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sparkling wiggles

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Shees, I get labeled dumb and others get away with this crud, life isn't fair. I can still laugh though.

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How do you mess that up? Sparkling Wiggles... say it with me, SPARK-LING WIG-GLES. Those people are kinda mean for doing that.

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Antidote said:

How do you mess that up? Sparkling Wiggles... say it with me, SPARK-LING WIG-GLES. Those people are kinda mean for doing that.

mean? ffs, the kid is having a blast, as I see it!

Are you a wiggle or somethin?

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Naked Snake said:

A response from an African American about the sparkling wiggles vid.

I guess that guy doesn't like wiggles?

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esselfortium said:

I guess that guy doesn't like wiggles?

Let's be honest here for a second. To me, yes, the video is amusing, as I am white and here is this kid saying "fucking niggers" at her parent's prompting. It is quite funny. But ultimately, yes, it is WRONG. Basically, these parents are thinking it is cute to make their kid unintentionally use a cuss and a racial slur for comedic effect and I find that pretty shitty parenting. When this kid grows up and she finds out that when she was 4 or whatever, she was spouting that, she may either find it funny or appalling. But of course, black people are going to be pissed, here's this little white kid being prompted by her parents to say things like "there's no fucking niggers here" and "get a job, fucking niggers". Like that guy said, it's not the word itself, it is the attachment the word has to past abuses. To tell you the truth, white people will never be able to fully understand the venom the word "nigger" is full of. We've never been slaves in our recent memory, but there are black men today, a mere 30 years old, that can tell you "my dad's dad was a slave."

BTW, smilies are disabled for a reason. Plz 2 not use the img code to post smilies? They look silly and childish on a forum about a game that involves the wholesale slaughter of demons from Hell.

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Naked Snake said:

A response from an African American about the sparkling wiggles vid.

That was the most incoherent video I've ever seen. You'd think he would have bothered to formulate a proper argument before making it, at least.

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fraggle said:

That was the most incoherent video I've ever seen. You'd think he would have bothered to formulate a proper argument before making it, at least.

It was probably an off-the-cuff, heat of the moment response made just after viewing the video. That's what I think.

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Naked Snake said:

A response from an African American about the sparkling wiggles vid.

My comment on that video:

Coopersville said:

It shouldn't be about if it's a word, or if there's a purpose or history behind it. People of a certain ethnicity need to get over themselves. The reason that kikes, in general, are known for being so successful and rich is because they accepted the fact they had a shitty past, and they got over it. 'Wiggles' should learn from example.

I win.

Also, some more food for thought: How many of the people who left negative comments for that video were black, or of any other ethnicity besides caucasian, for that matter? I'd be willing to bet around 90% of those comments were made by up-tight white AMERICANS. Americans brought up on fear and hate. I'd like to think if I were to show this video to any of my nigger friends, they'd find nothing but hilarity in it.

I'd also like to point out those people who got directly angry at the child herself. I'm sure everyone's in agreement with me when I ask "What's wit' dat?!". Being angry at that kid because she had the speech impediment of a three-year-old, is like being angry at N*Sync because scientists were blaring it at the dogs they were beating in those PeTA vidoes.

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Are those people even her parents?

Gee, at least now we know how those blonde hicks get all that racist culture into their childrens' heads; the clown's way.

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I suppose that the argument that this is an example of very bad parenting is not one I can dispute, but honestly I think people are way too uptight about race issues.

This is a funny video, and it clearly is not a serious stab at black people. I strongly doubt that the people who made it are actual racists, though they are clearly bad parents.

If someone gets upset at this video, they simply have not thought their reaction through. I am not bothered by this sort of thing. I would have thought it was just as funny if it was a black girl saying "f*cking crackers", and you know what? I would wager that if it had been a black girl making a racist remark against whites, there would be less than half as many replies protesting it.

The truth is, white racism is a lot more of a touchy subject than any other form of racism. A black person can call me a cracker or mistreat me because I'm white and it's viewed as funny. If I call a black person a nigger, it doesn't matter if I'm being serious or not. I'll most likely get my ass kicked. And why is this? My family never owned slaves, we immigrated to the United States after racism had already been banned. How exactly do I deserve such retribution?

Well, I'm spouting off about an entirely different issue now. So I'll wrap this up by saying that if anyone is offended by the Sparking Wiggles video, they're taking it way too seriously.

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Aseph said:
This is a funny video, and it clearly is not a serious stab at black people. I strongly doubt that the people who made it are actual racists, though they are clearly bad parents.

What is an "actual racist"? There may be "racially motivated" crimes, and some political activists that move along with racism (which is a useful tool for political ends), but otherwise racism is made up in countless actions that carry its values. Such as the funny video in question.

If someone gets upset at this video, they simply have not thought their reaction through.

Talking about touchy, ironically there seems to be more of a counterreaction to the reactions, than actual reactions to the video.

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So what community does Encyclopedia Dramatica serve really? Just from reading parts of it, it looks like some retard spawn of 4chan and YTMND and Livejournal, but hell if I know.

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