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I have to know this "monsters" name on english

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What exactly is it and what is it from?
How is it related to Doom editing?

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Craigs said:

What exactly is it and what is it from?
How is it related to Doom editing?

I don't know, maybe he's trying to use it in a mod he's making ;)

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Moved to EE. Also removed JonTTu111's sig from his post. Please shorten it drastically or stop using it. Thanks.

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Reminds me of Grimace after falling in mud.

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That is that Ice ghost from moomins. I try to make mod, where you have to escape it. I have to know its nglish name, cos i don't want use finnish name, cos you guys don't understand shit about it!

Inferno said:

Is that black smuge on it's face supposed to be it's nose?

Yes. And it have only one row of tooth. How it supposed to eat?

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Well, the Swedish name of it is "Morran" Which I suppose can be translated to "Rawrie" or something. :p

But apparently her name is The Groke...

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I know that. But if I don't remember wrong, it name is writed to Mårran. Right??? And i know its finish name too. (Because cos im from finland :p ) It is Mörkö. (No body on america or english don't know how to spell it)

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O.K I tell what is my project. I make a one level huge map where you have to escape that thing. It will be playable only in a nightmare mode and there will be no other enemies.

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Oh! I just googled it and it's swedish too! So ya, either way it'll win via it's ghost powers or IMF schemes from the International Bankers centered there! ;)

BTW has anyone ever brought the Shambler into the DOOM engine?

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Another funny picture of Groke

It is a big. So fuking big. If this felow come opposite my face on NYC central park I would shit my pants

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I have it on my computer. But it is finnish and it have dubbed by some stupid boys. They have remade many of Moomin TV series. They only say the F-Word too often thats it. I can send that episode to yours e-mail if you want

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JonTTu111: That would be wonderful, I think my girl friend would get a kick out of this too!

My E-mail had a 10Mb file limit, but if you don't mind using this:


Then that would work too, otherwise if it is under 10Mb and you want to send that way, that would be fine with me!


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