Technician Posted January 24, 2006 I really hate people that play online games that think they have a superiority over people who are not up to their fraggin' abilities. I mean, should I be impressed by a kid who can play well at VIDEO GAME. 0 Share this post Link to post
Nautilus Posted January 24, 2006 Technician said:I really hate people that play online games that think they have a superiority over people who are not up to their fraggin' abilities. I mean, should I be impressed by a kid who can play well at VIDEO GAME. You are referring to a multitude of people who play. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 24, 2006 <of____badfish[NG]> fraggle: You are not a good one on one player. I dont care what you think. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted January 24, 2006 Nautilus said:You are referring to a multitude of people who play. I'm a hateful person. 0 Share this post Link to post
Alboroto Posted January 24, 2006 Technician said:...I mean, should I be impressed by a kid who can play well at VIDEO GAME. That's part of the whole point of online gamming. Competing to show off your abbilities on an enviroment where everyone is doing the same thing 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted January 24, 2006 I'm starting to play online games to pass time and have fun with people I don't know. I'm just finding people take this way to seriously. 0 Share this post Link to post
DOOM Anomaly Posted January 24, 2006 BlackAsDaNight said:...and the fact that no one plays TLSDM or TLSCTF anymore <3<3<3 I haven't played a round of TLSDM against another human in years. It's something I miss very dearly. :D There are some things that get my goat while I am playing online. For all games: Lag - The Great Beast. While it can be funny sometimes, throwing the player around the map or letting you surround yourself with countless cows without any harm of being struck, it can be a real pain when you're trying to play for the sake of playing rather than lagging. :D Diablo: When I first got the internet, this was the first game I played online. It's great as a game, but sadly as with many games, the people playing it can sometimes bring it down. (omg) hax! - As Danarchy said, a lot of the game is messed from people using dee-lees that, well, mess it up. While it's fun to be wearing a Godly Plate of the Whale on every part of your body, it defeats the purpose of the game. And town is for selling, healing, talking and poking cows, not killing. Hostility - Where? The game never informs you when you are in danger of treachery. And if you so happen to get attacked by a human while battling demons, you face potential loss of your gear due to it flying all over the place for everyone and Wirt to see and pick up if a demon strikes the finishing blow. Diablo II: (&) Lord of Destruction: One of my favourites. There are many great things about this game, as the bad. While there are bots, they really don't bother me. High runes - Goodbye diversity. While even before the coming of the new high level rune words, the high sets and uniques were used a lot, it didn't seem as bad. Since high level rune words have come out, it's "Absolutely necessary" that you have them or else you automatically suck. And if you dare enter a game wearing Immortal Kings, Aldur's or any other set, you'll be hearing the cries of "noob!" "omg ik sux" "LOL ALDURS STINKS" "TALS? O PLZ" for the rest of your life. I've been playing since the release and I just acquired these things not too long ago, I find it a rather big accomplishment and I find them to be great items. That's just me though. :D Back a few years I used to be able to go into a high level dueling game with nothing but a Buriza and some magic finding gear and do quite well. Now anything less than "omg nigma hoto cta coh ebotdz fort" and such is considered terrible, and unfortunately can't get you far in dueling against people who carry all these high level rune words and really vast amounts of gear. I used to like to duel high levels, but now I don't touch it because every time I go in one I see a level 80-90 Paladin (usually) totting rune words out the wazoo acting like he is the hottest thing since the Sun. It's funny since there are about approximately 6,000,000,000 others who have the exactly same gear and build. :P While it's not impossible to get all this gear, having to wear the exact same gear as all these other "gods" just makes me feel as boring as them. I'd like to be able to wear what I want and still be a good character. Unfortunately I can't though. :D (Go-Go cracked sash. :D) I'd like to see some high level duels that last more than one smite or zeal then lead to "lol owned" or something. I mean, I understand the want for "the best gear" to be so powerful, but it bothers me further that such gear is now required to even consider dueling, and that the sets and uniques are being treated like plagues to skill. Time to Du-du-duel - As said to high dueling, high level runes are pretty much needed, which is unfortunate. For low level dueling it's not as bad, but is getting there. Rune words aren't the demand, but ED and MD jewels and charms are needed to be seen as any good. The preparing for a level 9 dueler (very low level dueling) is almost, if not more intense than it is for a level 90. I've seen far more impressive "tanks" and characters in the levels of 9 and 30 than I have of 90 or 99, the gear some people find is just amazing. Though my low levels have more success than my high level characters do in dueling, it's still a tough crowd. What makes it more than tough is when we low levels are having nice fair duels and then some random, or former, now mad low level joins with a level 89 Paladin and hostiles us all, charging and zealing anyone who steps out of town, despite us all being under level 20. Some people do it randomly. Some do it because they lost in a duel and are mad. Or because they just got mad at someone "ok now i own u brb" Those are words I see far too often in low level dueling games. Far too often. I'd do something if my level 91 IK Barbarian wasn't helpless to all these new High level rune words, but I really don't want to change him, I made him for IK. :D Most times the high level scares all low levels from the game and they all bring their high levels. Soon enough I'm the only actual low level in a low level dueling game. Meanwhile everyone else is spanning from 70-99. I spend most of my dueling games in town watching and/or chatting because of this. This is another reason I don't bring my Barbarian into these games. I really don't want to become another one of them. :D If a high level is spotted in a low level dueling game, everyone suspects that they are player killing everyone, and then rush to get their high levels. :P Though I've met some nice people. :D I've found some of the newer people are nice sometimes; they have less common, magic gear and sometimes have an interesting way of dueling. (Like that Melee Necromancer I fought, quite a tough cookie.) I admire their ability to run out into dueling with random magic gear bought from venders or from monsters. That is the kind of dueling I'd like to see more often. Set(o) - Like the rune word business. Items are frowned upon because of obvious inferiority to others. However true this may be, it's silly to question one's use of an item until that person can be considered legally insane. I admit, I have level 30 dueling barbarian. The best shield I could find for him is Sigon's Shield. So I use it. What's not to love about Sigon's? +1 to all skills, high (usually 75%) chance to block, with another piece it gets +100 armour, it's nice. Also I like Sigon's, it's a cool set and a classic. I have a thing for sentiment, even to inanimate objects. Though when I walk into a game with it, the first thing I ever hear from some people is "Omg barb sigons? eww why?" I usually only answer "Why not?" Because that's all the answer I really need to give. :D I know I can only socket it once with the +%ED jewels, but the +skills is nice and I haven't found a shield I like better. I find that Sigon's Shield is a great shield, especially for a lower levels. Mad Skillz - With many skills in the game, you can expect many character builds. Though some will be more popular than others. I once came across with someone saying "fanta is so noob" and such. This took me a while to understand. No, actually, I still don't understand it, really. Because Fanaticism isn't "noob", it is a very powerful aura. My assumption would be the newer flock of Hammerdins drove people to Concentration since it upped the damage of Blessed Hammers. I myself have made some of the popular builds. I made an IK Barb, Burizon, and such, but I also like to make builds for the fun of it. I can't really get anywhere with the game, so might as well have fun, no? I can't really say I've seen many telekinesis Sorceresses around other than mine. :D "Muelz, tradez, muelz n tradez, Yo quiero Taco Baal" - Sometimes it's really hard to find a good game on the server lists. I sometimes spend a good 20 minutes looking for a game that actually fits where I am in the game (a game that isn't Baalrun-000449544654). There are, especially in Hell difficulty, a lot of trading games, more than anything else sometimes. In Normal there are several "mule parking" games. I usually at least use the infinity run. :D Those are handy if you're into those sorta things, but for those who are looking to go around the world of Diablo and form parties slaying demons, it's a bit tough to find a mutual party. While I do love a good Baal run, Baal ##, Taco Baal, and Baal Dies, etc., sometimes too much is too many. I know when I did over 80 runs in one night I was about ready to call it a day. :P Though it sometimes seems like the point is to just get your character to Baal runs and power level as fast as you can. Which seems like it's lost some meaning. I think that might handle a fair amount of the DII stuff. :D StarCraft: (&) Broodwar: =¶|¿PÚ›-ø|\ - Probably an actual game name right now. :P While it doesn't bother me that much, I find it hard to play sometimes when I can't read anything on StarCraft, and when I made sure I'm not on the Asia, but the USWest realm. :P I usually just highlight the games and look at the map name. :D BS - Stands for BackStabber. :D While I admit, it gets exciting when after you slag the enemy that the Victory screen doesn't show, when the most powerful of your former allies turns out to the be the backstabber and attacks you first, it turns out not being so fun. Also people sometimes get really paranoid about it to the point where if you even build a defensive-like base, they cry out "bser!" and plea for all others to attack you in fear for their lives. It's not that bad unless people start actually attacking you for thinking you are going to betray them, which they could possibly be a backstabber just trying to make their job easier. :D (Happened once, quite exciting, really. It was like a drama film.) Just plain sweatin' - 'Cause the oldies are all gone. All the old fun Use Map Settings maps I used to play are never up. Though I played it all the time, that Matrix Bullet Time 8.1 (I believe) was quite fun. There may be some new versions of them, but they are completely different from the ones I used to play a few years back and I got a big thing for sentimental value, even with video games. :D Guild Wars (Factions): "If you do anything such as even speak English wrong, you are noob" - Anything else, your highness? One thing I felt like saying when I was playing the Guild Wars Factions trial this past weekend. The game itself is great, but some of the people are really sour to newer users and people who do not wish to play a certain way. I have the game for one hour and am getting harped "omg my team is total noob" and I'm only thinking "Surprise, welcome to a free trial test?" Though I love running out into battle and just slapping out the /dance command. :D And my Assassin looks like Sub-Zero. :D I can and do take my games seriously sometimes, but the seriousness some of these people took it, really blew me out of the water. Which was handy, because I was actually standing in water at the time. :D DOOM: Servers: 120, Maps: 2 - The only thing that bothers me about Doom online is how most of the time the only maps I see up are Dwango5 Map 1 and 7. I honestly love Dwango5, but I love all of it, honestly more than just those two maps. Maybe because I've played them more, but I think that Dwango5 has more potential than just those two maps. I hadn't found a server sporting Dwango5 and all its maps for a Very long time, years. But the other day I spotted a server that had a bot in it that ran a rotation of Dwango5 maps. Sometimes people will come and go, which is nice. I really enjoy the other Dwango5 maps, and I don't get why there are like 80000 servers with maps 1 and 7 but none of the others. "Bad maps?" What makes the other two so much better? It seems that since people are more used to them, that they will play them. But that's just me. :D Same with Dwango5, I haven't seen one of my favourite deathmatch wads in some time. The Last Strike Deathmatch. I haven't enjoyed a good battle on those in some time, as no servers seem to have it anymore. Which is a bummer. If I could, I'd host servers myself with these bad boys, but I can't seem to get servers to work, as making games only ever worked for me with Diablo II. I've noticed there is a TLSDM II Server up, though it's not the .wad I am looking for, I sometimes sit in there for quite some time but nobody ever joins. For both Dwango5 and TLSDM, I hold quite a lot of sentimental memories in them, even as just .wads, playing them against others brings me great joy, as it's like reliving the past. :D And they are such great maps and music. :D BFomG - 9000 is the probably amount of complaints id got of "bfg whores!" within the first week of deathmatching. :P I personally love the BFG. It's powerful, but you do need to know how it works to use it best. Anyone can fire it, yeah, but someone who is new may not know how it works, as it is a neato idea to a gun. Its power is what leads to it being a gun that requires " no skill" (like the rocket being a fire-and-forget weapon in Halo). I find that to be silly. Just because it is powerful doesn't mean the person wielding is completely unskillful. Does that mean those who use the normal fist all the time are the most "skilled" players? :D Weird logic. :D I'm not great with the BFG, but I can wield it in way that it works for me. Sometimes I get blasted by it left and right, but that doesn't make me hate it, it only makes me respawn somewhere else. :D I figure, the BFG is a gun that was put in the game from the start. It's not cheap. It's not a hack. It's not lame. It doesn't make you any worse of a player by using it. It doesn't make you any better of a player by not picking it up. And vice versa. It's not anything negative at all. It's a gun, it's awesome, it's powerful and it's something that is handy to use if you find it and something to dodge if you see being fired in your general direction. :D It's possible to kill someone who is using it. I don't need to use a Combat/Super Shotgun in battle to "show that I have skill". It seems the SSG has become a big standard gun for deathmatching. I can understand. It's powerful, doesn't do splash damage and such. But I am a fan of the BFG and a even bigger fan of the Plasma Rifle. :D That's about all for all of 'em. :D 0 Share this post Link to post
leileilol Posted January 24, 2006 doom would be a much fairer game if they just stuck to the christmas bfg. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted January 24, 2006 Danarchy said:<of____badfish[NG]> fraggle: You are not a good one on one player. I dont care what you think. rofl priceless 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 24, 2006 Teh Anomalous: Dude, we should play Diablo 2 together sometime 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted January 24, 2006 People that complain about me using the items that is IN the map to kill them. It's there, I use it, you die, I enjoy myself. End of story. 0 Share this post Link to post
Alboroto Posted January 24, 2006 I hate when I'm really concetrated on my screen and someone changes the contents of my can of Red Bull with urine. It has happened twice. 0 Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted January 25, 2006 Doom's weapons need to be tweaked for multiplayer, that's how I put it. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted January 25, 2006 I hate people who complain. That pretty much covers almost every post. 0 Share this post Link to post
DOOM Anomaly Posted January 25, 2006 Danarchy said:Teh Anomalous: Dude, we should play Diablo 2 together sometime Indeed! :D What Realm you play on? Most of my accounts are now on USEast since my friends had accounts on there, but I still have my first account on USWest, though only a few remain unexpired. :D (Though I still have my precious Baranar's Star on there. :D) 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted January 25, 2006 I miss my days on D2. I should probably re-install it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenophon Posted January 25, 2006 Diablo 2: Pretty much everything that Anomaly said. Subspace (MG): People that attack (not flag) with... scouts. The true mark of a lagger that thinks he's a pro when he takes down a Juggernaut after taking 0 damage from several rockets. The "bouncer" ship; used for firing bouncing bombs blindly, hoping they hit something. No skill required, whatsoever. People that repeatedly re-enter the zone after being forced into spectator mode for extreme lag. You'd think they would get the message after a while. The ridiculously high lag limits. People that fire thousands of rockets into your base through the "scout holes" at the north/south. Cue a load of spawnkilling. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted January 25, 2006 BlackFish said:Doom's weapons need to be tweaked for multiplayer, that's how I put it. This is if you're a bitch. Seriously. Why should weapons be tweaked just to favor your crapiness? 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 26, 2006 DOOM Anomaly said:Indeed! :D What Realm you play on? Most of my accounts are now on USEast since my friends had accounts on there, but I still have my first account on USWest, though only a few remain unexpired. :D (Though I still have my precious Baranar's Star on there. :D) I play on USWest. Try to catch me on AIM or IRC sometime. 0 Share this post Link to post
SYS Posted January 27, 2006 All games: -people who take everything way too seriously CounterStrike: -people that use gayporn as their wall tag -power tripping admins that ban you because your too good -retarded lingo, like owned and l33t speak -people who can dish insults but can't take them Diablo: -HAXORED Diablo II: -Spambots -HC pks -newbies begging for junk -creepy bitter losers that won't leave you alone on BNET, because they can't stand to be insulted -those that believe *insert char build* is the best -those that say *insert class* is garbage -people that grab all the good drops, which forces me to always grab all the good shit, because no ones cares to share -people with an IQ level in the negatives -you have an item that somebody wants but all they have is shit, and they get mad because you won't trade make the trade 0 Share this post Link to post
Aleaver Posted January 27, 2006 I don't guess anyone plays online Star Craft anymore..anyone? 0 Share this post Link to post
DOOM Anomaly Posted January 27, 2006 Aleaver said:I don't guess anyone plays online Star Craft anymore..anyone? I do. :D I haven't played in a while, but I'm always up for a game. :D 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 27, 2006 POTGIESSER said:-people that grab all the good drops, which forces me to always grab all the good shit, because no ones cares to share God, I hate that. It's turned me into a grabby bitch out of necessity. It's also forced me into being a begger because sometimes I'll see like a rare, set, or unique that's useable only by me and someone will snatch it and run off. I have to follow them and ask them if they'll give it up. :/ That's why I prefer organising games with people I know. 0 Share this post Link to post
Nautilus Posted January 28, 2006 deathz0r said:I hate people who complain. That pretty much covers almost every post. True that. 0 Share this post Link to post
Janderson Posted January 28, 2006 deathz0r said:I hate people who complain. That pretty much covers almost every post. So? The topic is begging us to complain... otherwise we'd be off topic. 0 Share this post Link to post
DeumReaper Posted January 29, 2006 MMOs: MMOs that are tailored to casual players and not hardcore in terms of long term and potential penalties. Yes I realize that it sucks to start out as a newb and get obliterated by anything other than the rabbit, and that all it takes is time for your 'skill' to go up, but there should be games for either casual or hardcore players, not both. I used to play Guild Wars (which I quit because it's not really an MMO) and they probably did the best job of balancing casual and hardcore, but its technically not an MMO and doesnt really have the same goals (its like a RPG version of a FPS-style multiplayer). If it's going to be a casual game, don't spread out the difficulty gap too far or allow help from other players; many MMOs do this adequately. However, on the hardcore side, it seems many games are afraid of narrowing their audience to a more hardcore and more involving game. It does depend on play style, but I hope to eventually play an MMO (or better, an MMO server) that implements Ironman/Hardcore mode (the mode where your char is erased if you die) and anarchy PVP, think Diablo II's Hardcore character option with Asheron Call 1's Darktide server. It would mean only a hardcore audience as everybody would complain about how much it sucks to die and such, but the excitement of playing a character in an RPG that is literally on the edge is something that is truly fun for me, provided the game has not hacks and whatnot. If you don't like the style (doubt many would) then you could go play a casual game. I have heard about how Ultima Online used to be like this; wish I played it back then. One thing I really hate about some MMOs is the implementing of instancing, where individual 'servers' of areas hold parties and quests. This partially takes out the meaning of Massively Multiplayer and the fun that a community MMO has. Doesn't mean that its a bad game (like Guild Wars), but its much more fun to visit areas and people that are the same and not random (hard to explain). This does not include loading times or island (like DAoC). Having one 'generation' of a gamemap has the community feel of it that server games like Diablo miss out on. 0 Share this post Link to post
RandomMarine Posted January 29, 2006 People who have some movie/TV character in their names. *extra points if the character is from an anime* People who absolutely MUST hog and camp the best weapon in any multiplayer FPS. People in return to castle wolfenstien who think theyre freaking awesome when they kill 1 person as a spy *a new class added by a mod.* 0 Share this post Link to post
SulfurOccult Posted January 29, 2006 Counter Strike: - being killed 10 seconds after "lets go" by an awp - team flashes - team mates running into my grenades - maps that give one team a big advantage - low fps no matter how low my video settings are on some maps Guild Wars: - people who don't pay up after a run Halo: - people who make a b-line right to the rocket launcher and/or fuel rod gun constantly - people who constantly use banshees - people who run flag on CTF when there are only like 3 people playing in the server so far - people who are better pistole-snipers than me (rare, but it happens) - the worste map ever made for any game ever: wizard 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 29, 2006 RandomMarine said:People who have some movie/TV character in their names. *extra points if the character is from an anime* Anyone who names themselves "Drizzt" or anything similar in a fantasy game should be shot. 0 Share this post Link to post