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the iron hitman

3D elevators (Similar to Quakes?)

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Hey all.

I don't know if anyone has accomplished this trick before, but I've figured out how to make true 3D elevators in GzDoom (which link up to 3D floors :O)

First download the wad here (Note: Sorry for the bland level but you get the idea):- LINK UPDATED


Here's how you do it:

First, you need to know how to make a basic elevator script. I will provide my script used here (in case you feel lazy and don't want to look up elevator creation tutorials)

#include "zcommon.acs"

int floor;

script 1 (void)
if (floor == 1)
Elevator_LowerToNearest (3, 24);
floor = 0;
///Lowest floor
///Highest floor
Elevator_RaiseToNearest (3, 24);
floor = 1;

script 2 (void)
Elevator_MoveToFloor (3, 24);
floor = 0;

script 3 (void)
Elevator_MoveToFloor (3, 24);
floor = 1;

Next, you need to create at least 3 sectors. 1 for being the main elevator itself (in the middle) 1 as the upper floor, and 1 that acts as the lower floor.

Make sure the sector that is acting as the lowest floor has the same FLOOR and CEILING height as the real sector (e.g. if the lower sector has a floor height of 0, make the floor height of the lower floor dummy sector 0, same with the ceiling)

Next, make sure the sector as the elevator is accessible, recommended the ceiling is only 8 above the floor, and give this sector a 3D attribute (linedef that is in that sector, linedef number 160.)

For reference, Argument 1 for 3D floors is the sector tag, Argument 2 I'm not sure about and argument 4 is the transparency.

Now, make sure this elevator DUMMY sector will have the sector tag that corresponds with the elevator script that you implement into the ACS. Mine is set at 3. Then add a 3D attribute to a linedef in this sector (linedef action 160). Give argument 1 a sector tag of 2.

Then, make sure that there is a 3rd dummy sector attached to a part of the dummy elevator sector. This will act as the 3D floor that the elevator will rise to. Set a line in this sector with linedef 160.

Now, in the sector that will be part of your map, draw an area that will be your floor inside this "map" and give this a sector tag of 3 (as an example)

Next, draw an elevator sector in this map. Give this the same sector tag as the 3D linedef in that sector.

Now, draw a switch against the wall where the elevator will be. Make the linedef that will act as a switch will run "script 1" which is the script that activates the elevator motion.

And from there, your imagination will be your limit! I hope this helps out the people who wanna make 3D elevators with GzDoom. =)

In case the player makes a mistake (e.g. throws himself off the moving elevator, draw some sectors that will be switches, and give the lower floor switch the "script 2" number, and the upper floor switch the "script 3" number,

Hope I helped anyone with this =)

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there's a vanilla way to do 3d elevators. One of the earlier maps of STRAIN had it. I'm not sure exactly how but I know it can be done.

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I can't seem to get to the page with the downloadable file. Filefront is being strange. Anyway I thought I should point out that 3D floors do work in Skulltag (maybe ZDoom too) these days so I'm interested to see if this will work as well.

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I made a full 3D room act as an elevator, its not too awefuly difficult.

The real difficult part is making enough safegaurds to make it so bored people cant screw up your elevator but standing under it or hitting the button many times over to glitch the elevator through the ground/roof.

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I would like to see it, but i can't download it because when i click the link it just transfers me to a frontpage of FileFront. Can you use a different host?

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Personally, I find it easier without the scripting, but yes, 3D lifts are very cool. I've been slowly working on a Legacy/GZdoom map for bloody ages that has quite a few such moving platforms and lifts in it.

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But scripting is required for it to be "unbreakable".

Anyway, sorry to burst your buble, but this isn't something new. Example of released wads that have true 3d elevators.
Nimrod http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=11610 (Legacy/GZdoom)
Ruins http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=10854 (EDGE)

Ok, that's the only ones I can think of right now that I KNOW have them. I bet there are others though. They're really just gimmicks anyway, so the trouble of making a visually appealing elevator is usually not really worth the effort.

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kristus said:

Ok, that's the only ones I can think of right now that I KNOW have them. I bet there are others though.

Demon Eclipse and probably TUTNT (GZDoom both).

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They do but any sector can be silenced in (G)Zdoom by placing a silent sound sequence thing in it so it's not really an issue.

The only sound problem is that the 3D floors themselves are silent when they move. This can be got around with scripting, of course, and possibly other methods, but I usually just try and put the control sector close enough to the play sector so that the sound it makes could believably be coming from the 3D floor. So far, that has worked out for every place that I have needed it.

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Enjay said:

I notice that there is no mention of these specials in the script:



They might come in useful. That's how I move 3D floors.

Is this method just the same (but slightly different) as my script? Or does it have any particular advantages/other gimmicks that can be accomplished with this method?

kristus said:

Anyway, sorry to burst your buble, but this isn't something new.

I thought that would've been the case. This was just for reference and to assist in building these "feats".

DooMAD said:

Personally, I find it easier without the scripting, but yes, 3D lifts are very cool. I've been slowly working on a Legacy/GZdoom map for bloody ages that has quite a few such moving platforms and lifts in it.

I hope this was some help or even a rough guide on what to do.

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the iron hitman said:

Is this method just the same (but slightly different) as my script? Or does it have any particular advantages/other gimmicks that can be accomplished with this method?

It's pretty similar. The specials I mentioned are for moving the sector by explicit defined amounts so, for example, there is no need to set up your control sector with adjacent sectors for it to move to.

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Enjay said:

The only sound problem is that the 3D floors themselves are silent when they move. This can be got around with scripting, of course, and possibly other methods, but I usually just try and put the control sector close enough to the play sector so that the sound it makes could believably be coming from the 3D floor. So far, that has worked out for every place that I have needed it.

You can get around that by splitting one of the 3d floors control sectors up in two, and place each peice so it's (the sectors) center point is where the elevator is located. Unless GZDoom changed how sector sounds work compared to vanilla doom, that should give you the sound.

That is if your elevator is made up entirely of 3d-floors. If you got a beam going from the ceiling or the floor to the elevator, you can just have that give the sound.

EDIT: If you got the connection on the wall though, you can have the wall connection control 3d floor connect to the same sector it's giving a 3d-floor, that way the sound will actually be coming from the connectors, instead of just from the middle of the elevator. And if you want, you have also then make the texture on the slip it connects to move up and down together with the elevator.

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kristus said:

Unless GZDoom changed how sector sounds work compared to vanilla doom, that should give you the sound.

ZDoom changed that recently; but Graf put back a compatibility flag that can be used in MAPINFO.

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