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Need help with implementing decorate code with xwe

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I´m relatively new to doom editing. I´m trying to insert
my decorate stuff with xwe. I´m using zdoom if that matters.

I´m familiar with level editing but i now want to create new actors.

It would be great if somebody can help me. Or does somebody have an
link for a detailed tutorial???

Thanks in advance!


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Call it decorate and you are set. For further information, go to the wiki as Dutch Devil has pointed out already.

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Yay it works! thanks!!! the next question is, how can i use the inheritance mechanism? I.e. for changing the healtpoints of an actor?

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just use this,for example:

actor DoomImp_ : DoomImp replaces DoomImp
{ health 9000
to get an über-imp with more health than a spider mastermind

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ZDoom wiki's Actor Classes page has various DECORATE definitions of existing things. After reading the tutorials on DECORATE, the Actor Classes page will really help you get the hang of it.

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Hi there,
I don't want to start a new thread for my question, so I am putting it here. Do you know how to make monster disappear after it's death states? I mean in DECORATE lump and totally disappear (remove from the map). In EDGE's DDF it was #remove command or something (lost soul uses it at the end of death states), but I am into (G)ZDoom now and can't find any DECORATE lump with states for original monsters. Thanks for the help.

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I went to wiki & read the new monster decorate. well I download monsters from realm667 so the decorate is already there & from what I understood from the wiki the structure of the decorate of the monster I downloded is correct but when I go to XWE & open my wad & merge it with the monsters wad it does the following:
messes up the sprites & changes them to images so I change them manually by going to change type & type 31 which means sprite. each type has a number so I changed the number to the numbers in the original wad of the monster. after that I checked the decorate code & it is the sam it is correct but when I close XWE & open Doombuilder the new monster is not in the monsters category!!!! this is the code can you tell me what is wrong with it p.s I noticed that every decorate is different from each other some have //$category monsters & some don't I tried both but no success well this is the code:

ACTOR BruiserDemon 3333
	//$Category Monsters
	Health 1500
	Radius 24
	Height 64
	Mass 2000
	Speed 8
	PainChance 15
	MissileType BruiserBall
	SeeSound "superbaron/scream"
	PainSound "superbaron/pain"
	DeathSound "superbaron/death"
	ActiveSound "superbaron/act"
	MeleeSound "baron/melee"
	Obituary "%o was slaughtered by a Bruiserdemon."
	HitObituary "%o was cremated by a Bruiserdemon."
	MeleeDamage 20
	Scale 1.25
		BRUS AB 10 Bright A_Look 
		BRUS AABBCCDD 3 Bright A_Chase
		BRUS E 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS F 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS G 6 Bright A_ComboAttack
		Goto See
		BRUS E 0 Bright A_Jump(144, 8)
		BRUS EF 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS G 6 Bright A_MissileAttack
		BRUS G 0 Bright A_Jump(96, 1)
		Goto See
		BRUS HI 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS J 6 Bright A_MissileAttack
		Goto See
		BRUS E 0 Bright A_Jump(96, 20)
		BRUS E 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS F 4 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS F 2 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,-40,0)
		BRUS G 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,-30,0)
		BRUS G 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,-20,0)
		BRUS G 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,-10,0)
		BRUS G 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,0,0)
		BRUS G 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,10,0)
		BRUS G 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,20,0)
		BRUS G 0 Bright A_Jump(96, 1)
		Goto See
		BRUS H 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS I 4 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS I 2 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,40,0)
		BRUS J 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,30,0)
		BRUS J 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,20,0)
		BRUS J 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,10,0)
		BRUS J 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,0,0)
		BRUS J 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,-10,0)
		BRUS J 1 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserBall2",56,0,-20,0)
		Goto See
		BRUS KL 6 Bright A_FaceTarget
		BRUS M 2 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserFireSpawner",16,0,-15,0)
		BRUS M 2 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserFireSpawner",16,0,0,0)
		BRUS M 2 Bright A_Custommissile("BruiserFireSpawner",16,0,15,0)
		Goto See
		BRUS N 5 Bright A_Pain
 		Goto See
		BRUD A 6 Bright A_Scream
		BRUD BCD 4 Bright 
		BRUD EFG 4 Bright
		BRUD H 4 Bright A_Fall
		BRUD W -1   

ACTOR BruiserBall
	Radius 16
	Height 16
	Speed 18
	Damage 16
	RenderStyle "ADD"
	Alpha 0.9
	SeeSound "imp/attack"
	DeathSound "imp/shotx"
	MissileType BruiserBallTrail
	Missileheight 0
		BRBA AABB 2 BRIGHT A_MissileAttack

ACTOR BruiserBall2
	Radius 8
	Height 8
	Speed 10
	Damage 8
	RenderStyle "ADD"
	Alpha 0.9
	SeeSound "imp/attack"
	DeathSound "imp/shotx"
		BRB2 CDEFGHI 3 Bright

ACTOR BruiserFireSpawner
	Radius 8
	Height 8
	Speed 12
	Damage 0
	MissileType BruiserFire
	Missileheight 0
		TNT1 A 3 Bright A_MissileAttack
  		TNT1 A 3
  		TNT1 A 3
		TNT1 A 6

actor BruiserBallTrail
    Radius 1
    Height 1
    Speed 0
    ALPHA 0.70
     	BRBA CDEFGHIJ 4 Bright

ACTOR BruiserFire
	Radius 1
    	Height 1
    	Speed 0
    	Damage 20
    	ALPHA 0.9
	SeeSound "weapons/rocklx"
  		XXBF AB 3 Bright
    		XXBF C 3 Bright A_Explode(48,128,0)

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hmm, ive noticed that when i tried out WRW.wad,
it seems that the decorate codes sometimes do not work at all by some reason, is it beacuse different versions of the engines ( mostly zdoom ) but why deos the change the support to the different engine versions anyway(if it is so)? it seems kinda stupid/un logic/annoying/what ever you like to call it, to remove old code at the same time as you're adding new and more modern code.

it messes up for those who wants to test the old stuff and then it does not work beacuse of too new version of engine.

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busta5000 said:

I went to wiki & read the new monster decorate. well I download monsters from realm667 so the decorate is already there & from what I understood from the wiki the structure of the decorate of the monster I downloded is correct but when I go to XWE & open my wad & merge it with the monsters wad it does the following:
messes up

If you don't want XWE to mess up, do not use XWE. XWE messes up, it's what it does.

busta5000 said:

the sprites & changes them to images so I change them manually by going to change type & type 31 which means sprite.

This is stupid XWEness. Sprites are images anyway. Lumps do not have a type numeral anywhere. Most probably, you're doing it wrong and forgetting to put the sprites between sprite markers.

busta5000 said:

when I close XWE & open Doombuilder the new monster is not in the monsters category!!!!

Who fucking cares? Is it really important?

busta5000 said:

//$category monsters & some don't I tried both but no success well this is the code:

Anything that is after // in a DECORATE lump is a comment and is ignored by the engine. DB exploit this to have special comments such as //$category. That DB/DB2 can parse DECORATE code and automatically add actors with an editor number is a nifty little function, which is nice and all, but really not necessary since you can just enter any value you want for a thing's type anyway.

But yeah, put //$category Monsters and DB will add it to the Monsters category -- provided that it has an editor number.

D_GARG said:

hmm, ive noticed that when i tried out WRW.wad,
it seems that the decorate codes sometimes do not work at all by some reason, is it beacuse different versions of the engines ( mostly zdoom ) but why deos the change the support to the different engine versions anyway(if it is so)? it seems kinda stupid/un logic/annoying/what ever you like to call it, to remove old code at the same time as you're adding new and more modern code.

it messes up for those who wants to test the old stuff and then it does not work beacuse of too new version of engine.


None of what you say make any sense or seems based on reality.

The WRW is a buggy piece of shit that was not created for ZDoom in the first place, but for the ZDoom Community Build.

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Gez said:

Who fucking cares? Is it really important?


None of what you say make any sense or seems based on reality.

The WRW is a buggy piece of shit that was not created for ZDoom in the first place, but for the ZDoom Community Build.

sometimes is it important.

ok, WRW is just buggy, so then the zdoom build is not finished yet beacuse WRW is screwed, was it suposed to be togheter with the zdoom build?

well sometimes DECORATE just dont want to work with some zdoom versions, do all versions have the same support for DECORATE?
WRW worked for me only once ... then it went: YAHOOO!

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No, it never is important. It's a nice little bonus, but it's not actually needed.

And why do you want to use the WRW anyway? It's not a weapon mod, it's a resource. It was supposed to be there for modders to pick something from it and plug it in their project; but not to be played standalone. Also, the weapons are crap.

Tell you what, go here instead.

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Gez said:

No, it never is important. It's a nice little bonus, but it's not actually needed.

And why do you want to use the WRW anyway? It's not a weapon mod, it's a resource. It was supposed to be there for modders to pick something from it and plug it in their project; but not to be played standalone. Also, the weapons are crap.

Tell you what, go here instead.

YEHEA ALLRIGT, now i can also see how weapons are scripted, ... now, i was almost going to make some weapons myself but i think i take som of this and put it in my project of modifying E1 !

thnx for the advice.

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