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Duke Nukem Forever may be out this year.

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According to the 10-Q, March saw Take-Two and 3D Realms renegotiate the original contract for Duke Nukem Forever, which began back in 1997. Under the original deal, 3D Realms was to receive some $6 million from Take-Two to develop the title. Now, the Texas-based developer will receive only $4,250 for the oft-delayed game, when it is completed.

When will that be? Well, 3D Realms now has a fairly large incentive to get Duke Nukem Forever done by the end of the year. The 10-Q also reveals that Take-Two has offered the studio $500,000 in the form of a promissory note if the game sees "commercial release" by December 31, 2006. The deal applies only to the PC version of the game, although it was announced for the Xbox and the PlayStation 2 in 2001 and is rumored to be in development for the Xbox 360.

I guess 3D Realms better get their shit together and finish this game. They've been working on it for nine years, I'm sure they have something worth releasing by now.

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I still have a bad feeling it will be delayed again...for another 10 years.

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Computers will probably run on nuclear power by the time DNF is released.

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Hopefully this will end the incessant plague of Slashdot comments on any delayed project.

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baronofhell said:

Anybody who believes Duke Nukem Forever is actually in development is a fucking idiot.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You're the idiot for believing it's not.

Why do think they've always pimped their latest projets, like DN : MP or their Duke Mobile games, or Prey. Because it's funding the development of DNF, of course.

First off, they knew that DN : MP was a stinker, but they praised it anway, hoping to make some more money to pay for their silly little game.

Also, they're not releasing media because it's actually a smart move, they learned a lot from running their mouths. They know this : it's fucking crunch time and they need to put up or finally shut up. George B. has said recently that tech was finished, most weapons and art assessts are done, they've just got to do polishing, finishing up levels, eat the bugs, etc.

You have no idea what it takes to develop a video game.

First you design doc, which generally includes things like almost all spoken dialouge and all written words, general ideas, maps, weapons and all that other good stuff, you've also got concept art and the like, then you go to tech, while tech is building the engine and tools, you've got artists making textures and 3d models, you've got sound engineers making SFX based on preliminary work.

Now, in addition to paying for these folks to come to work, you've also got other costs like office supplies of all kinds, from paper to pens, to PC supplies, rigs running Linux and also Macs, if applicapble.

So, you order 50 new Mobo / CPU combos, more RAM and new video cards for the artists, all 50 have to install the stuff, takes about 30 minutes to do, give or take. That's 30 minutes of time not spent on work, but you still payed them for it.

See, even small details like that add up over time. Work is not about hours spent there, it's about manhours AKA actual time spent on work output and subtracting time from things that halt output.

So, I don't see why they wouldn't be working on it, if they've already got everything they need to start piecing the game together.

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Duke Nukem Forever may be out this year.

Lüt said:

Updated Millennium release date:


Man, this thread is comedy gold. All it needs is some Daikatana to be complete. :)

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This is gonna be the greatest game that should have came out years ago of the year!!

By the time it does arrive it, like Millenium, will look tame, bland, outdated and un-innovative, unless of course they start from scratch...

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They'd be smart to just surprise attack a release date. Just one day, BOOM, by the way, DN:F was released today. There would be a lot of people with their foot in their mouth. It would be a sweet game from those guys, of course, I still don't see it happening :) Duke Nuken Fornever.

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Ah, I see. Well, in that case, another few years of developement should finally iron out those nagging "this game isn't good enough" bugs!

Considering I'm not George Broussard, and I would have cancelled the game after it not being good enough for release 5 years ago, I don't think George will ever be happy. My predictions and outright lies for the next few years:

"Duke Nukem is coming when it's done...in 2016!"

"Duke Nukem is definitely a 2020 game."

"With the advent of Immersive 3D Virtual Stations(TM) thanks to iMersive Tech, we feel Duke Nukem is finally ready for a 2035 release."

"Sand Worms and a crippling addiction to Spice won't stop us from releasing in 30,1997 AD!"

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Man, how much money has been spent developing this game to date? I wonder if it'll retail for the usual $50-$60, or if the price will be a little jacked to make up for the costs.

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Amaster said:

Man, how much money has been spent developing this game to date? I wonder if it'll retail for the usual $50-$60, or if the price will be a little jacked to make up for the costs.

I don't think any price could make up for the costs. They should just release it under GPL and not even bother with trying to reclaim all the money that has been dumped into development.

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Knowing 3DR, they wouldn't release it into the GPL because then someone could make money off of it. Weren't the Build engine and related games' released on a more restrictive license than the GPL? Not to mention the game IP and the licensed engine technology.

What's sad is that if 3DR folded or shipped out the game to another company, they could probably pound out a new design document, develope it from scratch and iron out the bugs in a fraction of the time it took 3DR to. I don't doubt it. Just look at Prey, for instance. The IP and game was shipped off to Human Head studios and they have more to show for about 2 years developement time than 3DR ever had for the game. I think that's the only way we'll see DNF released.

It doesn't take 10 years to make a good game. The concept for Duke Nukem is so simple that any company with enough skill could do it. I mean, you add a mix of interactive, realistic and fantastical environments, evil robots and aliens, a few different episodes worth of content and a character armed with quips, machismo and an array of gimmicky devices such as over-the-top weapons, steroids and jetpacks. I mean, a game like that should develope itself. Why then has 3DR floundered on this?

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Snarboo said:

Knowing 3DR, they wouldn't release it into the GPL because then someone could make money off of it. Weren't the Build engine and related games' released on a more restrictive license than the GPL? Not to mention the game IP and the licensed engine technology.

I know; I was just kidding.

Snarboo said:

It doesn't take 10 years to make a good game. The concept for Duke Nukem is so simple that any company with enough skill could do it. I mean, you add a mix of interactive, realistic and fantastical environments, evil robots and aliens, a few different episodes worth of content and a character armed with quips, machismo and an array of gimmicky devices such as over-the-top weapons, steroids and jetpacks. I mean, a game like that should develope itself. Why then has 3DR floundered on this?

The problem is that they are striving for what they consider to be absolute perfection, and they don't have the constraints of time or money to stop them short of that.

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The most ridiculous thing I hear in these argussions is the assumption that a game developed for 10 years must be awesome good. Hey, I've been "developing" a "game" for 10 years too and it's crap. How do we know that 3DRealms isn't basically a lounging club?

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I believe in DNF's finishing.

The whiners are just brats who are bored of their games. Pressured deadlines make games suck.

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deathbringer said:

This is gonna be the greatest game that should have came out years ago of the year!!

By the time it does arrive it, like Millenium, will look tame, bland, outdated and un-innovative, unless of course they start from scratch...

I take offense at this comment. Since the addition of portals, Millennium looks fantastic in a way you cannot possibly imagine. You will eat these words, I promise you that >:)

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I agree with Quas, Millennium looks incredible. Hell, it looked incredible BEFORE portals were added. :D

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id software just confirmed that DNF will be released "when it's done".

Does anyone really care about DN anymore? They pretty well sucked to begin with. Just put it out of it's misery already.

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AndrewB said:

How do we know that 3DRealms isn't basically a lounging club?

That's what apogee was for.

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