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Ever dream of playing Doom?

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yeah plenty of them.
i remember one where i was the doom guy and i died.
then i saw the words pres y to exit to DOS.
I then woke up and laughed then fell back to sleep.

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last night i had a dream of playing though my custom map. it was towards the beginning. strangely though, i had accumulated an early SSG, i don't remember picking it up it just sort of popped into my hands. i usually start with pistol. however i wasn't the only one who seemed to have noticed; i walked thought the initial door and i can distinctly remember hearing the imps shout, "How'd he get an SSG?".

i wasn't long afterward that every imp, zombie, and lost soul fell before my onslaught.


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Shadow Dweller said:

i walked thought the initial door and i can distinctly remember hearing the imps shout, "How'd he get an SSG?".

Hahahaha, I love how this kind of thing happens in dreams.

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I was playing deathmatch with monsters on MAP19 (The Citadel), but in the PSX Doom version (dont remember its map number from that, 30-40 something). Except the level was far bigger than it is in the game, and looked different too (i may make it in doom builder). I was wandering round the outside somewhere when i encountered a large number of spectres and some nightmare spectres too, i started blasting them with the Alpha rifle, which did a lot of damage and they where soon dead, then a rocket shot past me from another player, who was running away, i chased him and blasted away with rockets, the 'edge' of one blast caught him in the back and killed him, so i got his rockets as well. I went inside the Citadel itself and killed some imps that where in front of a staircase, i fought my way through shooting the odd Baron with the rifle, and then leapt over into the red building that you have to jump out of a "window" to reach. There was a lot of dead imps on the staircase leading into it, so i knew somebody was inside (i had been fighting "for hours" without even spotting another player, told you it was a big level). I went inside and up onto a platform with a beserk pack, when a marine wearing a funny t-shirt and jeans, but the same helmet, started shooting at me, i activated a big crusher he was under and charged at him with my rocket launcher, but i hit the ceiling of the crusher as it came down and got killed. I re-appeared at the start of the level (the small building in front of the bridge wasnt there) and heard distant gunfire, and realised it would take me ages to find my enemy again, so quit the game and woke up.

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Well I have a odd dream on DooM3.We are on big areena or something with that guy on GTA SA.(Ryder or big smoke.)We ran away from something big. It shoot a green plasmaball what blows GTA guy to the hole. He shouted me:''keep up motherfucker!'' (Like on GTA SA game.) He gave me a AK and desert eagle. I thinked this is a funny dream, but it isn't. That baron(?) died on 3 clips (Where did I get them GTA guy not give them to me.), but then mega colossal spider comes thru wall and make a scream and on that same hole there is a millions of trites and they try attack me. Then a someon shots a soulcube what missed me and destroyed wall. Then that mysterious guy come to front of me and tells:''You can run, but you can't hide. Your soul will be mine. It will burn on flames of hell.'' That spider reached me and makes a web over me and I was traped. Then I remember what I have. !11-20 clips and Spider falls down and blows. Trites will burn and Im saved. Yippeee! No! Another group of enemies come. This time cherubs and imps. I shoot on them, but there is too many of them. Then something is behind me. A Barnacle from half-life?
It bites my head of and my head is full of sounds. Then I wakeup and Im on half that dream. I take my Gas using Soft air bullet gun and I ram to my door and put clip in. Our dog try come to watch am I okay and I tought that it was a cherub. Then my head clears and Im realy scared. I didn't sleep on that night anymore. (I not shooted our dog I just pushed door with my torso.)

SRY for bad english

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And other was that Im on one room cell. And I hear that cyberdemon is walking towards stairs and it says:'' I come to kill you. ''
Then suddently I have rapid fire rocket launcher on my hands and when it shows it face, I put laser sight on and the cyb's mouth went open and it say:'' Aww shit '' Then it run like hell and it fell down on stairs and go thru floor to cellar. I come after it and fire about 100 rocket and then it rise on that hole and it liked that thing on a witch-movie. (That guy what turn a gigant on end of the movie and 3 witches kill it.) It say something and blowup. Then I awake and Im think: '' what a hell dream was that? ''

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Oh yeah i had loads and loads of Doom 3 dreams, after playing it religiously when it first came out (trying desperatley to squeeze some enjoyment out of it), but most of them with just me walking in hallways and occasionally fighting the odd imp (with the shotgun from Doom), i dont remember very much about them at all

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Today I had a new dream.

That father gregori from half-life2 was with me on that half-life2 graveyard. There was a Doom3 zombiemans and we kill them with shotgun and magnum 352. Then cyberdemon came thru rock and father gregori sayed: ''And remember aim to the head.'' Then gregori shoots barrels (They aren't there when my dream started.) they exblode and father runs thry flames and leave me with Cyb. Then Cyb shoots a rocket to me.

Thanks MR Gregori.

************************** END OF THE DREAM**********************

BTW. Is guts same as intestines?

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I want to play Doom 3 and its expansion myself in order to feel the atmosphere of the game.

Besides,I am dreaming to join my students, friends and net-pals to play Coop or Deathmatch Doom by Zaedemon.

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Bloodshedder said:

Yes, several times.

And I always made maps of them afterward.

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Ezxariarch said:

I had a dream a while ago about playing doom, then my computer just started to act wierd (i wouldn't turn it off or anything). And I want "Crap! My computer got possessed by demons!". And I was trying to pull the plug, and turn off the power to the house and everything, but it still wouldnt work.

I had those dreams all the time... But in mine I would be sleeping and then the doom music started playing then usualy there would be a zombie or something on the monitor. Though I think that the ET game for the atari scared me more then doom, but that was a long time ago.

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I had a dream that I was on my driveway, and I suddenly teleported to
my friends house and Telefragged his dad.
It was weird.

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I had a Doom dream last night, I can remember it had a lot of wood theming and a lot of manubi and imps. I got chased down a long hallway by a revenant horde too ... man, it was awesome. I woke up and my heart was beating a mile a minute.

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Actually, since I have a girl from mainland China. She's a member of Doom but she hasn't any experiance.

My third dream is to fight with her in Coop or fight against her in Deathmatch.

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had some when i first played it years ago. nothin special tho. i always have a few dreams about anything new i do. wore off like everything else. i had one of doom3 after seeing a preview vid, it was funky cross between that and aliens, one freaky part was hiding in some small compartment on a heap of garbage with some monster tentacles sliding beneath us n hoping it didn't notice. eventually had a fight with the big eyeless oaf, i ripped one of its arms off and beat it to death :D

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Muscle Chris said:

had some when i first played it years ago. nothin special tho. i always have a few dreams about anything new i do. wore off like everything else. i had one of doom3 after seeing a preview vid, it was funky cross between that and aliens, one freaky part was hiding in some small compartment on a heap of garbage with some monster tentacles sliding beneath us n hoping it didn't notice. eventually had a fight with the big eyeless oaf, i ripped one of its arms off and beat it to death :D

Reminds me of the PS game Spawn: The Eternal which sucked.

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you sayin my dreams suck? LOL

i've seen the game at a friends place when he first got it, thought it looked decent but i didn't see a lot so maybe i saw the only good stuff. he said later he didn't like it much tho.

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Thats how I wrote my Fanfic. Plutonia maps, me wielding a shotgun and blowing them all to thier D00M!

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Funny, last night I had a dream that me and my dad were in Doom, co-oping map10. Weird shit.

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Bashe said:

Funny, last night I had a dream that me and my dad were in Doom, co-oping map10. Weird shit.

Had that one before...it is indeed odd.

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just last night, i dreamed that i was in the doom game; but wad a squad leader with 10 other marines in it. It was tight.
and yeah about the fist in toilet dream thing. eww

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Yeah, plenty of times.

I also have different kinds of "doom dreams", e.g. in some I'm somehow playing Doom exactly like in the game, but from MY first person perspective...uhmm...like playing Doom without a keyboard or mouse or even a monitor or computer...just like being there.

Other times I find myself walking/fighting in a Doom-like world with scattered ammo and medikits, like you'd expect from Doom (well it looks a mix between real life and other fps, not just Doom)

Plus, there's that weird "An Archvile is following me down the street and dancing besides me" dream :-P

Maybe we could develop a dream-interpretation service for fellow Doomers or something ;-)

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That would be awsome. I had one where I was in this RE/Doom place with zombie crows and imps. But when we got inside this masion place there were no zombies or demons. Nothing. Wierd.

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Last night I had a dream that I was in that secret pyramid map from TNT with a bunch of annoying old people. And another time I had a dream of a wierd city that I'm making into a map.

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When I used to play shareware wolfenstein it messed with my 4 year old
mind altho the the dream I had was about Mickey mouse turning evil
so I think I stomped on his face and blood came out of his nose
and the voices of a audience said "EWWWWW"

...oh yeah I had this other dream about the origins of the goat head on the wall.it appeared to look like a crazed barbarian made a deal with an evil wizard and the crazed barbarian turned into goat head on wall and I met him and we fought like crazy shooting lasers and energy beams and crap,i was wounded and bleeding like a defective ketchup bottle and goat head on wall lost a few teeth
then i said"this is retarded want to call it a draw"
"meh.. why not?" said goat head on wall.The end??

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