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Doom Noob

Briefing Script

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Several weeks ago i started creating maps for Zdoom. Now i want to make a short briefing like the one you see when you compleet map30 in Doom2.

But how do i make that with XWE? The only thing I know is that you have to add a Entry named SCRIPT.


I hope you understand me.. because my english is not verry good :P

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Doom Noob said:

I've got Doom builder, can i build scripts with that level editor? Please tell me how :)

Yes, DB allows the creation and compilation of scripts. I assume you have DB configured for ZDooM (in Hexen format). Open your map in this configuration, and you will see Scripts in the Menu Bar. Select it, and a pop-down menu will appear with just one selection - Edit BEHAVIOR lump. Select it and the script window will pop up. Put your script in, and when you're done select the Compile button. That's it. You're done.

If you need help with scripting, check out the Scripting Primer by Rick Clark.

Bloodshedder said:

It's much easier to use a level editor that has script editing and compilation built in than to do it manually with XWE.

Bloodshedder, creating & compiling a script in XWE seems fairly straightforward. Simply create a new entry, name it SCRIPTS, create the scripts, and select Compile from the Script menu in the Menu Bar.

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Well, that sounds easy. I thought maybe you had to compile manually with acs.exe and stick the .o file into a BEHAVIOR lump yourself. Still, I prefer doing it with my level editor of choice.

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OK i want to try to make the script with XWE
I can make the SCRIPTS entry. But with what command do i have to start?

Thanks for your help

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Doom Noob said:

I can make the SCRIPTS entry. But with what command do i have to start?

It sounds like you are new to scripting. Have you read the very well-written tutorials to which I linked earlier? Here is the link again: Rick Clark's Scripting Primer. Please spend some time to review them, as it will make a whole new world open up to you. If you still have questions, please be specific about what you need.

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Hang on hang on...

Doom Noob wants to "make a short briefing like the one you see when you compleet map30 in Doom2". I'm guessing he means an intermission message like "The horrendous visage of the biggest demon you've ever seen crumbles before you..."

If that is the case, it's the MAPINFO lump he wants, not scripting.


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Yes Enjay thats what i mean :)

But how do i create my own Intermission message?

Thanks for the reactions

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Doom Noob said:

But how do i create my own Intermission message?

Please read about the MAPINFO lump to which Enjay has linked. Meanwhile, follow these steps:

    1. In XWE create a MAPINFO entry in the same way that you created a SCRIPTS entry.
    2. I'm guessing that you are not using hubs. In that case, simply put in the following text:
    "<Insert your own intermission message>"
    3. Select Script from the Menu Bar, and click on Save. That's it.

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ReX said:

Yes, DB allows the creation and compilation of scripts. I assume you have DB configured for ZDooM (in Hexen format). Open your map in this configuration, and you will see Scripts in the Menu Bar. Select it, and a pop-down menu will appear with just one selection - Edit BEHAVIOR lump. Select it and the script window will pop up. Put your script in, and when you're done select the Compile button. That's it. You're done.

At last! I've been wanting to know this for ages, but always forget to ask.

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