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Rotting Corpse


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Just picked it up to day. I'm not that far into the game but all ready it is starting to become one of my fav FPS. The story is great. Its alot like older fps. There are only little pauses in the action. The AI is great. The bad guys react to what you are doing very fast. Alot of times before I even had a chance to take out one guy the other people in his group were flanking me. This led to having 4 or 5 guys firing at me from all sides. You dont need to use Slowmo all the time but it helps alot. I find that thowing a nade a group of people then going into slowmo to flank them works well in open areas. But if you are in a small hallway most of the time if the bad guys get fire fist you are screwed. Leaning around corners and firing form cover seem to be the only way to win a fight with out lossing alot of heath.

The mulitplayer is a littl diffrent then most games. Insted of it being up to 30 or more players you can only have 16. This might make some of you a bit sceptical about the mulitplayer but dont be. The maps are small and most of the have a alot of small hallways. Becouse of this you are all most constantly in a fire fight. In Slowmo team multiplayer games. When some one picks up a Reflex Boster [Slowmo pick up] Only there hud shows that slowmo mode charging up but when they use it the whole team gets slowmo for a short time. This can be a problem if you are playing lonewolf. But you you are in groups this helps alot. The only drawbacks to the multiplayer is that it is to easy to get head shots with the G2A2 Assault Rifle. While it takes more then one head shot to put some one down with the 10mm HV Penetrator.

Over all I think that this game is great. I have heard that its a bit short. But, if the game play stays solid though out the game it wont matter.

IMO Paxton Fettel is one of the best bad guys to be in a video game in a long time.

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The one problem I can see with FEAR thus far is the fact that it has absurdly high system requirements. That, and it's published by Sierra On-Line, who I have not had too many good experiences with (Half-Life 1 nuked a good number of my other games while I was uninstalling it, and I have not yet managed to get my copy of Space Quest 4 to run).

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The only thing I don't like about the game so far is the mish-mash of words used to make the acronym.

Edit: Sadly enough the name is the only thing I've ever seen of this game.

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Yeah, sierra was always kinda sticky with me. AVP2 crashed a lot, and it would always freeze for a few minutes when I would exit the game.

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Janderson said:

The only thing I don't like about the game so far is the mish-mash of words used to make the acronym.

I don't get the whole "disporportioned woman in front of a solid gradient background" thing either.

But hey, making new nonsense acroynms out of words is the trend these days; gotta love S.T.A.L.K.E.R!

none will get better than MAX, ever (Mechanized Assault & Exploration)

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Shaviro said:

So it doesn't totally suck like the demo?

Hell no. The demo was ok. The thing that you need to know if the you though the demo sucked is that it was a level made for the demo. The only thing that the demo has that the in common with the game is that
the moive and the talk in the FEAR office are in the start of the game. And you get out of a car in the start of the fist level. The wrose thing that the demo did was show you most or all of the wheapons you get. In the full game its like any other fps you start out with a pistol and need to get around 20 min into the game befor you get a new gun.

As for all the Sierra games crashing. I never had any of those types of problems with Half-Life or AVP2. If you are looking to replay AVP2 you need to patch it and download Pojam.It makes the game alot better.

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I just got F.E.A.R. and I am enjoying it, but it seems to slow up alot even on lower settings, and that seems odd cause I have a kick ass computer. I like the game so far, but I wish it made a lick of sense. *So far I'm into the 3rd interval, that little girl trapped me in a hallway that had a ceiling dripping with blood :-\*

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Tried the demo. Looked like Half-Life running in software mode with a few curved bits. Ran about as well as a three legged dog that's been kicked in the nuts on a machine that can run Doom 3 in high detail 800x600 without breaking a sweat (and 1024x768 with only the occasional stutter).

I liked the gameplay elements I saw very much. But unless they release a better demo to prove they've improved the code, I'll have to pass.

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JoelMurdoch said:

Tried the demo. Looked like Half-Life running in software mode with a few curved bits. Ran about as well as a three legged dog that's been kicked in the nuts on a machine that can run Doom 3 in high detail 800x600 without breaking a sweat (and 1024x768 with only the occasional stutter).

I liked the gameplay elements I saw very much. But unless they release a better demo to prove they've improved the code, I'll have to pass.

The full game is much more optimised. I noticed a BIG increase in framerate from the demo to the full version.

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Ayu said:

It's fileplanet, so no.

Here is anoter link to them.

Here is some important news for people running FEAR on a Nvidia gfx card: Nvidia put out a new driver for G-force cards on the 20th, Force Ware 81.84. According to V.U. games the new driver will help fix random crashes, shuddering and rendering problems you might have when running FEAR.

After DLing this FEAR stoped shuddering and crashing. It also fixes other rendering errors. So it migth help post frame rates when FEAR is running higher gfx settings. It worked for me. Im running every thing on Max with x2 Full Screen Anti-Aliasing and 2x Anisotropic texture filtering on a Nvidia Gforce 660GT.

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