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Odd Eye

Light on ceiling

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On some levels I have seen there's for example a teleporter which has glowing light, but the light can only be seen on the platform where the teleporter square is and not on the ceiling. How do I do that? I've tried to figure it out myself by checking out the these particular levels in a level editor, but I just can't seem to get the light only on the floor.

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There is a transfer Ceiling brightness and a transfer floor brightness. The line speical basically gives the tagged sector the brightness of the control sector to the tagged sector's respective floor or ceiling. Either one works. So if you only want th floor to glow, give the teleporter sector the glowing sector special. Then give it a tag. Then make a dummy control sector with a brightness you want the ceiling to be. In this sector, set one of its sides with the line special Transfer Cieling brightness (or Set Ceiling brightness or this brightness). And put the tag of the teleporter sector in the line special.

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Or you just make the ceiling in the teleport sector really really high (4096 or so) and don't put any upper texture on the sidedefs around it. This works in vanilla but it can fail in some opengl ports.

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There's an easier way to do it. Let's use sector 1 and sector 2. Sector 1 is the teleporter and sector 2 surrounds it. Raise sector 1's ceiling about 500 units, but don't give those sidedefs an upper texture. Sector 2's ceiling will fill in the gap instead of showing an HOM, and since sector 1's ceiling is out of view, all you'll see is sector 2's ceiling.

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Erik said:

Or you just make the ceiling in the teleport sector really really high (4096 or so) and don't put any upper texture on the sidedefs around it. This works in vanilla but it can fail in some opengl ports.

I was wondering how you did that on Scythe 2 without Zdoom!

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Craigs said:

I was wondering how you did that on Scythe 2 without Zdoom!

Even the transfer type is from Boom and doesn't require ZDoom.

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