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Freewebs stole a texture from Hexen (I think)

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Well I was hanging around the QJ.net forums and someone posted a link to thier PSP Freewebs site. So I got nothin better to do... I clicked the link. It brought be to some page with a bunch of PSP game saves. Ok, I don't care. I saw his links on the top of his page, I said wait a minute I've never seen this Freewebs template before... oh well. My cursor was heading for the X in the corner when I said WAIT A MINUTE, THAT BACKGROUND LOOKS FAMILIAR...

I remembered that background from somewhere... then I thought "didn't I use a texture JUST LIKE THAT in my last PWAD?". I took a closer look at it and noticed it was infact from Hexen.

As you can see it matches perfectly when tiled with the background.

So my question is, did they just rip this from HEXEN.WAD and edit it, or did they have to get permission from idSoftware or something? Because I (think) it's illigal to take graphics from another game/software/whatever and use it as your own, right?

Oh and I figured I'd post this here since this is the closest thing to a Hexen message board I could find. :P

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holy shit!! they did rip hexen!
These days, ripping happens to be very common because so many ideas have allready been used, that nobodys able to come up with some thing new. It sucks that people would leech things from other people illegaly like this. They could of at least given credit.

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Worse yet, since that's a default template at freewebs, I've seen that exact theme used on countless other newbie sites. So not only is it illegal, it's also annoying.

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yeah, the hexen metal wall is one of the most well-known mistaken-for-public-domain textures that circulate the net as much as the following explosion from Descent that circulates everywhere, even in Free Software without any prior knowledge of it being from Descent

Also, the burning monkey from Burning Monkey Solitaire (1999 and earlier versions) and Cheshire Cat (aka on the internet as "cool cat", "dead kitty", "killed cat") also have a similar circulatory cult status of "being public domain".

In 1996 I encountered a .GIF composed of the Hexen arc of death zap going horizontal, and in the comments area (Compushow 2000 can display this after viewing) read a website hacking threat if it's used outside his shitty page nad that it's totally copyright to him and not Raven.


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Here's another cliched explosion:
I believe it appears first in Warcraft II and Diablo, then later I see it in Baldur's Gate and Quake II.

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It's interesting I guess... It seems that people have been using Id's games as a cheap way to get resources. In the Batman animated series pilot as a guy goes to punch he makes the doomguy's get hurt noise.

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No, the DOOM sounds are mostly from a design library one can acquire. And some of these graphics may have a similar origin, as well.

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Doesn't matter really, it's still neat to see or hear though. Sure things like the sound effects are public, but when you hear them the first thing you think is doom :p Like that Doctor Who episode with the door sounds, or the Rammstein song with the shotgun cock and marine scream in it. Good find though, I never would've even noticed that.

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Darkfyre said:
but when you hear them the first thing you think is doom

Yeah; and while some merely come from the same source, some are rips or references anyhow.

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udderdude said:

God knows who "cares", but this is isn't the thread for you to talk about your wet dreams regarding his son.

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printz said:

Here's another cliched explosion: I believe it appears first in Warcraft II and Diablo, then later I see it in Baldur's Gate and Quake II.

That explosion's a very common explosion from the hollywood pyrotechnic libraries of sorts

The explosion I talk about in particular always appears in its edited Descent-formatted form.

Bastet Furry said:

Ohh The Drama!
The texture is edited enough so that it isnt balantly stolen.
In other words: Who gives a fuck?

The Hexen wall texture wasn't 'edited' : there's both a clean and rusty form of it in the WAD. The clean one circulates the internet the most.

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DJShrimpy said:

Sorry that most of you "don't give a fuck". But I just thought it might be some little neat thing to post up.

Its interesting, but i dont care in the context that its from heretic.
Doom has redone music from metal bands, cool, but even here i give a shit that its more or less ripped.

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Well they aren't going to arrest these scumbags, they should at least create a comic strip character that teaches them a lesson.

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In the past, Raven has been very cool about use of their textures in just about anything :P IIRC they once said they don't care if you mix them up with other games. Of course, being respectful is still a good idea.

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I'm actually surprised you don't see more game textures as web site backgrounds. They are simple, easy to use tiling images.

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Enjay said:

I'm actually surprised you don't see more game textures as web site backgrounds. They are simple, easy to use tiling images.

Because the websites that DO use game textures for backgrounds suck horribly.

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udderdude said:

Jesus buttfucking christ who cares.

Seems like you fookin' care - since you viewed this thread and even found some spare time to spoil it.

myk said:

God knows who "cares", but this is isn't the thread for you to talk about your wet dreams regarding his son.

You know I don't belong among your greatest fans, myk... But there's nothing I can do but to agree with te reply of yours.

printz said:

I believe it appears first in (...) and Quake II.

I really doubt you could have seen this in Quake 2, as Q2 uses 3d-modelled explosions only (except BFG ball sprites).

rf' said:

Because the websites that DO use game textures for backgrounds suck horribly.

Yeah, almost all of them look like shite on large surfaces, and 90% of them are instantly recognized.

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ellmo said:

I really doubt you could have seen this in Quake 2, as Q2 uses 3d-modelled explosions only (except BFG ball sprites).

The Quake 2 Test had sprites for explosions.

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