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The Green Herring

Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

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Qaatar said:

This one is for Blob, and I hope you can push it to under 9 minutes when you get there. :D

I've included ggg's failed max in the zip, since it was a great demo, and he ALMOST made it to the end.

MAP18 UV-Max in 9:21

ouh to get closer to 9mins looks very hard, your run is awesome, and i see no flaws
maybe when will reach level18 i can tell something more :>

atm im a bit low mood for playing doom, working too much, and maps/times requires longer and longer..
I'm currently at map15 btw, but as intermission im back on scythex a bit for fun ;o
again nice run !

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Qaatar said:

I just want to make sure, as I've checked and double checked this entire forum. The only Maxes left undone for all 3 CC's are CC3 Map 18 (ggg posted a failed demo, which I will watch for ideas) and CC1 Map 29? Just would like someone to corroborate this. Thanks!

ill upload on youtube the leve13 uvmax of mine (didn't really put 2 much efforts in this one btw ;o) and will add the new "pack" (13-14-15-16) of lmps the next week (i try to keep the usual rythm of 4 maps for 2 weeks, to dont rush it 2 much and let it become 2 stressfull)

I will probably have a serious look into uvmaxxing cc1-29 if all goes as smooth as it seems to go lately btw... I'm in.. a lucky moment (?)
so in case anyone of you already tried or played it (even with save states) a little bit, any tipè would be extrimely welcome! D:
I'm still unsure about how the rocket launcher path works, I remember back then when i tried the level the first time, I couldnt jump on those small platforms anylonger. Maybe it was some sort of bug or no clue what.
cheers ;)

edit: cc1-29 obviously after i'd be finished with cc3 fully

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I posted a failed max run in the "Failed max" thread. It shows my route to the red key door, after which I fell off the ledge and suicided.

The route you take really depends on how aggressive and efficient you want to be. There really are two dangerous areas to look out for, and they both involve cyberdemons. The first is the fact that you don't have access to a BFG when encountering the cybie behind the pictogram of the final boss. You can either use the SSG, or wait until you have the BFG later on. The problem with that is, both methods are pretty slow, and one is riskier than the other (the rooms that you can fight in are narrow and have smaller choke points). Obviously, backtracking with the BFG in tow is going to waste a lot of time.

The second area is the cybie fight on the bridge. One wrong move, and you fall into the lava. Either you risk trying to two shot him there, or you can try something else (I have no clue what else to do). A plasma rifle would work wonders - except Magikal for some reason decided not to put one into the level. Why that is, I have no clue. The map is just filled with extremely awkward and difficult fights, with no real alternatives.

Something tells me that no one bothered to playtest that thing on UV. I think Vile said he beat that level in like 80 minutes with saves, through casual play, and I'm pretty sure that he didn't max it.

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about the wierd stairs to one of the cyber, is there a way to climb up again if you fall in the poison area?

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Yes, there's a teleporter at the bottom behind a yellow key door. The "weird stairs" is the bridge I'm talking about. It is SO ridiculously easy to fall off of that bridge...I honestly can't figure out a clean and consistent method to take out that cybie without resorting to something lame like sniping him with rockets.

The teleporter takes you back to the starting point of the map, so you'll have to navigate the entire bridge again if you fall off.

Edit: Forgot to mention that it is impossible to exit that lava area without the yellow key, so don't even think about trying to grab the BFG first or anything like that.

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fourth pack of my runs for cc3 wad.

map13 uvmax 05:59**
map14 uvmax 12:05*
map15 uvmax 06:52*
map16 uvmax 05:47*
map17 uvmax 07:52*
3*stupid deaths of map17 as special bonus.

*current DSDA record
**no previous DSDA entry for the category present

as usual, for lazy people I upload the video on my youtube page as well


ps: pretty much so long for the new records here I fear! I've less time due to work and the next maps either are some of the hated ones, or ultra hard/holding already excellent times
I'll try my best neverthless :)

dont add the "shit" demos to the archive please, just the uv-max ones please


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Just watched gggmork and Qaatar's demos on CC3MAP18 - I was very impressed. Seemd quite unlucky for gggmork to come so close, and I certainly never thought my map could be played as aggressively as either of you managed! Quite looking forwards to blob1024's demo now.

I was wondering - what makes the map so difficult to max? I saw that the teleport for the red key switch where the yellow key is collected from slows things down considerably if the Mancubi don't make it through fast enough, and I'd imagine the open-ended layout requires a lot of planning and forethought, but I'd have thought larger and harder maps like MAP04 and MAP12 would have taken more beating.

Obviously I'm more of a casual player who just maxes his way slowly through maps with the use of saving when things seem difficult or set up for a trap, so the process is a bit of a mystery to me. Closest I come to competitive single play is when I decide on par times for my maps by doing a uv speed run!

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well the map isn't particularly tough, but there are some very exquisite rooms which can trouble a run a lot, like the wide one where the first reachable SSG is placed, or one of the final ones with pinkies/lostsoul/pain elemental.
I personally only had a look to the (your?) map and seeing qaatar's video surprised me on how smooth it went. Considering how limited is the margin of improvement there, I actually decided to skip at least for now map18 running.
I'm currently done with all maps from 19 to 28, where I'm investing the few free time I've got to improve the most the record. Especially because I overwrote my best time and I still could not catch him back yet. grrr....

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MWAHAHAH jesus christ YES!
i bet i got some bloody eyes right now. FUCK THIS
finally done with map28 too, dont wanna rush the insane hellish horde-madness ever again... and improved the lost-time by even half a minute more.
okay enough with entusiasm. cya in 2 weeks once im done with map29 lol

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@Phobus -

Thanks for the kind words. I think what makes the map difficult to max is the high ammo to damage ratio one has to maintain throughout the run. You can see that I barely missed any shots, picked up every single piece of ammunition lying around, my BFG usage was rather decent - and I STILL only ended up with 40 cells for the last two rooms, used up all of my rockets, and had only around 30 shells to spare (counting the last shell box in the exit room) when I left the level. I think those factors, along with the awkward placements of some monsters, contribute to the difficulty of the map. Even so, you're right. There are more difficult maps out there that have solid demos; I just think that my biggest strength as a demo recorder is efficiency, and this map requires that exact certain skillset and mentality. For example, I'm a pretty terrible slaughtermap player by my own standards.


I can't wait to watch your improvement over Heretic's demo on MAP28. :)

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fifth pack of my runs for cc3 wad

map19 uvmax 12:43
map20 uvmax 20:22*
map21 uvmax 03:02
map22 uvmax 03:51*
map23 uvmax 09:24*

*current DSDA record

as usual, for lazy people I upload the video on my youtube page as well


ps: I guess I'll revisit a few maps after I'm done with map29,30&32 to improve the times a bit ;o


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sixth pack of my runs for cc3 wad

map24 uvmax 12:44*
map25 uvmax 11:52*
map26 uvmax 10:55*
map27 uvmax 09:10*
map28 uvmax 06:38*

*current DSDA record

as usual, for lazy people I upload the video on my youtube page as well


ps: may go inactive for a while, as map29 perfezionistic aims claims a better time from my current low 27min as uv-max (even tho current record is 28:3x by anima). In case ive no time to play or the old rusty BGII I got back from my cd-shelf drains too much of my free time- I'll eventually upload the 27:3x min I've scored atm!


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blob1024 said:

old rusty BGII I got back from my cd-shelf drains too much of my free time

Heh...one of my favorites as well.

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umh. electronic of my HD died in my absence last week, causing me to lose basically everything. some of my non posted lmps too

I had played map29 already but I lost the valid lmp. for the interested I had posted short before the HD burned avideo on my you tube page:

map29 uvmax 27:30

and yea, I will play again the map and try to get sub 27 this time, but i havent played doom for 1month or so, and I've much new stuff to care about (and in this case even more important than doom itself: read girls. the only thing which may compare doom in importance obviously!)

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blob1024 said:

umh. electronic of my HD died in my absence last week, causing me to lose basically everything. some of my non posted lmps too

I had played map29 already but I lost the valid lmp. for the interested I had posted short before the HD burned avideo on my you tube page:

map29 uvmax 27:30

and yea, I will play again the map and try to get sub 27 this time, but i havent played doom for 1month or so, and I've much new stuff to care about (and in this case even more important than doom itself: read girls. the only thing which may compare doom in importance obviously!)

Oh! No wonder I can't found your map29 run in DSDA. Well never mind, I am sure you can finish it within 27 minutes. :)

Anyway, Community Chest 2 map19 - The Marbelous Three(UV Max) by 4:07


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since my pc dies every now and then and I lost already the lvl29 lmp, I'll probably post for each demo id like to upload here instead of waiting 3-4.

community chest III
Map30 uvmax 05:14*

*current DSDA record

after some attempts, I was mostly getting killed during the level by unlucky bfg crap blasts or hitscanners from 1337km far ganking me !"$!%
2 bad for some minor time losses, but it's quite good I hope


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oh, thanks for the feedback :) concerning that wad, I've never heard of it yet, Ill have a brief look now, but I think ill finished map31+32 here and then return to doomcore, which I left at map02 **

edit: oh! thats a doom1 wad, not really happy to be missing my loyal ssg, but will look it a bit neverthless

edit2: umh. changed idea, will save the playing for som FDA in some speedrunning breaks I think :P

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Actually it always those 3 to 4 persons who keep doing on 2002ADO max runs, I have stopped since I found it boring soon.

Nice that you finish Cchest3 map30 blob1024! Map31 and 32 are as annoying as hell, I don't like the hitscan much.

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community chest 3-map31
I wondered if there's actually a way to reach the miniroom with the BFG and the cells in map31 or if it was put just as extra (or eventually the shortcut to the room was cut in the development of the level)
does anyone know that? Anima's demo doesnt involve the room in question neither, and using idclip to reach it, leads to a dead end. *hmm

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I know this room about that BFG. Same as me that I havn't asked the question as what Anima do. Will that BFG just put in this map to trick us, like what HR map04 have?

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I believe the BFG was meant to be only accessible when playing in the deathmatch section of the map — although it seems you can't access it anyhow unless you do a vertical rocket jump in an applicable source port. Ah well. Those items should have been flagged as deathmatch-only...

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j4rio said:

something for blob to have fun with :p

cchest3 32 max 4:55

argh will be even harder now ahaha! nice time btw :>
will probably take more than a few hours now, so ive to postpone till im back from holidays, leaving in some hours ;)
bb everyone!

community chest III
Map31 uvmax 11:53*

*current DSDA record

hating the map, first record exit, but It's pretty annoying and speedrunning unfriendly with so less health and armour in second half.


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wow I can't believe it o.ò

community chest III
Map32 uvmax 04:46*

*current DSDA record

my holiday trip was delayed a bit, so I had some hours to play still :>
personally I found this map very difficult to finish under 5min for more than 1hour, then some good run without troubles started to arrive, but I failed in the final part due to bad movement of revs or shabby stuff of mine. the intermissions on this demo were my best or close to, so I won't really improve this unless i'd invest much more time. j4rio impressed me with his 4:55 scored in 1h, because I needed at least 2-3h for mine instead :(


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Cool! :p

I'll see what I can do, sometime laters. Got a quick 4:50 but with the amount of mistakes I did I think a <4:30 isn't out of reach. I don't have the patience for marathon recordings though.

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j4rio said:

Cool! :p

I'll see what I can do, sometime laters. Got a quick 4:50 but with the amount of mistakes I did I think a <4:30 isn't out of reach. I don't have the patience for marathon recordings though.

yea I thought 4.3x would be reachable for you
as I wrote in my txt btw, i saved lots of time with the health bonus/cells from your old run, but i cant be fast enough with revenants.
guess I'm too mediocre to improve to that point, it will require too much time and stress for me :>

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