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Annoying problem - "no IWAD set for this configuration"

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This is really annoying. Whenever I start a new map, name it, and select the configuration, it gives me an diologue box with the folowing errors:

WARNING: You have no IWAD file set for this configuration!
WARNING: Could not find required lump PLAYPAL

A similar message occurs on other times, this time just in a diologue box:

You do not have the IWAD configured for this configuration yet. Would you like to browse for the correct IWAD now?

When I try to run a map, it just gives me "WARNING: You have no IWAD file set for this configuration!"

and yet, I'm able to close the diologue box and edit the map, and run it, yet the errors persist, and I'm sure somethings very wrong.

Please help me out. I'm new to this and I don't know what's going on. This is really annoying.

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since i prefer to be helpful rather than snarky, here's how you solve the issue:

in the configuration menu under 'tools' select the 'files' tab.
then browse and for the filepath to your iwad to associate with the engine you're mapping for ala 'Doom Legacy'. That should eliminate the problem with the IWAD set. Its a shame the ol' fm doesn't have a helpful section telling you what to do in case of this error.

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