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28,000+ linedefs and nodes won't be built?

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I'm working on my game as some few of you have heard of, but the lesser part of you knows that I am trying to make the biggest Doom oriented map ever for it, which is also being optimized so that it won't lag on your computers too much if any.
Anyhow, today I recieved a problem, my nodes builder wont make nodes for me anymore? So is 28k the limit? or is is just another nodes-oriented bug?
Splitting the map into two parts just don't sound too sexxay for me. So if any of you know any good nodes builder that actually will work with Doom Builder (for some wierd reasons I haven't got any node builder than the default to build me nodes via doom builder.)

I am thankful for any tips.

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vanilla (any) But gl ones are best as I use a kind of method that doesn't work too good with all kinds of engines. Zdoom engines except for gzdoom may not work too well (graphical issues) So GZdoom is basically best. But I will of course make it as optimized as possible and hopefully then it will work nicer in zdoom.

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28000 linedefs is far too large for Vanilla or any source port that hasn't increased the linedef limit. By far the biggest problem for you will be that only very few source ports will be able to read the extended node formats required to handle such large maps.

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I've ran it with Gzdoomt, not exactly when it was 28k but like when it was 24-25k I guess I'll have to cut it in two pieces. I've been thinking to have 3 sp maps for this game anyway at 25k lines each.

And It's
22745 vertices
28013 linedefs
53915 sidedefs
6278 sectors

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What's the completion time? 50-60 minutes?

Ichor said:


Was there any purpose at all for that post?

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right now there's no completion time at all, but once it's made, I've thought of at least an hour each level. As I'm thinking of having only 3 sp levels and rest dm levels, and dm levels will be "slightly" smaller; 3000-7000 linedefs each. I hope the sp maps especially will be a nice coop experience as of it's size etc.

Also one thing, I won't have much of line actions etc. I will mostly make this open minded. That being said: This will most likely not have keys. However since I am planning to make a game which is highly moddable then of course that will come as well. I migth even make some nice extra bonuses such as a texture pack which makes it possible to run doom levels and even a wad with sprites etc that uses doom names. Other than this, Meanworlds will be having totally different names etc. So without having those extra packages it will not run doom maps.

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TheDarkArchon said:

Funny thing is, KDiZD E1M3 has > 30000 linedefs and it works fine.

What Node Builder do they use? And what version of Doombuilder? I've noticed more issues with latest I think...

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-_DLD_- said:

Was there any purpose at all for that post?

Maybe he was making the world's largest 10sector map? Imagine a map with that many linedefs but only having 10 sectors.

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Kinkyfriend said:

What Node Builder do they use?

ZDBSP. But for maps this large it can no longer use the normal node format and has to resort to ZDoom's extended format.

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Perhaps it's not the amount of linedefs limiting your map... What's your blocksize? As far as I know, the limit for this is 128k, with an extended-limit nodesbuilder (ZDBSP/DeepBSP)

EDIT: Wow, hey they were right... that IS a huge map. 53k sidedefs?!

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-_DLD_- said:

Ichor, if that happened, I would have to shoot myself. With a BFG.

You'd better not look at the 2sectors map where you can get a VPO then (and that's even when both sectors have the same floor and ceiling heights).

Some of the 10sector maps were very large and complex, BTW.

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Grazza said:

Some of the 10sector maps were very large and complex, BTW.

I noticed...I'm on Map10 or something in 10sector.wad. It's pretty tough!

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Grazza said:

You'd better not look at the 2sectors map where you can get a VPO then (and that's even when both sectors have the same floor and ceiling heights).

Some of the 10sector maps were very large and complex, BTW.

You mean such a thing is possible, and such wads exist? O_O

Links please?

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Logan MTM said:

I think you must show the screen of this WAD...

/me agrees.

Apothem, anything is possible with DOOM, as long as you have enough spare time.

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-_DLD_- said:

/me agrees.

Apothem, anything is possible with DOOM, as long as you have enough spare time.

I'll be thinking about that, atm it's not that complex in my opinion, So we'll see. I'm going to update graphics etc this week I've been thinking. I may release some shots soon enough. And btw So far there is at least about 750 textures and there will be about 1000-1100 textures probably ;) And once they exist they will be frequently updated, and even better; Everything will be made hi res as well.

a teaser for now.

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