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So some guy with a camera stood somewhere all day asking people what country we should invade next and took the top 10 stupidest out of the 100s he talked to? I'm disappointed in you fodders, you're the kind of guy who generally questions such obviously false integrity.

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The quality wasn't the greatest so I can't see what the text on Australia says. Either way, aussies should be afraid, very afraid.

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It says Iran. And France. And North Korea, which is surrounded by the South Korean Ocean :P

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I kinda like that "glass crater" idea myself.. (the old guy in the green shirt)

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This has to be fake.

"Retro caveman dresses like a monkey"
"Bird Watchers accused of Storking"
"Channel 7 secretly groomin squires to take over 'wheel.'"
"Pretentious Git takes up Yachting"
"Diesel shirt more polluting than LFG equivalent"

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Ahh yes... CNNN. it may have been a mock news show, but thoses are real Amarcains.

insertwackynamehere said:
So some guy with a camera stood somewhere all day asking people what country we should invade next and took the top 10 stupidest out of the 100s he talked to? I'm disappointed in you fodders, you're the kind of guy who generally questions such obviously false integrity.

Well gosh, you think? it's called entertainment numb nuts.

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insertwackynamehere said:

so it may be, but I wouldnt write a thesis with this as my only source either.

Haha, good one Wacky.

I think most Americans think that America is the only country in the world, not caring about what happens outside of it. If they actually payed attention to what was happening outside of the US, George Bush probably woudln't be the president right now. But then of course, Bush fucks up America too doesn't he. Damn politics.

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The clip is from the Australian show CNNNN, which was apparently a parody of the CNN and FOX networks. One of the features in this show is when CNNNN's "US correspondent" Julian Morrow talks to people on the street in various US cities to "highlight American ignorance of Australia, other countries and international affairs in general" (Quote from The Wikipedia article about CNNNN.

Other sources for this can easily be found using your favourite search engine.

EDIT: Heh, noticed that on the front page of the CNNNN site there's another clip of Julian talking to people on the street, this time he's in Texas and wants to know what people think about the war on Kyrgyzstan. This reminds me of Jay Leno's "Jaywalking". Very biased editing, obviously. The chances of anyone being able to pick out Iran on a map, or anyone who calls Julian's bluff and says "What!? Why should we go to war on Kyrgyzstan?" have a zero chance of appearing in these clips...

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"Spreading democracy" isn't any better than ruthlessly overthrowing or colonizing foreign nations under one's hegemony like the West did throughout the 19th and early 20th century.

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Nautilus said:

"Spreading democracy" isn't any better than ruthlessly overthrowing or colonizing foreign nations under one's hegemony like the West did throughout the 19th and early 20th century.

Actually it's the exact same thing, iirc. Just different wording, like referring to a war - say, the Vietnam War, as a mere conflict ;)

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pilottobombadier said:

Actually it's the exact same thing, iirc. Just different wording, like referring to a war - say, the Vietnam War, as a mere conflict ;)

well, congress never did declare war...

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Quast said:

well, congress never did declare war...

Well, it's good that we can all split hairs, isn't it. A declaration is nothing; the fact that an ongoing WAR between two factions, declared or not, occurred regardless of what congress would like the feeble-minded masses to believe.

I mean, that's like saying that because so and so declares war on you and you don't declare it back that there's no war, right? Wrong; it's delusional thinking.

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The hell? I was simply stating a fact. The reality of armed conflict doesn't change based on what you call it.

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pilottobombadier said:
A declaration is nothing; the fact that an ongoing WAR between two factions, declared or not, occurred regardless of what congress would like the feeble-minded masses to believe.

If you're going to call something a "war" as opposed to something else, you're going to be giving it a particular value and significance; "wars" (and other international violence or conflict associated with such social behavior) are fought in a political context where a myriad actions (including statements and terminologies) make constant differences. If a military incursion failed to gather certain political support, that lack will have an effect in the process it's part of.

I can say there was no "war" and that there is none now, only state terrorism (applied through a state for certain interests.) If others want to call it "war" they may well be making distinctions in what they see in the conflict.

regardless of what congress would like the feeble-minded masses to believe.

Congress is such a jerk!

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That's a screencap from the Colbert Report on Comdey Central IIRC. The joke was that Iran was the winner and gets to go to war with the US next as the prize, or somthing like that...

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DaJuice said:

That's a screencap from the Colbert Report on Comdey Central IIRC. The joke was that Iran was the winner and gets to go to war with the US next as the prize, or somthing like that...

Yes...I love you.

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