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DooM Guide Preview!

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Here is a preview of the Doom Deathmatch Guide I am creating, right now is mostly basics. It'll get more advanced and more into detail as time permits, the section on "Strategy" is what's coming next.

I hope to get quite a few of these guides done, if I have the time to finish them, but if not, here's a preview :)

Comments, etc. are welcome.



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Hmm, interesting! Maybe I could translate it to spanish; I play with people that manage only a smattering of English.

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Funny, my DOOM2.EXE didn't have that strange capitalization.

                           DOOM II(tm), Hell on Earth
            created by id Software and distributed by GT interactive

                Thanks for purchasing DOOM II. We hope you have as
           much fun playing it as we had making it. If you don't, then
             something is really wrong with you and you're different
              and strange. All your friends think DOOM II is great.

                Of course, DOOM II is a trademark of id Software,
          copyright 1994-95, so don't mess with it. Remember, if you
          are playing a pirated copy of DOOM II you are going to HELL.
          Buy it and avoid an eternity with all the other freeloaders.
           If you have any problems playing DOOM II, please call our
                  technical support line at (212) 686-9432.

                       DOOM II WAS CREATED BY id SOFTWARE:
              Programming: John Carmack, John Romero, Dave Taylor
                         Art: Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud
                   Design: Sandy Petersen      BIZ: Jay Wilbur
                            BizAssist: Donna Jackson
                 Design and Support: Shawn Green, American McGee
Nope, no lower case "o"s in the name there, either.

Hmmm, someone needs to tell id Software they're wrong, too.

Heh, aside from that pet peeve, the guide looks pretty good. Nice work.

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exp(x) said:
Funny, my DOOM2.EXE didn't have that strange capitalization.

Heh, you reminded me of something that applies to the "if you were a dictator" thread; I would probably decree that DOOM must be capitalized (the name of the games specifically, though, not the files.) But if people are going to blasphemically type Doom without punishment, the DooM sect might as well be accepted, too.

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I think "Doom" is the correct way to write it because it's a proper noun. Id's (oh no, I capitalized the "i") website has it this way under the games menu, as you can see in that screenshot. Usually I don't even give a shit about capitalization. The reason "DooM" bugs me is because it's deliberate and incorrect (and it looks ugly), whereas "doom" is just someone being lazy.

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I'd write a book on that like I did on other threads, but, alas, this is quite the worng Forum for that. Plus Romero said it's capitalized and he made us each and all his bitch!

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Going ON-TOPIC, I have to say that the guide gets a thumbs up from me so far. Keep it up.

However, I disagree with the left/right hand system you mentioned (regarding movement, turning etc). Our (Toke and myself) config uses the right hand to move forward, not the left hand and I actually believe that I play better with our method rather than with using WASD or even ASDF.

And now to go off-topic, I feel that I lack a bit of movement myself, and my strategy in a few levels is quite underdeveloped. I'll take a further look into the basics of Doom according to your guide.

EDIT: Now that I've read the entire guide (somewhat, I skimmed past a few areas that didn't concern me such as the engagement stuff), I agree with what you said regarding damage calculation (especially hitscan) and I actually keep a rough track of a player's health in a 1-on-1. It is a bit more challenging to predict in a FFA, but certainly possible depending on the situation.

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exp(x) said:
I think "Doom" is the correct way to write it because it's a proper noun.

No thats a real life word, it doesn't count in this case. You must learn your 1337 HaX0R language well if you want to survive a living here, and its serious business :P Write Doom as DooM and call a good player a DooMGoD!

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exp(x) said:
I think "Doom" is the correct way to write it because it's a proper noun. Id's (oh no, I capitalized the "i") website has it this way under the games menu, as you can see in that screenshot.

It's by some webguy from the Quake/DOOM 3 era, and we're talking about DOOM and DOOM II. The games are never typed in lowercase unless it's an informal situation. It's even obvious on that current id site, and the menu listing the true game names, as opposed to the generic "Doom" category tag that was made lower case to not stand out in relation to the other game categories, are all spelled properly, with a fully capitalized DOOM. As for DooM, who gives a shit? It's on 10,000 text files already, and in Dev's case, it plays along with his nick, that ends with a capital N.

deathz0r said:
However, I disagree with the left/right hand system you mentioned (regarding movement, turning etc). Our (Toke and myself) config uses the right hand to move forward, not the left hand and I actually believe that I play better with our method rather than with using WASD or even ASDF.

Mouse on the left? I suppose that'd take some getting used to unless one is accustomed to handling the mouse with that hand. Plus Doom doesn't read the numbers off the right hand pad, which means one needs to keep the right hand on the left hand of the keyboard.

As for stuff like ASDF, I'd say the effort is till you get used to it. I personally use something odd now, a two finger movement setup to free a finger because I don't want autorun (and thus Space is reserved for key_speed.) ASDF itself can be bad, because the F is Follow mode on the Automap (arguably this is meaningless in DM, but anyone also playing lots of single player will feel the issue.) And WASD is too close to the Q. Of course, these two issues are a problem only if one uses Doom2, but not other engines with enhanced key setup. People who often use other engines but also want to be able to use Doom2 with ease, though, should still care about the Q and stuff.

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myk said:

Mouse on the left?

Nope, right. Our config is not exactly standard FPS, but I've posted it numerous times before, just look for any "post your config" thread... or if you're lazy:

left mouse = shoot
right mouse = forward
space = backward
shift = use
a/s = strafe left/right

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I used to have one with the mouse button for movement, but then changed it because sometimes double-clicks due to moving back and forth would close doors in front of me (so instead I use the secondary mouse button to strafe, which only matters for sr50.)

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Doom, doom and DOOM are all acceptable variations, the middle on mainly on irc when you are lazy though. Anyone who writes DooM is obviously a retard.

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Well, apparently it's a retard to happens to know more than every other single person about deathmatching in this game. Also, it's that retard who happens to have quite a high IQ.

O-well, if you don't like how I decide to write something, don't read it, I'm sure you can go out and waste some time to actually try and learn this on your own. Good luck to you, this is to help the people who actually want to learn. The ones who don't want to learn how to play better, I'm not going to argue with really. If you wanna learn, read the guide, if you don't wanna learn, get crushed in DM. Doesn't really bother me that much personally.

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on it though, so that's what counts.

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DevastatioN said:

If you wanna learn, read the guide, if you don't wanna learn, get crushed in DM.

It's a serious business! :P

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CodeImp said:
It's a serious business! :P

Yeah, and let's not spend a good deal of time making above average wads, lest they call it "serious business", and that's a no no!

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Above average is not good enough! MAP01 is the perfect deathmatch map for the win!!!111cos(4pi) Read the DooM Guide and see for yourself :)

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All we need is a Dwango 5 Map01 guide now. :(

Edit: You know, since I thought i'd add a little more to my post, I thought i'd comment on this particular part of your post.

"If you wanna learn, read the guide, if you don't wanna learn, get crushed in DM."

In my opinion, those of us who actually want to learn and get far better, will BE crushed regardless, instead of following a guide step by step. Many rules apply to different maps, some more than others. Those who want to get better will keep being repeatedly crushed, but gradually less so each time, adapting strategies all the time to get the upper hand. That's how I think people really learn how to DM. You're guide helps, it's true, but no one should follow it rigorously.

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True, my guide was meant as a start to get people thinking. There's never one strategy that works all the time, there are optimal plays tho, that you can calculate over and over to be the best, but will never work against all players, everyone needs to adapt.

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Thank you Jesus (DevastatioN). I fail DM. While I doubt this is going to make me ubar, its not something thats going to hurt.

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