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Quake = ten

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Quake 1 was by far my favorite of the series. Quake Two's ugliness killed all enjoyment and Quake Three doesn't really count. Quake Four has not been played by me.

david_a said:

I guess more than my beef with those idiots was the ramping up of enemy toughness. With Quake they couldn't fill the levels with packs of weak enemies like in Doom, so they made up for it by boosting their hitpoints. It made the game a lot slower and quite tedious.

I believe that is #1 on the list of worst ways to make a game challenging.

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Ogres were decent enough. The most worst enemy I thought was the Spawn. Sure, they bounce around a lot and annoy you, but just try to kill one of those things with the axe.

Also, I didn't like the fact that no matter how hard you hit the fish, they don't gib. They just slowly sink, blocking your path until they hit the bottom.

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david_a said:

I guess more than my beef with those idiots was the ramping up of enemy toughness. With Quake they couldn't fill the levels with packs of weak enemies like in Doom, so they made up for it by boosting their hitpoints. It made the game a lot slower and quite tedious.

I don't have hard numbers, but I felt all Quake enemies had as many effective hitpoints as Doom's. There aren't many 1-2 shell enemies, mostly just in the first level of each realm, the rest of the time it's kind of like fighting Hell Knights, Revenants, Cacodemons and Barons.

Ogres were decent enough. The most worst enemy I thought was the Spawn. Sure, they bounce around a lot and annoy you, but just try to kill one of those things with the axe.

Ever finished the game using FvF's Fighter? The sword's all you got (and a puny throwable torch for those hit switches). That was funny.

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high hitpoints wasn't a problem for the first quake. quake 2 on the other hand was a diffent matter. Why the hell did it take 3 rail slugs to kill an Icarus? it was even worse in quake 4.

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I don't mind enemies taking more than a few shots to kill, really. The ogres and other foes in quake really didn't bother me. Doom 3 was pretty good, too. Of all things in that, some of the enemies could have used a boost in hp (Pinky Demons, Cacodemons) and maybe a slight tightening of the shotgun's cone of fire.

And Zaldron's description of Quake was very poetic and accurate. Thank you.

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