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Bastet Furry

First editor ever?

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Just came to my mind, what was the first editor besides the internal one from id?
DEU? Or was there a world before DEU?


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I seem to recall DCK was released in the really early days, but I'm not sure how early, or even if it predates DEU.

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The first editors did little more than move things around or maybe change them. Then you could also move the vertices, and maybe change textures. Eventually id's BSP code was released and more full-fledged editors were possible.

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How good was WadAuthor when it was first released? Was it godly? Crappy?

People couldn't "prefer" DOOMBuilder, DeePsea, or XWE back in those days.

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I had collected some old stuff here for the project 1994 wad, among which there are some archaic map editors. We do often call them "map editors" and they can well do that, though we use them to make maps, not usually simply edit existing ones. I'd call them "map utilities."

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It's certainly the first one I downloaded and used and I was there pretty close to the start.

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Yeah I remember downloading DEU from the same BBS I got DOOM shareware from back in the day. I'm fairly sure it was the first full map editor.

Oh how I rejoiced when I latter found DCK.

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shotgunmasacre2 said:

I just want to see how editors coperated with computors and how hard it was to edit back when Doom was first out.

Hard? It isn't hard at all. It is just time consuming, since there is no 3d preview window available, and you have to run the game just to see what a new room looks like.
Other than that disadvantage, it's all an easy, straight-forward, linear routine: a) Insert the dots. b) Connect the dots. c)Highlight the lines in sequence to define a sector. c) Set the height variations. d) Set the texture preferences. e) Do the lighting.

Fun peanuts :)

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Acually the first editor was a hex editor, the first WAD was made by a hex editor, wich makes it the first editor...

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