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peach freak

Doom Builder Help

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I am currently making my own WAD with Doom Builder. It is the perfect level designing tool for me, but I have a few questions.

1. In Doom Builder, how do you program a monster so you must kill it to beat a level, lower a wall, etc? I tried looking for stuff in Map 7 of Doom II and E2M8 of Doom because those had monsters you had to kill. How do you use it in Doom Buiilder?

2. You know how some WADs have custom MIDIs in them, like Dwango5 and Alien Vendetta? In Doom Builder, how do you upload a MIDI to a level, so that MIDI will be used in that level? Can you do it in Doom Builder or do you need to use another program.

Thanks for any help.

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I think the whole beat the monster, beat the level thing only works for those levels. I could be wrong, I've never made one like that.

As for adding a midi, its not a midi, its a .mus you have to add, and you can add it through wintex. Go to doomworld.com and look for wintex there, Wintex is amazing, you can add all the frills.

But about Doom Builder, its the best :-) Period. Thats why I never made any levels before, cause the other map builders weren't easy. Sorry to kiss so much ass, but I'm really happy someone made an easy to build wad maker.

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The events triggered by monster deaths are hardcoded for the original dooms.

e1m8 - all barons dead, floor with tag 666 lowers to lowest
e3m8 - spiderdemon dies, ends the level
e4m8 - spiderdemon dies, floor with tag 666 lowers to lowest
map07 - all mancubii dead, floor with tag 666 lowers to lowest, all arachnotron dead, floor with tag 667 raises to the height of the tallest texture on that sector (I think)

any doom2 level - all commander keens dead, door with tag 666 (i think) opens and stays open.

As far as Final doom goes, I have no clue. never played it.

Doombuilder is NOT for putting midi's in your wads. It's strictly for making levels, and levels ONLY.

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Alright, thanks. But is there a tag for killing the monster to end the level?

I also tried downloading WinTex and everytime I try to open it, I get an error message saying "cannot find VBRUN300.dll". I did not find it in the zip file or anywhere else. Anyone know how to fix this so I can put music files into my wads?

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If you want effects related to monsters other than those ravage mentioned, you need to make a map in Hexen format and do some scripting to make your effect work. You can read about scripts here, or post in the Editing forum.

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peach freak said:

Alright, thanks. But is there a tag for killing the monster to end the level?

I also tried downloading WinTex and everytime I try to open it, I get an error message saying "cannot find VBRUN300.dll". I did not find it in the zip file or anywhere else. Anyone know how to fix this so I can put music files into my wads?

I had tried Wintex but it works like crap on XP (for me anyway). You can get the dll. file and VBX. file from just googling it. Just type in the exact dll. file and you can download it. Try XWE also. Find an editor right for you and works on Dosless Windows XP.

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DarkFoxSoldier20 said:

I had tried Wintex but it works like crap on XP (for me anyway). You can get the dll. file and VBX. file from just googling it. Just type in the exact dll. file and you can download it. Try XWE also. Find an editor right for you and works on Dosless Windows XP.

Works great for me and I have XP. I made NiN doom with tons of new textures / musics, and I'm making a wad with new models for enemies with it.

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I found that some dos-based editors still work in xp for the most part. NwtPro 1.14b actually does work, albeit slowly.

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I have the Dosbot. But strangely enough when I first installed Doom (Doom collectors Edition) on my computer, I didn't have Dosbot. Strange...

WinTex didn't work for me. Everytime I tried editing my wad, the program tells me the main (whatever) is missing. Didn't know wtf it was telling me so I got rid of it.

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DarkFoxSoldier20 said:

WinTex didn't work for me. Everytime I tried editing my wad, the program tells me the main (whatever) is missing. Didn't know wtf it was telling me so I got rid of it.

You need to find the place of the main wad. If its not in the default place.

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