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How to make a special sector??

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How to make door what open, when an enemy has died? I have readen the all doom builder info and I don't find anything what can help me. Thanks to al who answers to that question.

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If you have using normal doom2 format, then you can't do it. You can only use the effects of existing maps that are set to count the number of a certain monsters (i.e. map07 or doom2).

You can do it two ways. One way is how Doom'd Marine mentioned. In Zdoom-Doom-Hexen format, each thing can be given an action when it dies; you can edit thise by chainging the "EFFECTS" section in the thing's property. This ,however, is limited and and only works if you have a single monster with a tag. Ifyou want to have a group of monsters die and then activating an action, then read below.

The better way is to use ACS scripting. You can count the number of things in a certain tag. If it eaches a certain number, you can activate the script.

You can use this format:

Script XX (void)

While(ThingCount("thing id", "tag number") > 0)
Delay ("tics");
"Your actions here";

For: example

Script 1 (void)

While(ThingCount(T_NONE, 100) > 0)
Delay (75);
ACS_Execute (2, 0);

Script 2 (void)

Door_Raise (13,16,0);


Thirst script will run the second one 2 seconds (35 tics = 1 second) after all the things on the map with a thing tag of 100 dies.

This can cause some serious crashes if you dont use it correctly. Always make sure that the script that counts the number of monster isn;t running at the begining of the map if there's already scripts like it running (a of them is my personal limit). You can activate the script via another script when you cross a line or something.

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This is like map07 in doom2 like ezxariach noted. The large door is given a sector tag of 666 which in e1m8 ONLY oepns when all the barons are killed.

btw: You mean e1m8 with the barons don't you?

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