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Not again... (Another school shooting)

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My school has an armed cop patrolling the halls, ever since they caught this kid with a gun, so, plus all the doors except one are locked, and there are cameras everywhere.

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All the cool kids are doing it, driving around in their Cameros and sleeping with all the frshman chicks.

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Goddamn, this guy is one sick fuck. May he never see his daughter again. He will burn in hell for all eternity. I think God thought He had a good reason for taking the Amish schoolhouse killer's daughter away.

You know, schools will not only have to look out for psycho kids with a vendetta against their peers, schools will have to look out for psychotic, murderous pedophiles as well.

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I am so sad it happened to the Amish. Non violent people, who don't even have the technology to know that it happens at other schools.

What is even more sad is back when GW. Bush was first elected. There had not been any school shootings in six months. I was watching MSNBC with first lady Laura Bush being interviewed. She was there live and was asked specificly about what she intends to do if any more school shootings arise.

She laughed it off saying "That was only a problem in the Clinton administration." Literally the next segment was them going to a school shooting somewhere in the US. I think the only reason why the person interviewing her asked about school shootings was because he heard it in his earpiece there was a shooting.

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Lizardcommando said:


Good god, how many school shootings has there been this year? Three? Four? According to this article, this crazy asshole was pissed off with some lame shit that happened to him 20 years ago. He killed three girls and then shot himself.

I heard it was five girls. Anyways, good thing he's dead. Hopefully a Cyberdemon will stick a rocket launcher up his ass and fire it forever so he suffers in eternal pain.

Anyways, I think the oldest kid that went to my High School was 23 (I don't think my H.S takes anyone over a certaina age). College? Dammit, I have a fucking 67 year old grandma in one of my classes.

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These asswads are the scum of the earth, but unfortunately, theres an even worse part about these school attacks. Police or other officials will blame peoples personalities (like goth or emo, etc) instead of the people themselves. Montreal had a school shooting 2-3 weeks ago, and instead of really knowing what caused him to attack the school, they stated that he did it because he regulated a goth site, and attacked them as though all goths are the enemy and they go and shoot up schools, not just a selesct few of any group. People need to realise that these men are sick fucks, not that they were brainwashed by some damn website.

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I'm surprised how soon news about this got around. When did the Amish get phones?

Technician said:

Your still in highschool? I thought you were older then me.

That's the beauty of the internet, my son.

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Pure Hellspawn said:
I have a fucking 67 year old grandma in one of my classes.

That's not so unusual, for retired people to pursue some sort of post high school education. Or adutls of any age who study parallel to their jobs.

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