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How to purchase original, boxed DOS doom?

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Intel17 said:

Okay. I'll pay $200 for it, new. Anybody here have a collection with multiple copies willing to sell?

I hope you can find something eventually, but you'll probably have a hard time finding new copies. If you're willing to buy something used, there is an auction for the original disks and box and a separate one for the original manual. They both end in the next few days and have no bids, so you might be able to get them cheap. I know it's not what you want, but they might be something you could add to your collection until you can find a new copy somewhere.

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Intel17 said:

Okay. I'll pay $200 for it, new. Anybody here have a collection with multiple copies willing to sell?

I have one new copy and 2 used copies of the original full-version Doom1 floppies.

Took me a while to get them...just keep looking!

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Intel17 said:

Dusty, would you be willing to sell any of them? Even the used one?

At this time no, but when I have time to go through all my stuff I will be selling some things that I have more than 2 of.

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I have the original, boxed, with manual, and all the floppies. If you really want to buy it, PM me and we can discuss details.

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I'm looking to buy as many copies as I can -- PM me if you want to make a deal.

I also have other Doom products that I'd be willing to trade -- just ask.

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whatah said:


Look! Look! Look!

DOOM floppies on ebay

Damn! I almost want to buy those for myself, but I'll let you have them Intel17, since I know you want them more than me anyway (and you'd outbid me too). I am sure that they'll make a fine addition to your collection!

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Well, I lost that auction (I bid 155, but some other guy outbid me), but I found another DOOM on eBay and I got it for $52. Thanks, all!

Still, though, if you want to sell me yours, give me a PM and we can strike a deal.

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