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Editing help ["Sectors not closed"]

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Cool stuff! I never managed a WTF like that in one of my maps.

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The sector structure on the 'wtf' portion is really smooth, that must've taken a while, how does it look in the game?

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Uh, have you tried, you know, fixing the sectors? Delete them and then redraw them (or however sectors are done in DoomBuilder).

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I don't map a lot, but I agree with Doomboy, you could just redraw them.

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iirc you could try opening the linedef properties and select which sector it ties with to instead of an invalid one.

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I'm not sure what the problem is, but if you have two different half-sectors that should be one whole sector, just select both of them and use the join tool.

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Ok another question. How do I draw on a already made linedef without getting its properties? Cause you basically need to right click to draw a new linedef too make rooms, objects, ect. So, explain that to me.

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INSERT works from both lines and sectors mode, and with CTRL+D you can start drawing from any mode.

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Sorry, my crytal ball is out of order, so... post a link to the map and someone can look at it in an editor and tell you where the dog is burried.

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Normal teleporters just need the right tag and an exit point.
If you make this with the zdoom engine just read the wiki -> http://www.zdoom.org/wiki/index.php?title=Teleport

If you are doing this with the normnal doom engine you only need to put a teleporter tag (97 for player and 126 for monsters) on a line and give it a free sector tag.
Tag the destination secotr and put a teleporter exit thing somewhere inside that sector.

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Make a line with the teleporter type and give it a tag of 1, then make a sector give it a tag of 1 and put a teleport destination thing in it...
When the player crosses the line he teleports to the sector. You use different tags for more teleporters.
The same works with a monster only teleporter.

Have you looked at any maps with teleporters in them?

Explain sector tags? Are you serious?

You use sector tags to do a whole lot, like make elevators, doors, platforms, moving stairs, and all that stuff you see happening in doom maps.
You don't need to use tags in any pre-defined order, just remember not to use the same tag for two different things. And don't use the tag 0 unless you know what you are doing...
To use sector tags you find a linetype with an effect you want, set that linetype to a linedef in the map, give it a tag, and tag it to a sector. Like the teleporter I told you to make...

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So basically I can make as many teleporters I want with using different tags in any order I want. Now I get the idea for building teleporters. ^_^ I'm gonna try that out and make a bigger map. But I have to get more advanced so I can at least make decent maps and no one bitches about how plain they all look.

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