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A couple more thoughts for DB2

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Yeah, so I have been thinking a bit recently about DB2 and tools that I would find useful.

So on that note, here are a couple more suggestions for CodeImp's consideration. They are only minor ones so take them as you see fit.

Thanks heaps.

-I think the ability to raise/lower floor and ceiling heights globally would be really good. Lets say in a room, there are various sectors with ceiling heights of 100, 110, 120 and 130. It would be useful to be able to raise those ceiling heights by, say 100 units all at the same time, so that the final heights would be 200, 210, 220, and 230.
It would be a command something like "raise ceiling/floor by a set number of units" for the selected sectors. Especially useful in areas where there is lots of detail, or when cutting and pasting an area to somewhere else where it needs to be at a different height.

-In DB1 if you want to move a room around, you have to first select the lines/sectors and move them. Then you have to go to things mode and move the things separately. I would like to be able to move everything in an area at the same time, regardless of whether a line, a sector or a thing. Mainly 'coz I tend to suck when I am moving big piles of things around and having to realign them.

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Kyka said:

-I think the ability to raise/lower floor and ceiling heights globally would be really good. Lets say in a room, there are various sectors with ceiling heights of 100, 110, 120 and 130. It would be useful to be able to raise those ceiling heights by, say 100 units all at the same time, so that the final heights would be 200, 210, 220, and 230.
It would be a command something like "raise ceiling/floor by a set number of units" for the selected sectors. Especially useful in areas where there is lots of detail, or when cutting and pasting an area to somewhere else where it needs to be at a different height.

This is already in. Enter "++100" into the box, and it'll add 100 to it. -- would be used to decrease it. This can be used for a whole bunch of things including floor/ceiling heights and texture alignments.

As for lining up things when moving them, my standard technique for that is to create a triangle-shaped dummy sector somewhere in the area I'm moving, and line up the tip of it with whatever needs to be lined up. It's especially useful when overlaying areas for portals, which need to be lined up 100% perfectly to avoid glitches.

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