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My first Wad

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Like you said, I think the level could use some more decoration to jazz things up a bit. The map was pretty easy but the map's progression was fairly interesting. Perhaps you could add some more interesting architecture to fill up your large rooms. Wooden support beams, crenulated walls, little islands in the water, and border textures could help make the map visually pleasing. Also: When you draw your rooms, draw them so they don't just look like random shapes stuck together. Give each room a sort of purpose and make the map flow together.

Good luck with your episode and kudos for making a Heretic wad.

EDIT: Make sure the lines that the doors slide up and down on are lower unpegged. That way, they don't slide around when your door activates.

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I made the second map E1M2 and it's A LOT BETTER
I may delete the first map or make a huge modification to it since imo it was horrible

Here is the second map http://rapidshare.com/files/102337778/SHERETIC2.zip.html

I want to get opinions for:
* Decoration
* Fun Factor
* Difficulty
* Ammunition
* Suggestions for another version of this map

Please I want comments from everyone who tries this wad

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