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Nightmare Doom

Revolutionary Left

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Didn't look around there but just from the front page I'd say it's a bunch of angsty high school kids. Something I would have been interested in back in the day.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very liberal and I think there should be a revolution in our society, but I dunno...putting anarchy signs and hammer-and-sickles on your site is probably the biggest way to show you're doing it for attention and not much else.

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Ignoring the fact that conservatism and liberalism are facetious concepts,

I'd agree with Dan. Just a place for a bunch of high schoolers and college students who want to whine about how everything is so unfair.

Maybe you should check out survivalism ND. Seems like it might be your kind of thing, and I am not being sarcastic.


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Just a place for a bunch of high schoolers and college students who want to whine about how everything is so unfair.


Nightmare Doom said:
Whats your opnion about these guys?

Well, it's a forum. I'd have to check it out more, but it seems like a good place for leftist movements (such as at universities) to get in touch and share info and direct news about political incidents and events.

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When will kids learn that Anarchy will not work to they're favor. I guess the idea of take what ever when you want through who you want is appealing.

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meh let me put it this way, I cannot stand people who put Che on their Tshirts, and yet I'm a socialist according to every political compass quiz I've taken (well technically an economically left, socially civil libertarian person). I just think Che embodied murder and bloodlust, not freedom. And I also do not believe that pure communism could work, I just think governments need some socialistic tendencies to survive.

Now how does this apply to a leftist revolutionary website?
For starters, the people on the site probably have wardrobes full of Che tshirts, seeing as how he was a "leftist revolutionary" in their minds.

However, on a non-personal note, let's think for a second. Leftist views on the economy imply a socialist stance; in extreme cases a communism stance. Right views on the economy imply economic freedom, ie no taxes. Now on the social axis, authoritarian views imply that there should be little personal freedom, and the state should be run by a single leader with absolute power. On the other end is the civil libertarian view that implies complete personal freedom when taken to the extreme (note the "civil" because Libertarianism in the sense of the party or idealogy implies economically right and socially libertarian, whereas "civil libertarian" implies personal freedom and the opposite of a facist state, where economic views may very).

Anyway, moving on, as I said, the term "left" can be taken to mean communist or socialist from an economic standpoint. Their anarchy flag and circled A imply that they are socially civil libertarians. Now, this is what I am TO A DEGREE, I believe that socially we should have a lot of freedoms and I think that even in a capitalist society, some socialist views must be taken. However, this site seems to promote the type of anarchy which Libertarians promote (as in the party) which means they aren't actually left at all but extremely right wing when it comes to the economy. I could be wrong, I'll have to look at the site more, but looking at the front page makes me think they're mixing up "left" with "civil libertarian", when it reality they are true Libertarians (right+civil libertarianism).
EDIT: I take back some of this. The site actually is left-centric despite what I previously thought. However continue reading to see why I don't agree with their extremist views on communist-anarchism.

I know it's confusing, the difference between civil libertarian and Libertarian, but that's how I see these people. I'll look at the site some more and maybe I'm wrong, and they actually are communist anarchists, but speaking as someone who leans towards "communism" and "anarchy" to a slight degree, I don't think all out communism would work with all out anarchy because the two really go against each other in the sense that communism is about community and anarchism is about one's self. Communism is based on the idea that everyone can be given a job that is needed and anarchy is based on the idea that everyone can choose their own job or no job at all.

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Communist anarchists? Can that even work? I believe communist can work (look at my avatar) but it still dictates a world for the people but its still lead by a representative that makes the decisions anyway. It’s like democracy with no say.

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Revolutionary Left forum says:
Discussions about songs, recording artists, musical genres, making music, and anything related to music.
Forum Led by: Dr. Rosenpenis

yes. when I think of revolutionaries, I think of Dr. Rosenpenis.

anyway, I gave up on the whole "radical anarchist revolution" thing many years ago. so I really have no opinion on these guys. they could discuss all the political theory they want, but it's not gonna change the major powers in the world.

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insertwackynamehere said:
I just think Che embodied murder and bloodlust, not freedom.

What was he now, a serial killer?

Technician said:
Communist anarchists?

Their names more or less tell you what they are. Communism is the common ownership of the means of production (all workers determine the decisions regarding what they work on), and anarchism is the absence of a ruling group over the mass of the population. It's not surprising they are often together; it's just that they concentrate on different apparent aspects (economics vs. power). Arguably those aspects cannot really be separated. You aren't free if you have no power over economic processes, and you have no power over any economic processes you can't administer.

Can that even work? I believe communist can work (look at my avatar) but it still dictates a world for the people but its still lead by a representative that makes the decisions anyway. It’s like democracy with no say.

Political theories and action don't work, they just go with the circumstances. Stalinism and Maoism are offshoots of communist revolutions attempting to pursue communist avenues, but not themselves really communist, because of that intermediary nature of its administration, that you mention.

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