and still be able to get your freak on?
...taking this product may make you want to FUCKING KILL YOURSELF, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A CHILD(!?!?!) OR TEENAGER
Hey! No more depression and you can still fuck your spouse, yes, you can stuff her good."

Pretty much my "dramatization" of a Wellbutrin XL commercial.

Seriously, it said about 6 times that it had no sexual side-effects, only briefly mentioned it increases the risk of suicidal thoughts.
Suicidal thougts...from depression medicine?
And it says "children and teenagers" and I'm kinda wondering who has a child "depressed" enough to have to take medication for it.

This commercial just got to me because it was so focused on that fact that you would not suffer sexual side-effects and it seemed so INDIFFERENT to the fact that it may make people kill themselves.

I love America.

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I'm pretty sure it's common sense that anti-depression medicine does the complete opposite.

and who the fuck would give horny medicine to a child

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Sexual side-effects of anti-depressants suck. Actually, all of the side-effects suck; that's why I don't take them anymore.

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welbutrin is more of an anti-anxiety med and seems to work on some people who suffer from different forms of clinical depression. the ad mentioned "low risk of sexual side effects" because the original welbutrin formula, which was used for things like easing the axiety from quitting smoking and other drug addictions, treating clinical depression and social axiety disorder, had a really horrible effect on sexual response and really jacked up a lot of peoples relationships.

I used to listen to love lines with dr. drew and adam corrola a lot because of some of the weird shit you would hear. when welbutrin was being tossed out like candy to treat all these disorders you would have 3 or 4 callers a night describing their problem only do have dr. drew ask "are you talkin welbutrin?". the caller would answer yes, and he would tell them to get off of it and try an alternative med or some other way to deal with the problem that led them to take welbutrin.

either way, I see what your saying about the way they advertise meds on tv. they always show people at the happiest when they list the side effects. like the prilosec, which may cause severe abdominal pain, or that allegry med you spray up your nose that may cause sinus infection. I've heard some ads for meds that can cause certain types of cancer or sudden death "in rare cases". how'd ya like to take a pill that may cause sudden death?

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Numbermind said:

It seriously mentioned suicide in the commercial? We are witnessing a revolution here.

Well, the theme song to M*A*S*H is called "Suicide is Painless". I don't think they really let that be common knowledge though.

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Strange though it may seem, an number of anti-depressant drugs have been shown to increase "suicidal thoughts" under certain conditions. It's something that doctors should be aware of and on the look out for when treating a patient by using such drugs.

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Imp said:


Does the ad say anything about homicidal thoughts as well?

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i used to take it a while back. the worst thing it did to me was made me not want to eat. paxil does the same. infact if i am not careful i sometimes go a whole day without eating

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Sephiroth said:

infact if i am not careful i sometimes go a whole day without eating

You know, that sounds like what happens to me since I started to take Paxil. I've never had problems having an appetite and maintaining a good eating schedule until I started to take it. Now I actually forget to eat or eat too much from becoming terribly hungry.

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Oh fuck, Paxil is nasty shit. It made me extremely anxious. Even anti-anxiety medicine couldn't counter it. Not being able to sleep or sit still sucked. If you want something that will make you eat, take Zyprexa. I would go through a whole box of cereal every morning for breakfast while talking that. I gained 50 pounds in a month.

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a lot of those mood altering drugs can mess you up. my ex-girlfriend told me a story about when she was a camp counselor and tried some of the camps supply of ritalin. she said it was like doing a bunch of coke and ended up sweeping and mopping the whole mess hall by herself. I've never been on any of that stuff so I can't speak from personal experience.

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VileSlay said:

she said it was like doing a bunch of coke and ended up sweeping and mopping the whole mess hall by herself.

see what evil drugs do to you kids? makes you mop up :(

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exp(x) said:

Oh fuck, Paxil is nasty shit.

Mix with alcohol and you get death. My mother had a drinking problem and her doctor knew about it and prescribed it to her anyway. She was on it about a week before her system could take it no more.

I used to take wellbutrin SR for depression... screws your appetite and sleep(well at least mine). Funny, I was taking it cause I was depressed about losing my mom to Paxil and Alcohol.(Actually... NOT FUNNY!)

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I cured myself by convincing myself that there is no such thing as depression. My psychiatrist told that I would relapse soon after quitting my meds. What a sucker. "Chronic, treatment-resistant major depression" my ass. Oh, and I'm not gay! Get it? Ass... gay... har har har, I'm so clever.

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Scuba Steve said:

We're all depressed AND gay?

You hit the nail on the head, in more than one way...

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They want you part of the machine. especialy when they know you have a big fat and juicy blue cross insurance card in your wallet. the last thing they want to here is positive patient intervention that sway's you away from there "your screwed up in life, these are the happy pill's that make it all go away" (they dont make money that way) sure theres a handfull of prescript meds that actualy do help patients with there conditions/disease's but sadly most do not fall within the deppresion/anxiety category. unless you wanna walk around vegged out the rest of your life (and have an addiction to boot -zanax to the extreme) if you have serious mental problems, then you need to be biting down on a tongue depressor and taking your volts. if you want to get over deppresion/anxiety, you need to be clear headed.

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I took Welbutrin for about a month, during which time it hyped the ever-loving hell out of me, to the point that I wasn't sleeping at all and I was on some kind of freak high where my body was trying to drop but my brain was all FUCK YOU BODY YOU GET YOUR PUNK ASS UP AND RUN INTO THAT DOOR ANOTHER TWELVE TIMES. THEN WE'RE GONNA EAT A BAG OF GRAPES AND SHIT FOR AN HOUR.

Now I'm on Lamictal, Lexapro, Seroquel, and Ritalin (although I'm not ADHD, technically). You want sexual side effects? I was at a chick's this last weekend. Got it up just fine, just couldn't hit the high note. Fucking SUCKS.


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another case of meds with bad side effects. I saw a commercial today for a med the helps control diabetes. three things you need to watch as a diabetic is weight gain, high or low blood sugar, and, for women, pregnancy because of dangers involved. this med can cause weight gain, low blood sugar and INCREASES the chance of pregnancy. WTF!!!

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Doom-Child said:

Now I'm on Lamictal, Lexapro, Seroquel, and Ritalin

Is that all? Sarcasm aside, I was going to make some inflammatory comment but backed off. I'm not going to claim to understand your life situation at all. I can assume as usual these types of things can be touchy-feely to those who may have been led to believe they are in need of "correction" as if there is some sort of specific mindset to live up to or is entitled to.

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Just some advice to any of you who may be taking anti-depressants or similar drugs, DO NOT quit any of them suddenly. You need to work out a timeframe of gradual dosage reduction with your doctor. If you just go cold turkey, it will fuck you up big-time. I'm saying this because there are a lot of posts in this thread saying such-and-such is a horrible drug or stop taking such-and-such (my posts included).

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Yeah, I learned the "cold turkey" lesson with Geodon. That's one that starts withdrawal FAST. As for Lexapro, it hasn't done terrible things that I can tell. I feel pretty good most of the time, which is more than I can say of me two years ago.

Quast said:

I can assume as usual these types of things can be touchy-feely to those who may have been led to believe they are in need of "correction" as if there is some sort of specific mindset to live up to or is entitled to.

In a lot of cases, it is someone being led into it. I don't really think that's how it worked with me. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it, and while I would wholeheartedly agree that there isn't any single brain chemistry to strive for, I do think that it's possible for someone to have a lot of difficulty functioning. In that kind of case, like I was, medication and therapy are really helpful.

A quick hint: If you need to shut a noisy neighbor's dog up, just slip it 400mg of Seroquel in its food. You'll never hear that bitch again.


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