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To release it you must post it somewhere on the Internet. For example, the idgames archive where most people upload classic DOOM stuff.

Use an FTP program to upload to:


Send it in a ZIP along with a TXT (along with it, but also another copy in the ZIP.) Make sure the ZIP has a name of no more than 8 characters (plus extension.)

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It's done.
BrDOOM will be release in next week - 101.wad
I don't have time now... So hard job...
Thanks to iori and myk for all replys.

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The Ultimate DooMer said:

I believe there's an ancient 1994 wad called 101.wad (I think it's on my D!1000 cd)

I believe you are right there, ive played that map once to hard too remember how it looked like.
Now where is my version of D!1000 gotta be here somewhere, maybe its in the archives too.

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Apparently so. There are lots of names containing "101" on /idgames, but there is no actual 101.wad on there. It may not be on /idgames. Just name it something like logan101.wad.

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You worked two years on this map, thats pretty long for one single map.
Map looked nice enough for me, it was pretty hard too and the scripting stuff was nice also.
[edit]runs fine with gzdoom too, didn't ran into problems.

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Hey Dutch, what version of gzdoom did you use? I tried it with the latest version, and the game never took me too the levels starting area.

I'd like to try it in gzdoom too, as it's a bit more to my liking then legacy is.

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ragnew said:

Hey Dutch, what version of gzdoom did you use? I tried it with the latest version, and the game never took me too the levels starting area.

I'd like to try it in gzdoom too, as it's a bit more to my liking then legacy is.

Oops kinda forgot to metion that, the starting area didn't work with gzdoom.
So I moved the starting area to where the other start spots where for the other players.
After that the map didn't gave me any problems anymore, I have the latest version.

I got stuck in the same area like you, forgot to read the whole textfile so I asumed it was an bug.
It will probably run fine on legacy though, I haven't tried that so far.

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Well I played and for one thing it is hard, but it was still a lot of fun. Good work Logan on the wad. :) Oh, BTW, if you play the wad in any other port then Legacy youll get a bug. At least thats what happen when I was testing the wad before the realease. Just thought I should clear that up.

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For all members was been played my Wad...
I ask.

What you think about...
The designer?
And size of the wad?

Thank again.

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shotgunmasacre2 said:

Well I played and for one thing it is hard, but it was still a lot of fun. Good work Logan on the wad. :) Oh, BTW, if you play the wad in any other port then Legacy youll get a bug. At least thats what happen when I was testing the wad before the realease. Just thought I should clear that up.

I said "LEGACY ONLY"... and thanks again shotgunm2...

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