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Shadow Dweller

randomly blinking lights (among other things)

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i have some questions.

1) is it possible to have lights blink randomly, but keep the room mostly dark, were they blink to a brighter light level and not darker? (lights trying to flicker on, as if someone were playing with the light switch)

2) is it possible to make a door open half-way, get stuck, and close again? (as if it were jammed from damage.)

3) can steam be made in Doom Builder? (like a ruptured gas line of some kind)

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Doesn't this go under DooM mapping or editing?

Anyway i think i can answer question 2. For the door to seem stuck, ya have to make a dummy sector joined with door sector. Just set the dummy sector to the height you want the door to raise.

For question 1: Isn't there something like sector type in which you can set lighting?

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Dosen't this go under DooM mapping or editing?

yeah ,but since i am using doom bulider for this i figured it would go better here.

For question 1: Isn't there something like sector type in which you can set lighting?

yes, but they don't have the effect that i am looking for.

thanks for the help on question 2, BTW.

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To make steam you would have to make a new thing with steam for its sprites, or you could use a particle generator in Doomsday or Risen3D to get a more realistic effect.

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How to make "Jammed Doors"

For the type of Random flickering light you want, I think you need Zdoom.

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Thanks for the help.

BTW, is there a way to tag the door so it only raises to the height of a remote sector that is not immediatly adjacent to it? with the door i have it will be kind of difficult to do this without boring more holes in the walls.

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Yes you can. Since the door can only raise to the lowest ceiling, all you need to do is to make a dummy sector far away from the door. Let me demonstrate:

Just renumber sector b to sector a. Now the door will only raise to a height of 32 (or slightly less). Simple and efficient. No need for a tag either.

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