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Help with massmouth2

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Okay well, I have this problem with massmouth2. On level twelve, with Rex, how do you get Rex to the stronghold behind the villiage walls? I cant figure this out so I have never beaten the wad. Please help so I can finish this fun wad.

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I think that part is bugged so I just noclip behind the wall behind the village, then type summon cyberdemon into the console, then have rex run into the pen.

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How the hell do you get all the keys in Texas Linguine Foundation?

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Well, the only way to actually beat that level is to clip to the big chamber next to the first building and grab the blue key. You will be attempted to be crushed by the ceiling and floor, then warped to the worm thing. Clip to the other side and go into the stomach fluids to get the last key. Then clip out and open the door. (I hope that you grabed the other four keys
1. the yellow key in the maze.
2.get the red key with the yellow key in the first building.
3.use the red key to get the the blue skull key.
4.use the yellow keycard from the worm thing to get the last key.
I hope that helps. Or you can just use idkfa to get all of the keys ;)

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