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ZDoom's Treasure Chest

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After Doomworld's Community Chest 1, 2 and the upcoming number 3, fellows from ZDoom.org started their very own map set using their favorite sourceport ZDoom without being limited to Boom only effects and specials. If you hate these limitations as well or if you are just in a mapping mood lately, join the project now. Information, screenshots, resources and the place to sign up can be found here.

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If it does use custom monsters I hope to see NONE of them from the monster resource wad. :(

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udderdude said:

Oh boy, another mapset ruined by overpowered/boring to fight custom monsters. I CAN'T WAIT.

Don't worry, there are not many new monsters, only a few special ones chosen from:
- Demon Eclipse
- Completely New Ones

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Just so long as they have no more that one projectile and one melee attack, no swirling projectiles (those fuckers in Void fucked me off) and arent overused going "LOKO AT ME" without any thought given to thier place in the monster lineup (a 2000 health super baron should not appear 3 times as often as a baron) it should be ok

Oh and with thought given to thier health based on appearance and size, a lithe goatlike melee monster should not take 3 SSG blasts to kill when the big muscular demon takes only 1

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Sounds a bit like what CC3 was initially intended to be, before it became obvious hardly anyone had much enthusiasm for it. I'll just link to Cyb's beautiful post (and wad) here.

As a more serious comment, I suppose the problem that tends to arise (pretty sure this was what sunk the original CC3) is that it is so difficult to ensure at least a modicum of continuity, as some authors will make a level that is similar to a normal Doom map with just a few little enhancements, while others will want to make theirs more like a whole new game.

But good luck with the project anyway, of course.

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@Use3D - Well, the name isn't set but if you have good suggestions, feel free to tell them :)

@Grazza - Thx, but hasn't the consistency always been a problem of multi mappers wads?

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Grazza said:

while others will want to make theirs more like a whole new game.

And that is the cancer that is killing Doom.

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And here I thought it's the diversity of potential projects that makes Doom such an interesting game...

To each his own I guess, but I'd be really bothered if your attitude dictates which projects are worthwile and which not.

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leileilol said:

yeah if i wanted to play a game loaded with shadow and lighting effects i'd play quake not doom

So you still play 1994 wads?

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i don't understand that attitude.
i suppose because doom has always been my favorite game and i have always been intensely interested in what was possible (before sourceports) to achieve within its confines and, post-sourceports, what is possible by editing.
i can care less about the quakes or almost every modern game...i'd rather play doom.

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I just don't think that creating doom maps with 3d floors, dynamic lights and other stuff destroy what doom is if done carefully.

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I think the real problem is people don't know how to use the new features in source ports (zDoom) well.

It's like 1998 all over again, when we had tons of Quake clones appearing with terrible colored lighting and bad/poorly thought out gameplay.

It's getting to the point that I don't even want to play zDoom maps. I feel like sticking to Boom/doom2.exe compatible maps only. Hell, the last map I made, i went back and made a doom2.exe compat version just to distinguish it from the increasing number of poorly made zDoom maps.

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Tormentor667 said:

...if done carefully.

Key phrase there.

I don't think people should always want to change Doom into something it's not. Nowadays, everybody wants to creat the next epic project, and honestly not everyone should strive to make those. I think Doom is best when the original gameplay is enhanced by minor embellishments and maybe a few custom items, monsters or weapons. Scripting should be reserved for more elaborate projects. Otherwise it can be excessive.

Having said that, I definitely have a few ideas for epic TCs and projects of my own. :)

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Kaiser said:
And that is the cancer that is killing Doom.

Well, that "killing" is also what keeps it alive. If you try to force the ones that want to do something totally new with it you'll drive them away just much as the opposite drives away those who want to do something closer to the game. In a way this has been happening since Boom came out, and, to a lesser degree, since wadmaking developed, if we consider the differences between TCs and plain wads.

That said, the wording in the news entry is retarded in saying that you have to hate sticking to the Boom format to want to make a ZDoom map. Is the project made out of spite that others make Boom or Doom projects, or something? What about hating DOOM 3 and other games, as well? Should anyone modding for any game stop that and be modding for ZDoom instead? It's just a dumb thing to say.

And the CC series required an upper limit to ensure that the whole thing would work on many engines, but ZDoom can run Boom and Doom wads, so requiring a lower limit doesn't make as much sense, especially considering what Grazza said, where ZDoom in itself already allows for a wide functional difference even if you do sprinkle ZDoom features in every level in the wad.

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Yeah I know this thread is a month old now but I thought I should add something.

Personally I am starting to play ONLY ZDoom requiring maps. I have played the really good huge level sets (like AV,MM,Scythe etc.) and now I feel that Doom itself has just reached a limit. To be honest, I am bored of playing through Doom.exe-compatible levels. The same monsters, the same weapons, it's just Doom with new levels. It just seems like "here we go again".

The ONLY reason I am playing Doom now is directly because of ZDoom, and the wierd and wacky creations that come from ZDoom mappers. I like the odd cutscene, I love custom monsters (though I do agree that the monster resource pack has been overused massively), I love a couple of new weapons (unless they look/function horribly), and scripting personally is what I like to think of as Doom's version of Special effects (like in movies). Scripting is what really can make something that is already good, great, breathing life into Doom levels.

People are saying if they would want to have coloured lighting and fancy effects etc. they would play a more modern FPS, why does this not apply to me?
Doom is just incredibly, ridiculously easy to use and modify. The only games I download mods for are Doom, Warcraft 3 and Thief. Both Warcraft and Thief are just a completely different style from Doom that can't be recreated in a Doom wad effectively, so Doom is my action game. I used to have games pouring out my ears, every time I went out I'd buy a new game... now alot of modern games are just blurring into one. I haven't bought a new game in months, and once again (because I've completed the games I've got) the only games I play now are Doom/Thief/Warcraft. I feel no need to play any other game or buy any other game when playing these custom Doom levels is just so much fun. Learning how to load mods for my other action games seems like an unneccesary waste of my time.
Also the fact that it's a custom Doom level rather than a modern FPS makes it different. As noted before in other threads, modern FPSs feel linear, easy and rather tame (whereas Doom usually features huge out-door areas or large rooms combined with smaller corridors and hallways, multiple ways of going around a level, hard to beat and also chaotic -- the monsters are hard to beat and are almost never alone, with the action usually consisting of fights between either squads, huge groups or just plain armies of enemies).

Anyway, by being distracted by something else I've completely lost my train of thought but the basic point is that I'm one of these people that likes seeing Doom transformed from being Doom. The wackier and wierder the wad, the better in my opinion. Did you need to read all that I said above? Nope you could of just read those few lines to understand the point but oh well :P

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spoken like a true trooper. I agree with most of that except I normally use legacy maps.

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Although I'll be the first to admit that some of the features that ZDoom and the derived ports provide are purely astounding, I am drawn away by the lack of support for operating systems other then crappy old windows (I'll spare you all the rant from this point.)

One thing I don't understand is why people put so much effort into wads. Many of the large ones have multiple highly detailed maps, elaborate plot-lines, almost entirely new content, music, sounds, ect. I can't understand why people who are willing to do that much work don't instead invest it in an entirely new game or a more modern engine.

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What I don't get is why some people get terribly upset about this whole issue. If person #1 makes a WAD using all the new shiny options available to them but person #2 doesn't like it - so what? Person #2 should carry on playing what they like and person #1 should carry on with what they like. Both still have their options and neither are forced to play anything they don't want to.

This is an amateur hobby and people do it for fun. However, all too often people get upset about such things and start name calling or whatever. How pointless and pathetic is that? Sometimes people behave like they have less years under their belts than the game they are playing.

However, the argument has happened before and it will happen again.

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Zorro said:

One thing I don't understand is why people put so much effort into wads.

People put effort into things they like. I bet you do too.

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well said, makes me wonder why the hell zorro even bothers to come to this forum/play doom wads. We (wadsters) make new wads for fun, we enjoy it, its like asking why an artist puts so much effort into a painting. Actually I think making doom wads should be classed as art.

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